Friday, 30 April 2010

la tahzan

Ya Allah- (Jangan Bersedih-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)

Ya Allah- (Jangan Bersedih-Dr. Aidh al-Qarni)

bersama kesusahan ada kesenangan

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Semanis Kurma/Episod 56

Semanis Kurma/Episod 56

Surah Ar-Rum ayat 54

“Allah yang menciptakan kamu bermula dengan keadaan lemah, selepas berkeadaan lemah itu Ia menjadikan kamu kuat. Setelah itu Ia menjadikan kamu lemah pula serta tua beruban. Ia menciptakan apa yang dikehendakiNya, dan Dia lah jua yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Kuasa. [54] Surah Ar-Rum

The sound of rain w/o music

The sound of rain w/o music

Relaxation Meditation Nature Sounds

Relaxation Meditation Nature Sounds

Beautiful Spring Flower

Beautiful Spring Flower

love to see flowers....


Tuesday, 27 April 2010

surah As-Sajda ayat 1 - 6

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani

Alif, Laam, Miim. (1)

Diturunkan Al-Quran ini, dengan tidak ada sebarang syak padanya, dari Tuhan yang memelihara dan mentadbirkan sekalian alam. (2)

(Orang-orang kafir tidak mengakui hakikat yang demikian) bahkan mereka mengatakan: Dialah (Muhammad) yang mengada-adakan Al-Quran menurut rekaannya. (Dakwaan mereka itu tidaklah benar) bahkan Al-Quran ialah perkara yang benar dari Tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad), supaya engkau memberi ingatan dan amaran kepada kaum (mu) yang telah lama tidak didatangi sebarang pemberi ingatan dan amaran sebelummu, semoga mereka beroleh hidayat petunjuk. (3)

Allah Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada di antara keduanya dalam enam masa, kemudian Dia bersemayam di atas Arasy; kamu tidak akan beroleh sebarang penolong dan pemberi syafaat selain dari Allah; oleh itu tidakkah kamu mahu insaf dan mengambil iktibar (untuk mencapai keredaanNya)? (4)

Allah mentadbirkan makhluk-makhlukNya; (bagi melaksanakan tadbirNya itu Ia menurunkan segala sebab dan peraturan) dari langit ke bumi; kemudian diangkat naik kepada pengetahuanNya (segala yang berlaku dari perlaksanaan tadbirNya itu untuk dihakimiNya) pada suatu masa yang (dirasai oleh orang-orang yang bersalah) banyak bilangan tahunnya menurut hitungan masa kamu yang biasa. (5)

Yang demikian sifatnya ialah Tuhan yang mengetahui perkara-perkara yang ghaib dan yang nyata; Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Mengasihani; (6)

why study a foreign language : it is an essential core experience

i like this article


Foreign Languages: An Essential Core Experience

Foreign language study is in the national education Goals 2000, which states: "By the year 2000 all American students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated competency in challenging subject matter including English, mathematics, science, foreign language, civics and government, arts, history, and geography..." . On September 15, 1999, Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley delivered his Annual Back-to-School Address, entitled, "Changing the American High School to Fit Modern Times." Included in his remarks, Riley states, "Let me suggest one other way to raise standards. I believe that in this new economy every high school student should be close to fluent in a foreign language when he or she graduates. We should begin teaching foreign languages in our elementary schools, and then in middle schools and high schools. English is a beautiful language and every American student must be a master of it. English is surely a world language. But learning a foreign language exposes young people to new cultures and new horizons and helps them understand English better."

This is not new thinking, since the 1979 "President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies" also recommended Foreign language requirements for all colleges and universities. The College Board (1983) recommended expanding basic skills to include foreign language education for all students. In 1996, the American Association of School Administrators identified knowledge of foreign languages as one of the most important skills that K-12 students will need to develop to prosper in the 21st century. A February 1997 article in Time magazine suggested that foreign languages should be taught to children as early as possible. The American Council on Education, in a 1989 policy statement, calls on higher education leaders "to make foreign language competence an integral part of a college education. Every baccalaureate holder should be competent in a second language; we can settle for no less as we move into the next century."

