Thursday 4 December 2014

Can You Use a Wordprocessor to Create a Web Page?

Can You Use a Wordprocessor to Create a Web Page? answer go to this site: Free HTML Editors, Web Editors, and WYSIWYG Web Editors and Site Builders Are you looking for a web editor to create or design a website? This page lists free HTML editors, Web editors, WYSIWYG (ie, "What You See Is What You Get") editors, web site builders, as well as specialized editors optimized for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or even the numerous web scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Java, JavaScript, ASP, etc. The editors are separated into two sections: the WYSIWYG Web Editors / Site Builders allow you to design your website using a What You See Is What You Get interface — somewhat like a wordprocessor where you can see what your page will look like (mostly) as you type; and Site Builders that allow you to design your site from pre-packaged templates. If you don't know what HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP or Perl are, this may be what you're looking for, since the software will give you a visual interface that you can use to develop your site. The other section lists the Free HTML Editors which are basically ASCII text editors with additional features that make it easier for you to code pages for the web. Very often, this includes syntax highlighting for the HTML/CSS elements (and perhaps also for PHP, Perl, JavaScript, ASP, Java elements as well). If you write your pages using "raw" HTML, or if you plan to learn HTML, these are the editors you will want to check. You may also want to look at the Free Programming Editors and ASCII Text Editors page, which lists more editors that can be used to edit / create HTML web pages. My decision of whether to put an editor on that page or this page is sometimes arbitrary, so it's best to look at both pages to see if you can find what you want there. In my opinion, though, the best web editor around is actually a commercial web editor called Adobe Dreamweaver. None of the free editors (or even the other commercial offerings that I've tried) even comes close to this. It has a superb visual (WYSIWYG) interface that can suit both newcomers as well as seasoned professionals. If you are using this editor, you may want to check out my Dreamweaver tutorials. Finally, if you're completely new to creating websites, I strongly recommend that you read How to Create / Start a Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide. There's a lot more to making a site than using a web editor, and this article shows you how to do it in plain English. go to this then ==>>>>

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