nvq questions for STL 1, STL 2, STL 3, STL 4, STL 5
NVQ for Supporting Teacher and Learnning in Schools LEVEL 2
Provide support for learning activities
Knowledge Specification
When Performance Criteria are listed include these in your answers.
When answering the questions please reflect on your own knowledge and experiences e.g. ‘What I did, How I do it and Why I did it’
Explain your role in implementing the schools policies for inclusion and equality of opportunity when supporting pupils that you work with.
What is your experience and expertise in relation to literacy and numeracy to enable you to support a lesson?
Why is it important to plan and evaluate learning activities?
What are the basic principles underlying child development and learning? List the factors that promote effective learning and the barriers to effective learning.
What sorts of problems might occur when supporting learning activities and how do you deal with these?
K11 (1.1P2) (1.2P8,P7)
Why is it important to work within the boundaries of your role and competence and when should you refer difficulties implementing lesson plans to others?
Support children’s development
Knowledge Specification
When Performance Criteria are listed include these in your answers.
When answering the questions please reflect on your own knowledge and experiences e.g. ‘What I did, How I do it and Why I did it’
What is the purpose of careful observation and noting what children/young people do and how they behave?
Why is it important to check your observations of children/young people with others?
Where do you refer concerns you may have about children/young people’s development?
K4 STL 2.1P2, STL2.3P5
Why is confidentiality, data protection and sharing information, according to the procedures of your setting, important? Who can you legally share confidential information with?
What is the role of play in development, i.e. children and young people of all ages need to play in order to develop, learn and grow? Why?
List what kind of things can influence and affect children/young people’s development?
Explain how children and young people’s development is holistic and how social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs are linked to this..
Explain how children and young people develop at widely different rates, but in broadly the same sequence.
Complete the attached development chart fully.
Support young people’s development from 3 – 7 years.
To complete this section fully you need to say why and how you:
(1) Provide a safe, secure and encouraging environment
(2) Make sure that all the children you work with can take part equally, including those with disabilities and special educational needs
(3) Develop close and consistent relationships
(4) Support children’s emotional well-being, confidence and resilience
(5) Be realistic, consistent and supportive in your responses to children’s behaviour
(6) Allow children to assess and take risks without over- or under- protecting them
(7) Use appropriate activities, materials and experiences to support learning and development
(8) Identify activities and equipment to support children’s play, creativity and learning, including how these are used to best effect
(9) Support children’s interest in numbers, counting, sorting and matching
(10) Play with and alongside the child, sensitively supporting their play
(11) Use every opportunity to encourage children’s communication and language development, such as talking, listening, making eye contact, singing, rhymes and stories
(12) Support children’s communication in bilingual or multilingual settings
(13) Support children’s interest in reading, mark making and writing
(14) Contribute to an environment that supports children’s physical skills and confidence in movement
Support young people’s development from 7 – 12 years.
To complete this section fully you need to say why and how you:
(1) Provide a safe and encouraging environment
(2) Make sure that all the children you work with can take part equally, including those with disabilities and special educational needs
(3) Give meaningful praise and encouragement
(4) Support emotional well-being, confidence and resilience
(5) Be a listening ear when needed
(6) Stand back and allow children to assess, take risks and face challenges for themselves, according to their abilities, needs and stage of development
(7) Provide opportunities for exploration and different experiences
(8) Identify activities and equipment to support children’s play, creativity and learning, including how these are used to best effect
(9) Use every opportunity to encourage children’s communication, literacy and language development
(10) Contribute to an environment that supports children’s physical skills and confidence in movement
(11) Recognise and acknowledge children’s particular needs as they enter puberty
Support young people’s development from 12 – 16 years.
To complete this section fully you need to say why and how you:
(1) Provide an encouraging and safe environment that recognises approaching adulthood
(2) Make sure that all young people you work with can take part equally, including those with disabilities and special educational needs
(3) Give meaningful praise and encouragement
(4) Support emotional well-being, confidence and resilience
(5) Support opportunities for children to assess and take risks and face challenges, according to their abilities, needs and stage of development
(6) Be a listening ear when needed
(7) Support young people’s development and learning by encouraging exploration and different types of experience
(8) Encourage positive communication, being available to support, listen and encourage
(9) Encourage creativity
(10) Recognise and acknowledge children’s particular needs as they go through puberty and adolescence and become adults
(11) Contribute to an environment that supports young people’s physical skills and confidence in movement
(12) Provide information for young people, when requested, about things that concern them
List how you would support a child through transitions in their lives aged:
• 0-3
• 3-7
• 7-12
• 12-16
Help to keep children safe
Knowledge Specification
When performance criteria are listed include these in your answers
You must get a witness testimony to cover the performance criteria for STL3-2 (dealing with accidents, emergencies and illness)
When answering the questions please reflect on your own knowledge and experiences e.g. ‘What I did, How I do it and Why I did it’
K1 (3-3 P1) What are these procedures and why must they be followed?