Why this insistence that foreign language study be a core element in American education? Americans used to have some patently ignorant and pseudo-scientific (snake-oil) views concerning foreign and second languages. There was talk of a second language taking up the memory capacity needed for the real functions of the brain, such as general intelligence. Just as ignorant was the notion that a second language was only for those were mentally gifted. My fellow Americans, let us put away all divining rods, ouija boards, and indifference towards our neighbors. HERE ARE THE FACTS for founding a true twenty-first century consensus about core elements for a "general" education. In its report, "College Bound Seniors: The 1992 Profile of SAT and Achievement Test Takers", the College Entrance Examination Board reported that students who averaged 4 or more years of foreign language study scored higher on the verbal section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) than those who had studied 4 or more years in any other subject area. In addition, the average mathematics score for individuals who had taken 4 or more years of foreign language study was identical to the average score of those who had studied 4 years of mathematics. These findings are consistent with College Board profiles for previous years.

Cognitive Benefits of foreign language study? Children in foreign language programs have tended to demonstrate greater cognitive development, creativity, and divergent thinking than monolingual children. Several studies show that people who are competent in more than one language outscore those who are speakers of only one language on tests of verbal and nonverbal intelligence. (Bruck, Lambert, and Tucker, 1974; Hakuta, 1986; Weatherford, 1986). When children are adequately exposed to two languages at an early age, they are more flexible and creative (Bamford and Mizokawa, 1991, and they reach higher levels of cognitive development at an earlier age than their monolingual peers (Hamayan, 1986). Here are research summaries about "The Effect of Second Language Learning on Test Scores, Intelligence and Achievement"

Academic Benefits of foreign language learning? Studies also show that learning another language enhances the academic skills of students by increasing their abilities in reading, writing, and mathematics. Studies of bilingual children made by child development scholars and linguists consistently show that these children grasp linguistic concepts such as words having several meanings faster and earlier than their monolingual counterparts. Everyone knows that reading skills are transferable from one language to another, but there are other benefits. A 1994 report on the impact of magnet schools in the Kansas City Public Schools showed that students in the foreign language magnet schools had boosted achievement significantly (Eaton, 1994). It claimed that students in the language magnet's first kindergarten, starting in the program in 1988, had surpassed national averages in all subjects by the time they reached fifth grade. Oddly enough, the foreign language students performed especially well in mathematics. Nancy Rhodes, secretary of the Network for Early Language Learning, an organization that advocates foreign language study, points to research among third and fourth graders in Louisiana. Those who studied French scored higher in English testing than students in the control group who did not [See also Eileen Rafferty, Second Language Study and Basic Skills in Louisiana. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Education, 1986)] . There is abundant recent proof of what the truth I have said. An editorial in the Vancouver Sun of October 21, 2004 states: "Province-wide skills tests in British Columbia consistently show that French immersion students outperform their counterparts in the English stream in math, reading and writing." Also in 2004, a foreign-language consultant for Louisiana Public Schools states this in an executive summery of an assessment report, studying performance on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills: "Several important findings of this study emerged. First, and most strikingly, foreign language students significantly outperformed their non-foreign language peers on every test (English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) of the fourth-grade LEAP 21." Research on the cognitive benefits of foreign-language study are available in online bibliographies and summaries:

Benefits of Language Learning (excellent ACTFL resource, with bibliography)

Benefits of Language Learning (from CLEAR newsletter (2002), with bibliography)

Brain Research: Implications for Second Language Learning (ERIC Digest)

Compelling Research Findings regarding the Necessity of Learning a Foreign Language

Judy Foreman, "The Evidence Speaks Well of Bilingualism's Effect on Kids"

Kathleen M. Marcos, "Second Language Learning: Everyone Can Benefit." Kidlanguages. com (February 29, 2004)

Brain science has dicovered that functional plasticity of the human brain is driven by language, and it is beginning to find out that knowing a foreign language can actually change the brain's anatomy by adding gray matter. Dr. Andrea Mechelli is a well-known researcher at the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. Aided by experts from the Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome, he recently completed research showing that brain density is effected by being bilingual or highly proficient in a second language. WebMD tells this story in a recent article:

