Knowledge is for sharing. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person. InsyaAllah. How can I find happiness and peace in life? All this is by sharing or in concert with like minded people and if they are none find some and convert them into your line and share peace and happiness among them. I am a student of the universe, a seeker of knowledge, a lover of learning.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Sujud Sajdah or Make frequent prostrations before Allah
my true life experience yesterday while doing tarawikh prayer.
the imam was reciting juz 9 and end of surah al A'raf 206, which had sujud sajadah but i did not realized.
oh Allah forgive me. I will be aware next time in the following days.
Ma'dan b. Talha reported: I met Thauban, the freed slave of God's Messenger, and asked him to tell me about an act for which, if I do it, God will admit me to Paradise, or I asked about the act which was loved most by God. He gave no reply. I again asked and he gave no reply. I asked him for the third time, and he said: I asked God's Messenger about that and he said: Make frequent prostrations before God, for you will not make one prostration without raising you a degree because of it, and removing a sin from you, because of it. Ma'dan said that then he met Abu al-Darda' and when he asked him, he received a reply similar to that given by Thauban.
In the second Hadith, Rabi'a b. Ka'b said: I was with God's Messenger one night and I brought him water and what he required. He said to me: Ask (anything you like). I said: I ask your company in Paradise. He (the Prophet) said: Or anything else besides it. I said: That is all (what I require). He said: Then help me to achieve this for you by devoting yourself often to prostration.
Sajdah is truly a humbling experience. We can beg for God's forgiveness and cry by thinking about our misdeeds, as well as seek refuge in God from the Hellfire. We are in one of the most submissive physical positions when in Sajdah. It is one of the best occasions to ask God for forgiveness, guidance, and all that we want. It is one of the best positions in which to talk to God. Seeking God's pleasure and forgiveness need to be given top priority in these remaining days and nights of Ramadan.
Dr. Muhammad Karim Beebani, Saudi Gazette (The Muslim World weekly July 7, 2000)
Sajdah is a unique position or stance in the regular prayers, which a Muslim is supposed to offer at least five times a day. Although the basic purpose of obligatory prayers is not to provide an exercise for people yet it is being increasingly recognized that it has plenty of medical advantages for the human body. Here it is worth mentioning that Holy Prophet Muhammad has mentioned in a hadeeth in Ibn Majah that prayer is a cure for many diseases. The fact is that a person who offers his prayers regularly that too in the mosque is protected from many diseases which he many not even know. The position of Sajdah in which the forehead touches the earth is exclusively associated with the Muslim form of prayer. It is the climax of a Muslim's prayer and as mentioned in a Hadeeth a Muslim is nearest to Allaah in this position.
Abu Huraira reported in Bukhari that the messenger of Allaah (pbuh) said: "The nearest a servant comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating himself, so make supplication (in this state)"
Syeda Aa`ishah Siddiqa (Ra) narrates that Holy Prophet used to prolong the prostration to such an extent that one could recite fifty verses (of the Qur'an) before he would lift his head, (Bukhari).
In another Hadeeth narrated by Anas bin Malik, Holy Prophet (pbuh) advised Muslims to perform Ruku (bowing) and Sajdah properly.
In another Hadeeth he advised to perform Sajdah and Bowing calmly and to get up only when the body has come to ease.
In supplication for the victory. He also performed long bowing (Ruku) and Sajdah in the special prayers at the time of eclipse. Hence the first positive effect upon a person who prostrates or does Sajdah is that he comes nearest to Allaah and hence in that condition he can supplicate. This is a great psychological advantage and it gives relief to the person concerned as life is full of worries and in this position he gets at least a transient refuge from the agonizing problems. When a person goes to the position of prostration Sajdah his whole body is in active motion. This position can be considered as a mini dive as the musalli (one who offers prayer) goes to rest his forehead on the ground while his hands are placed at the sides. This brings most of the body muscles if not all in active motion and serves to give them some exercise.
The hands are then specifically stretched out and thence the forearm as well as arm muscles are supposed to bear the weight in the Sajdah position. It gives good exercise to the muscles of the upper limb. Holy Prophet (pbuh) in a hadeeth advised not to put the forearms flatly on the ground but to keep them elevated above ground and this is better for the forearm and arm muscles.
Sajdah is a unique position as this is the only position in which brain (or head) becomes lower than the heart and hence for the first time the blood gushes towards the brain with full force whereas in all other positions (even when lying) brain is above the heart when it has to work against gravity to send blood to the brain.
In the position of Sajdah due to the increased blood supply the brain receive more nourishment and it has good effect upon memory, vision, hearing, concentration, psyche and all other cognitive abilities. People who offer their prayers regularly have more will power and can cope with the difficulties of life in a much better manner. They have less incidence of headaches, psychological problems and other defects of cognitive function.
In the unique position of Sajdah the neck muscles get best exercise. They have to bear the load when the forehead lies at the ground hence the neck muscles become stronger. One can note the tense pressure at the neck muscles in the position of Sajdah specially the active motion of the neck and the facial muscles when the head is being lifted. (e.g. one inch above the ground) and it will be noticed that they are in a very active motion.
More strong cervical muscles mean the cervical vertebra will be better protected. Strength of cervical muscles is important as the head rests upon cervical vertebra supported by cervical musculature.
Infact head performs rotator movements over the cervical vertebra. In any accident cervical neck examination is especially important to the physicians because of its extraordinary importance.
It is uncommon that a person who offers his prayers regularly will get the usual neck myalgias or cervical spondylosis as the neck muscles particularly become very strong due to the 34 sajdahs offered daily in five prayers.
Position of Sajdah is also said to be a good treatment for the retroversion of uterus, a disease of women.
