i have this question from my daughter.
i do not know to answer so i look out in the internet.
and these are their answer...
Choosing one's career all depends upon the interest and the aptitude one has. If you are still baffled about your career, then think about the professions that you always wanted to adopt and after this, decide that which career is the best for you; be it engineering or medicine. All you need is determination and nothing else!
Also make sure your chosen career is enjoyable and that you would be able to do it everyday for years. If you think it would get boring...it's probably not right for you.
I didn't exactly choose my career. It more or less chose me. I graduated from college with a major in psychology, but in order to really do something in the field, a master's degree was necessary. I had had enough school for the time being, so I decided to get job to earn money for grad school.
Jobs were a bit scarce at the time, so I took a test for the IRS. I did well on it and got a seasonal position at the IRS. After five years I got a permanent job there. I took to the work, and I started my way up the ladder and eventually became a manager. Before I knew it, twenty-eight years had passed. I had the opportunity to travel all around the country and made a lot of friends. I learned so much. I thoroughly enjoyed my years with the government. As I said, my career chose me.
Your career seems such a good example of how we gravaitate toward and succeed most in positions/careers that utilize our natural abilities/interests, aptitudes and fit with what we value. ESTJ on the Myers-Briggs?
well i'm not old enough to have a job, but i want to be a math professor, and i chose that because i like to help people and show them things. i show people things now when i tutor and i love to see their faces light up like "ohhhh... now i get it!!" that is how you chose a job.
We can choose a career in which we are having interest i choose my character or career as pilot because i like to fly
Choose what you like.And enjoy it.
I agree with robbier44, i was a nurse for 35 yrs. Enjoyed all my time. Like what u r doing, be happy if u r young take 2-5 years to find out what u want to do then go for it.
Although i'm still in high school i know what career i want. I desperately want to be a writer. When i write i just feel good. Everything gets quiet and its like i'm on a boat in the middle of the ocean or just someplace really peaceful. The way to pick your career is to just do something that makes you feel good.
Looking back, my career chose me in many ways. I gravitated naturally both in interest and opportunities toward what I was naturally prone to in skills and natural ability, and what personal values I held. I really think this is the absolute best way to choose a career in retrospect, though I didn't even realize that's what was occurring over the years...
I am a big proponent of ability and type assessments and indicators that can give the individual a better picture of their abilities and careers that make good use of those. From there, one can tailor their choices and look for opportunities to further develop their skill and experience in these areas. Someone prone to view the world and relate to it in abstract and creative terms, and to work in a role capacity that allows them great deal of interaction with the public might not choose lab research, for example. Someone with a strong aptitude for convergent problem solving will enjoy solving problems (diagnostic and analytical), and might not be happy in a political lobbyist career, even thought they may have strong political views.
I say know thyself! Know your natural abilities and tendencies/preferences for extraversion (different from extroversion) and introversion, communication, creativity, problem solving, special abilities and aptitudes (i.e. Individual musical propensity, rhythm, memory), etc., and seek a match with career. Where the joy is, success follows.
Some good assessments in my opinion include the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), Strong Interest Inventory, The Highlands Ability Battery (also called Natural Ability Battery), and several Emotional Quotient inventories. There is a book that is republished in new edition each year since the 90's called "What Color is Your Parachute" which can assist you in further considering what might be a good fit for your ability and interest, and with resources to begin exploring these fields...
Also, it never hurts to understand your own personal life values when considering career. There are many sites which offer free personal life values assessments so you can get a better picture. Or you can go to the Live Well group on this site and look in content to get an example of how to begin to understand and really determine you own personal life values. Here is the link to that group (just click on the blue words): Live Well Home Page. Scroll down the page to see the content on Life Values.
I chose my (potential) career because I saw the pride my Dad took in his job when he served in the military. I thought it couldn't hurt to give it a try. Since I joined, I've enjoyed it. I've done a tour in Iraq already and I'm about to do another. It's definitely not easy but I managed and I learned a lot. I know I could be at other jobs making a lot more money. But I don't think there are too many others, in which I would take nearly as much pride. So I think I can take the hit on making more money for my enjoyment and pride.
You just chose it by what you think will make you happy ....that is how i would choose mine
Think for few minutes what are the hidden talents in you. Don`t go the way against your interest. It`s you who has to study the useful thing, which helps you to build a great career. But all you need is
self-confidence and broad thinking. Don`t go for a hardwork but do smartwork. This is the ultimate key for any success.
I say go with whatever you want to be.....think about your childhood desires.....
Based on my interest and the scope of the profession am interested about.
I did not choose! I had no choice! Parents own a company!
Father in law got me a job in the industry. I was forced to be responsible by raising children. As time went on I continued to excel until it became second nature, and well I ended up enjoying it so I stayed.
I had a lot of jobs before...from a Legal Assistant to a College Professor. I quit all those for I was not totally happy. In my long range of experience, I met all kinds of people in all walks of life. A formed one company at a time after each company has survived and have made a name in the industry. I chose personally the very people I've known whom I've reposed my trust. They helped me run the companies. They are all smart and can work with less supervision. I started as a General Manager, then as a
General Executive Manager and now as CEO. This is where and what I am now in the corporate ladder.
My choice of my career started when i was still a little child, when my father pointed to me the high towers in the big city. My father told me that i can make my own Tower(or big building as well). He introduced to me the concept of being an engineer. I still remember, my father gave me magazines after work. This magazines are about airplanes, so i have my plans in my mind to become an engineer and a pilot as well ^^
I think, ur experiences will tell you which career will you love. The more you love something, the more you will give your best efforts, the best way you will be at your best career .
pray and ask for the right path and right career.
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1 day ago
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