Being Bilingual Boosts Brain Power{5FE84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348}

One may well ask if the city of Glastonbury, Connecticut, where foreign-language study has begun in elementary school since 1957, does not provide massive annectdotal evidence of Mechelli's science discovered in a controlled environment. The proof undoubtedly lies in details of the success of its children:

A Case for Foreign Languages: The Glastonbury Language Program

Brain research in Canada has recently revealed that bilinguals and individuals highly proficient in a second language showed a markedly slower decline in mental powers with age:

Being bilingual 'protects brain'

Research studies in Canada, India and Hong Kong, whose results were released in June 2004, showed that bilingual speakers are better able to deal with distractions than are monolingual speakers:

Bilingual speakers are better able to deal with distractions

Of course, nobody can receive any of the benefits of foreign language study if they give credence to the myth that it is so difficult it should be reserved for gifted children among the privileged. There is no evidence to support this untenable argument. Many millions of people from all walks of life and at all ranges of intelligence become bilingual or develop a practical knowledge of another language. We are often ourselves the source of intimidation and anxiety associated with the foreign language class. The following research article demonstrates that studying a foreign language is less difficult then you might think:

Learning a Second Language May Not be as Laborious as Believed

In spite of the proven neurological and cognitive benefits, Americans are relatively unresponsive to their own need to put foreign languages at the core of their learning experience. They do this at the peril of their own security, since it is our lapse in linguistic and cultural skills which will likely provide the opportunity for the next terrorist strike:

9/11 Brings U.S. Defense Language Needs Into Focus

DoD Studies Foreign Language Needs of Future

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Monday, 19 April 2010

Children's care, learning and development By Penny Tassoni, Kate Beith, Kath Bulman

Children's care, learning and development By Penny Tassoni, Kate Beith, Kath Bulman


What difficulties may occur when following procedure?(

unit 003 What difficulties may occur when following procedur

use of scissors, using computers and electrical faults, chairs losing a wheel, child running of when on a trip etc hope this helps.

think along lines of child not happy because you need to tell someone else with regards to c.p.
h & s thinking of no gloves when doing first aid - only cos happens to me all the time go to f/a box

What difficulties may occur when following procedure?( Ref to H&s and child protection)

unit stl 3 k 20

How to encourage children to be aware of their own bodies and understand their right not to be abused. ... &ct=result

I THINK THIS GIVES SOME USEFUL INFORMATION - just make sure that you are onpage 58

unit stl 3 k13

The following ailments / injuries are treated as set out below:-

Minor grazes and cuts are cleaned with water / wipes and where deemed appropriate covered with a plaster. All staff are aware of the need for good hygiene practices when dealing with spillage of bodily fluids (as detailed in main section of whole school policy). Details of pupil, date, time, injury, treatment and signature of the attending member of staff are recorded in the ‘playground minor injuries book’.
Bumps to the head are initially looked at by Mrs Chapman. Where bumps to the head occur the pupil will always go to the Health Centre for assessment by the school nurse. Where there is a major bump to the head the Health Centre is contacted and a school nurse attends the pupil(s) at the prep school. The Health Centre records the injury and a card detailing the incident is sent home to the parent(s).
Where a suspected broken bone or dislocation has occurred the Health Centre is contacted and a school nurse attends the pupil(s) at the prep school. Parents are then contacted. In extreme cases it may be necessary to call for the assistance of ambulance.
Where a child presents themselves as unwell an initial assessment of their condition is made & they may then be monitored in Reception for a period of time. If deemed necessary the parent(s) are contacted to collect the pupil and take them home.
Where a pupil is physically sick, the parent(s) are contacted as a matter of course and asked to collect their child. The parent(s) are then asked to keep their child at home for at least 48 hours.
Headaches may be treated by the administering of Calpol medicine (only if parents have signed an agreement to this on the general medical form they complete when pupil starts at Caterham). This is carried out at the Health Centre.
Where a pupil presents with a rash this assessed and if deemed necessary the pupil is sent to the Health Centre.
Where a more serious accident has occurred involving pupil(s), staff, parents or other adults, the details of the accident / incident is recorded on a specific form and kept in the accident / incident file in Reception. It may be further necessary to send a copy of this over to the Health Centre.



