Session 2: Assessing the class using a running record
Key points Session notes
Aims and overview The aim of the session is to:
Assess Year 2 children working between levels 1b and 2b using running records.
Identify the target group
Before the session
Familiarise yourself with the texts to be used for assessment and the conventions/process used for taking running records. (See PM Benchmark Kit, or guidance on running records in additional resources and Resource 5: Using Running Records.)
Prepare a folder of duplicate running record forms for texts to be used for assessment.
Obtain a class list for Year 2 with current NC/ Book Band levels from the teacher. (See Resource 4: Year 2 Tracking sheet.)
Find a quiet place to administer the assessments close to the classroom.
Arrange for teacher and Literacy Coordinator to observe for at least 30 minutes during the assessments.
Assessing the children
Use the standard procedures and a standardised recording sheet for administering the running records.
It is important to explain to the children that you will not be prompting or praising during the assessment. You need to remain objective!
Introduce the book by saying 'This book is called…It is about…the names of the people in it are…' The content of the story should not be discussed in any more detail.
When the child has finished reading the text (150-200 words is sufficient) ask 3-4 questions to find out how well he/she has understood what they have read. Make sure you include recall and inference in your questions.
Calculate the child’s accuracy level and self-correction rate. If the accuracy level is between 90% and 94%, and the child shows understanding of the text, their instructional level for guided reading has been identified. If the accuracy rate is above 94%, repeat the procedure with a text at the next level up. If below 90% use a text at the level below.
Analyse and summarise the child’s reading behaviour on the running record. Note strategies they are using and recommendations for teaching. (Which searchlights are used/neglected?) Include a note about ability to answer literal and inferential questions too. (Use Resources 6,8 and 10.)
If children’s phonic knowledge is an issue in their reading make a note to follow this up with the class teacher.
Identify the target group.
Choose a group of six children who will be the target group for the class teacher to focus on and move to level 2 (or 2b) before KS1 tests. Children reading at Orange, Turquoise or Purple would be suitable.
Decide on an additional group of up to six children to target. You will plan your demonstration guided reading lesson for this group.
(Deciding the target group should be done with the class teacher if possible)
Additional notes
Time taken for assessments will vary. You may need to administer more than one assessment to gain a precise reading level for some children.
You will need to assess enough children to identify a target group to plan for with the teacher and an additional group slightly above or below the target group to gain data on which to base your demonstration lesson, i.e. precise reading level and strategies to focus on.
Class teacher(s) to observe for part of the time if possible.
Allow at least two hours for the assessments. The time will vary according to the accuracy of the levels you receive from the class teacher and the numbers of children to be assessed. If need be, you could identify just the one group, teach a demonstration lesson using them and plan another lesson with the teacher to be used for the observation.
Resource 5: Using Running Records
Resource 4: Year 2 tracking sheet
Additional guidance on running records in the additional resources section
The PM Benchmark Kit (Nelson Thorne) is a very useful resource to ensure consistent and accurate levelling of children. This kit contains 30 texts ranging from below NC level 1 up to level 3. In addition there are also guidelines about administering and interpreting running records, prepared running records, assessment pro formas and comprehension questions which reduce preparation time considerably. This is also a resource, which can be purchased and used by schools very effectively from Reception to Year 2, and for specific target groups in KS2 whose progress and attainment level in reading are causing concern.
You will need to have a Book Bands for Guided Reading as a resource to support the choice of books for the target group.
Literacy consultant/Leading literacy teacher. Year 2 teacher(s) Literacy Coordinator
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