• The settings safety and safeguarding
• Protection and emergency procedures
• Controls on substances that are harmful to health
K2 What are the governing safety laws including the general responsibilities for Health and Safety that applies to you in your setting?
K3 What is the duty of all within your workplace to safeguard children?
• What difficulties could arise where your concerns may not be seen or taken seriously?
• What would you do?
K4 What are the regulations when covering manual handling(safe lifting practices)?
• What are the risks associated with lifting and carrying children?
K5 (3-1 P1)
• What are the safety factors and recognised standards of equipment and materials for children?
• Why is it important to use equipment that is appropriate for the age, needs and abilities of the child?
• How would you ensure that you use equipment, furniture and materials safely?
K6 (3-1 P3)
• What routine do you have in place to check safety and maintenance of the equipment?
• Where do you safely store hazardous materials and disposal of waste?
• If you recognised potential hazards how would you deal with them?
K7 (3-1 P8)
• How do you safely layout and organise the rooms with equipment, materials and outdoor spaces?
• When would you implement the safety and security procedures?
K8 How do you adapt the environment to ensure safety for children and young people?
• According to the age
• Individual needs taking into account disabilities or Special Educational Needs?
K9 When and how would you use?
• Safety gates
• Socket covers
• Window and drawer catches
• Safety in respect of animals, plants, sandpits and outdoor spaces.
K10 (3-1 P7, 3-1 P4)
How would you promote to children in your care and your own safety?
• Good hygiene practice
• Avoid cross contamination
• Dispose of waste
• Handle body fluids
• Issues concerning HIV and AIDS
K11 What are the adult/child ratio requirements, according to regulatory and your settings requirements?
K12 (3-1 P5) How do you supervise children/young people’s safety, modifying your approach according to age, needs and abilities?
K13 (3-2 p1 ) What are the policies and procedures for responding to and recording accidents and emergencies? Where is your First Aid box located?
What are the basic first aid procedures for:
• Bleeding
• Choking
• Unconsciousness
• Breathing difficulties
• Cuts and bumps
• Shock
K14 Why is it important to know and understand children’s diets? How would you recognise and deal with an allergic reaction?
K15 (3-2 P5) What do you do if I child in your care looks or feels ill, including fever, rashes and headaches? How do you recognise symptoms of an ill child?
K16 What are the emergency procedures for:
• Fires
• Security incidents
• Missing children
K17 (3-3 P2 P3 P4) What are the possible signs and indicators of:
• Physical abuse
• Emotional abuse
• Sexual abuse
• Bullying
• Neglect
• Failure to thrive
How would you report signs and indicators of possible abuse?
How would you react to a child informing you about possible abuse?
K18 Why can social factors increase a child’s vulnerability to abuse in an adult environment?
K19 What could you do to ensure that safe working practices are in place that protect children/ young people and adults who work with them?
K20 (3-3 P6) List some school activities which promote discussion of the following:
• How would you encourage children/young people to be aware of their own bodies and understand their right to not be abused?
• How would you explain to a child that you would have to inform others?
K21 Why is it important to be consistent and apply boundaries and rules?
K22 How would you respond to children/young people who show challenging behaviour?
K23 Why is it important to encourage and reward positive behaviour?
K24 What are the safety issues and concerns that you could come across when taking children away from the setting (trips)? Include risk assessment and parental consent.
K25 Why do the guidelines, policies and legislation form the basis for action to safeguard children and young people? Name the legislation you are referring to.
Contribute to positive relationships
Knowledge Specification
When Performance Criteria are listed include these in your answers.
When answering the questions please reflect on your own knowledge and experiences e.g. ‘What I did, How I do it and Why I did it’
K3 Development chart cross refers with this
Outline how children and young people‘s communication skills develop within the age range 0 – 16 years.