Most of us do not know that the position of Sajdah is an excellent exercise for men (for manpower). It may be a good information to the Viagra dependents. While getting up from Sajdah the perinneal muscles are one of those muscles which have to pull the trunk back to sitting position and they contract actively. Similarly while standing up from Sajdah the perennial muscles are again actively mobilised and this gives much strength to the muscles important for manpower.
The unique position of Sajdah also has positive effects upon the back muscles as while going into Sajdah and getting up from it the back muscle contract actively and they become stronger. Probably it is because of this reason that a person who is regular in prayers will uncommonly get backache.
After performing Sajdah either the musalli stands up or he sits to pray Attahiyyat. In this position the person sits calmly while his hands rest at his thighs which are folded backwards. This is much similar to the relaxation position of Yoga and has soothing effect upon one's health and mentation.
Holy Prophet Muhammad used to elongate the position of Ruku (bending) and Sajdah positions and he advised to do so. In the light of the above facts it is appropriate to say that from medical point of view as well this advice is a golden rule for health.
Finally it must be reminded that prayer is not meant to be an exercise. However there are a lot of medical advantages associated with it. Still the best blessing is the peace of mind, which a person derives by the accomplishment of his duty to Allah by fulfilling an obligation.
Tempatnya di dalam al-Quran sekitar 15 ayat. Perbuatan sujud ini disunatkan bagi orang yang membaca dan mendengar, tetapi bagi orang haid dan nifas ia tidak di tuntut menurut pendapat yang disepakati (Al-Fiqh al-islam wa Adillatuhu, 2/1128)
Sujud semasa sampai ke ayat-ayat sujud adalah sunat sahaja menurut majoriti mazhab dan wajib menurut mazhab Hanafi (Rujuk Fath al-Qadir, 1/380; Mughni al-Muhtaj, 1/214; al-Mughni 1/616), Ini kerana Rasulullah SAW pernah tidak melakukan sujud ketika dibacakan satu ayat sujud dari surat an-Najm kepada baginda; ini menyebabkan semua sahabat yang ada ketika itu tidak sujud (Hadith ini diriwayatkan oleh al-Bukhari, Abu Daud Ad-Dar al-Qutni dan lain-lain - hadith Shohih).
Bagaimanapun secara umumnya Allah SWT menegur orang yang tidak melakukan sujud apabila dibaca ayat-ayat sujud sebagaimana firman Allah SWT : erti :"Dan apabila di bacakan kepada mereka ayat al-Quran mereka tidak sujud" ( al-Insyiqaq : 21)
Manakala hadith yang menyebut tentang kepentingan sujud ini adalah datangnya dari Abu Hurairah (ra) : Ertinya"Apabila anak Adam membaca ayat sajdah, dan ia sujud , maka Syaitan akan melarikan dirinya serta menangis lalu berkata : „celaka ia, di perintah untuk sujud lalu ia sujud, dan baginya Syurga, dan aku pernah di suruh sujud tapi aku enggan dan bagiku neraka" (Riwayat Muslim, Kitab al-Iman, no 133; dan Ibn Majah)
Alternatif jika si pembaca atau pendengar ayat-ayat sujud dalam keadaan yang tidak sesuai untuk sujud, maka harus kepadanya untuk membuat isyarat sujud sahaja (iaitu menundukkan kepala sedikit sambil membaca tasbih yang biasa. Ini disepakati oleh seluruh mahzab (Rujuk Mughni al-Muhtaj, 1/301, cet Dar al-Fikr ) Ia berdasarkan sebuah hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Umar ertiya :"Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW membaca ketika hari pembukaan Mekah, ayat Sajdah, maka semua sahabat sujud, ada di anataranya yag berada di atas kenderaan dan dan di atas bawah, dan terdaat yang menunggang sujud di atas tangannya" ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim, Abu Daud, no 1411, ms 171)
Manakala berkenaan membaca doa sujud 3 kali sahaja tanpa melakukan sebarang isyarat sujud, maka tidaklah diketahui dari mana sumber yang mencadangkan amalan sedemikian. Wallahu a'lam
Ertinya: "Aku bersujud dengan wajahku kepada Dzat yang telah merupakan dan menciptakannya, dan menciptakan pendengaran dan penglihatannya dengan kekuatan-Nya. Maha memberkati Allah, sebaik-baik Pencipta."
"wahai hamba-hambaKu yang beriman! Sesungguhnya bumiKu adalah luas (untuk kamu bebas beribadat); oleh itu, (di mana sahaja kamu dapat berbuat demikian) maka hendaklah kamu ikhlaskan ibadat kamu kepadaKu."(29:56)
Ya Allah, Aku mohon kepadaMu agar Kau catatkan siapa pun yang membaca blog ini, menjadi orang-orang yang Engkau angkat kerajaannya. Engkau ampuni seluruh dosa-dosanya. Engkau buka hati yang tertutup. Engkau lembutkan hati yang keras membatu. Engkau cahayai hati yang gelap gelita. Ya Allah jadikan perkongsian ilmu ini membuatkan sisa umur kami penuh berkah. Terpelihara dari fitnah dan musibah. Amin.
Nabi s.a.w menyebut :-
Ertinya : Sesungguhnya Allah, Malaikatnya, penduduk langit dan bumi sehinggakan semut di sarangnya dan ikan di lautan akan pasti mendoakan (kebaikan) buat orang yang mengajar manusia ilmu kebaikan (Agama)" ( Riwayat At-Tirimizi, 5/50 : Tirmizi : Ghorib, Albani : Sohih).
“Ya Allah kurniakan kebaikan yang datang mendadak kepada kedua ibubapa, suami dan anak-anak, keluarga, semua sahabat-sahabat, rakan sekerja, jiran, semua Muslimin dan Muslimat dan bebaskan mereka semua dari bebanan hutang piutang. Amin.
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