K6 routine safety checking and maintenance of equipment. Safe storage of hazardous
materials and disposal of waste

This is how you maintain teaching and learning areas. Where are chemicals kept, paints etc. What would happen if a child has cut themselves? What happens to waste there?

Who is responsible for checking fire equipment, PE equipment, who do you report faults to?

Hope this gets your brain going.


I have covered this knowledge by including info in my Health and Safety policy proforma about COSHH and i am currently in the process of drawing up a table showing how equipment in school is maintained and how often checks are carried out. We have also been told to make note of equipment showing the safety Kite make or any other safety makes. This can be done on your walk around school when your assessor does her visit.

unit stl 3 written question k3 k5 k14



The school procedure is as follows – It ensures that staff are able to safeguard the children to their best ability

• Staff training for different staff members. This includes basic one for staff and another one for senior staff about allegations on staff.
• Correct staff ratios
• CRB Checks
• Effective recruitment of staff
• Staff should encourage children to think of their own safety sp they develop their awareness.

part 3 of answer - we were told by tutor is

can be dangerous for a child because if they are too young then the toy may hurt them and if they are too old they may break the toy which could lead to them hurting themselves.

Another reason for following manufacturer guidelines is if the child is the correct age then it can help them develop if they are too young it may frustrate them or if too old then they may get bored.

It is important that the equipment is age and ability suited.




• Peanuts
• Tree nuts
• Dairy products such as cheese and eggs and also Lactose intolerant i.e milk
• Gluten
• Wheat (bread)
• Fish, especially shellfish


If it is a minor reaction

• Rash
• Swelling of lips, face
• Eyes water
• Stomach ache
• Nausea / vomiting

If there is a severe reaction

• Airways close up because mouth or tongue are swollen
• Swelling up of the throat, hoarseness when speaking
• My start choking
• Blood pressure may drop – this will be noticed if there is faintness, unconscious or they collapse.

• Be aware of pupils allergies. Normally there are posters in the classroom
• Staff that need to be most aware are those in the kitchenfoxes

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S/NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant's Handbook

S/NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant's Handbook: Primary Schools (NVQ/SVQ Teaching Assistants: Supporting teaching and learning in schools) (Paperback)
by Louise Burnham
Louise Burnham (Author)
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(Author) "This unit requires you to know about procedures that exist in your school for the safeguarding of children, both from a health and safety point..

tahajjud verses qiamullail



Qiamullail: Setiap solat sunat yang dilakukan pada waktu malam.

Tahajjud: Setiap solat sunat yang dilakukan selepas tidur pada waktu malam.

Oleh itu setiap solat tahajjud adalah qiamullail dan tidak semestinya solat qiamullail itu solat tahajjud.

Dalilnya adalah hadis yang diucapkan oleh seorang sahabat Nabi saw , iaitu Hajjaj bin Amru ra beliau berkata:

بحسب أحدكم إذا قام من الليل يصلي حتى يصبح : أنه قد تهجد؟ إنما التهجد المرء يصلي الصلاة بعد رقدة ثم الصلاة بعد رسول الله وتلك كانت تلك صلاة رسول الله

" Adakah sesorang menyangka apabila dia menghidupkan malam dengan solat sehingga subuh itu sudah dikira tahajjud? Sesungguhnya tahajjud hanyalah solat malam selepas tidur. Kemudian solat selepas tidur. Itulah cara solat Rasulullah saw." (Hr Thabrani )

Daripada Hajjaj bin Amru ra beliau berkata:

كان رسول الله يتهجد بعد نومه

"Rasulullah saw solat tahajjud selepas tidur." (Hr Ibnu Abi Khaisamah - hasan)

Ulama Syafie dan Maliki memberi definasi solat tahajjud:

"Solat sunat pd waktu malam selepas tidur."