K6 List the key features of effective communication and why it is important to model this when interacting with adults, children and young people.
K7 (4.4P4)
List the main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people.
K8 (4.4P2)
How would you demonstrate that you value adults views and opinions and why is it important to the development of positive relationships?
K9 (4.3P4) (4.4P5)
List communication difficulties that may exist with children and adults and how can these be overcome.
K10 How would you cope with disagreements with adults as per your settings policies and procedures?
K11, K12
Why it is important to reassure adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this linked with your settings confidentiality policies?
K13 Why is it important to communicate positively with children, young people and families?
K14 Why do you think children and young people’s ability to communicate can affect their behaviour?
How do you enable children/young people to express their own feelings, needs and make choices?
4.1P6 How could you ask children/young people questions to confirm your understanding of their language and expressions?
4.2P4 When interacting with adults, how do you clarify any misunderstandings you may encounter?
4.2P5 When interacting with adults, do you have opportunities to make suggestions and give information about lessons/pupils etc if so when and how does this happen?
Provide effective support for your colleagues
Knowledge Specification
When Performance Criteria are listed include these in your answers.
When answering the questions please reflect on your own knowledge and experiences e.g. ‘What I did, How I do it and Why I did it’
To complete this unit fully obtain a Witness testimony from your line manager which incorporates all of the Performance Criteria in the Elements 5.1 and 5.2. These must be completed on your settings letter headed paperwork or Jarvis Training Management Ltd Witness Testimony paperwork.
NB. This unit is about being an effective member of the school staff. It involves working effectively with colleagues and taking an active role in developing your own skills and expertise. Please take this into consideration when answering these questions.
K1 (5.2 P1)
Describe your schools expectation and requirements about your role as a Teaching Assistant. Describe your responsibilities as set out in your job description.
Explain the roles and responsibilities of your colleagues with whom you work and list how they relate to your own job role and responsibilities.
What are the basic principles underlying effective communication, interpersonal and collaborative skills?
Describe the lines of communication that apply within your school setting.
Describe the meetings and consultation structures within your school.
How does your school foster good working relationships, promote team work with colleagues and partnerships with colleagues?
What are the differences between work relationships and personal relationships and how can work relationships be maintained effectively?
Why are team discussions important and how and why can you contribute to these constructively?
Why is respecting the skills and expertise of other practitioners importance and how do you implement this?
Why is it important to continuously improve your own work?
K11 (5-2 P2)
How do you reflect and evaluate your own work taking into consideration your achievements, strengths and weaknesses?
K12 (5-2 P3)
Why is it important to take the feedback you have received from your colleagues into consideration when evaluating your own practice?
What formal/informal staff appraisal/performance review opportunities are available to you and how can you contribute and benefit from these?
K14 (5-2 P6)
What sorts of development opportunities are available to you and how do you access them?
Support literacy and numeracy activities
Knowledge Specification.
When Performance Criteria are listed include these in your answers.
When answering the questions please reflect on your own knowledge and experiences e.g. ‘What I did, How I do it and Why I did it’
Explain your schools policies for mathematics and English, Welsh or language appropriate to your setting.
K2 (6-1 P1 abcd.) (6-2 P1 abcd.)
Describe the literacy and numeracy skills expected of the pupils with whom you work.
K3 (6-1 P2 abc.) (6-2 P1)
Explain how your pupils develop these skills:
List some factors that promote and hinder effective learning.
Explain how the interactive use of speaking/talking, listening reading and writing promote literacy development in pupils.
How do pupils develop mathematical skills and list some factors that promote and hinder the effective learning of numeracy?
Describe the nature of any special educational needs or additional support needs pupils with whom you work and the implications of these for helping them to develop:
• Language and literacy skills
• Mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills.
How would you encourage and support bilingual pupils to participate in learning activities to develop literacy and numeracy skills?
K8 (6.2 P2)
List the strategies and resources used at your school for developing pupils:
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Speaking/talking and listening skills
• Mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills
K10 (6-1 P5) (6-2 P6)
List the sorts of problems that may occur when supporting literacy and numeracy activities with individual and groups.
Why is it important to work within the boundaries of your role and competence and when should you refer to others?
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
1 day ago
all your answers should be available at
nvq-answers.com inshaAllah.
Asalaam u alaykum.
Get your answers at
inshaAllah it will help u pass the theory side atleast.
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