Rasulullah saw bersabda:

لا بد من صلاة بليل ولو حلب شاة وما كان بعد صلاة العشاء الآخرة فهو من الليل

"Solat malam adalah satu kemestian sekalipun sekadar perahan susu kambing biri-biri. Solat yang dilakukan selepas solat fardu isya adalah dikira solat malam." (Hr Thabrani - daif)

Ulama telah berselisih pendapat pada masalah ini kepada dua pendapat:-

Pendapat pertama:

Solat qiamullail adalah solat sunat yang dilakukan selepas solat isya.
Ini adalah pendapat mazhab Hanafi dan sebahgian ulama syafie.

Pendapat kedua:

Tidak disyaratkan solat qiamullail itu dilakukan selepas isya'. Waktu solat qiamullail bermula apabila masuk waktu magrib.

Imam Bahuti berkata:

"Disunatkan Qiamullail. Waktunya bermula dari waktu magrib sehingga waktu subuh."


Ada dua pendapat mengenai perkara ini seperti berikut:

Pertama: Mazhab Syafie

Imam Syarwani berkata: Tahajud menurut istilah ulama syafie adalah sembahyang sunat yang dilakukan selepas solat isya sekalipun sebelum masuk waktu isya bagi yang melakukan jamak takdim dan hendaklah dilakukan selepas tidur. Tidak kira apa jua jenis solat sunat samada solat sunat rawatib atau solat-solat sunat yang lain.

Kedua: Mazhab hanafi.

MAzhab hanafi mensyaratkan untuk dikira solat tahajjud hendaklah dilakukan selepas masuknya waktu isya dan dilakukan selepas tidur.


Aisyah ra telah menjawab soalan tentang solat malam Rasulullah saw:

كان ينام أوله ويقوم آخره فيصلي ثم يرجع إلى فراشه فإذا أذن المؤذن وثب فإن كان به حاجة اغتسل وإلا توضأ

"Nabi saw tidur pada awal malam kemudian bangun diakhir malam dan melakukan solat malam. Kemudian baginda akan berjimak dengan isterinya jika baginda berkeinginan sebelum baginda tidur semula. Bila azan berkemandang, baginda akan bangun dan mandi junub jika telah berjimak dan hanya berwuduk jika tidak berjimak." (Hr bukhari dan Muslim)


Kebanyakan ulama yang terdiri dari mazhab Syafie, Maliki, Hanafi dan Hambali mengatakan habisnya masa qiamulail dan tahajjud adalah bila masuk waktu subuh.

Aisyah ra telah berkata:

كان رسول الله صلى الله يصلي من الليل حتى يكون آخر صلاته الوتر

" Rasulullah saw solat pada waktu malam yang diakhiri dengan solat witir." (Hr Muslim - sahih)

Ini menunjukkan solat Rasulullah saw berakhir sebelum masuk waktu subuh.

Pesanan Penting:

Hendaklan setiap muslim yang telah qiamullail dan tahajjud pada bulan ramadan meneruskan amalan mereka selepas ramadan. Janganlah kita merobohkan binaan amalan yang telah dibina di bulan Ramadan. Nabi saw bersabda:

يا عبد الله لا تكن مثل فلان كان يقوم الليل ثر ترك قيام الليل

"Wahai Abdullah, janganlah engkau menjadi seperti si fulan, dahulu dia melakukan qiamullail. Kemudian dia meninggalkannya." (Hr Bukhari dan Muslim)

Begitu juga dengan amalan2 yang lain kita perlu teruskan dengan ikhlas.

Rujukan: Mawaqit Ibadah Zamaniah wal Makaniah oleh Dr Nizar Mahmud dan Fathul Bari oleh Ibnu Hajar Asqalani.

penceramah-penceramah yang dipotong lidahnya

Nabi saw bersabda:

مررت ليلة أسري بي بأقوام تقرض شفاههم بمقاريض من نار قلت : من هؤلاء يا جبريل؟ قال : خطباء أمتك الذين يقولون ما لا يفعلون

" Pada malam isra' aku telah lalu pada sekumpulan manusia yang dipotong lidahnya dengan gunting-gunting dari neraka. Aku bertanya "Siapakah mereka wahai jibril?" Jibril menjawab " Mereka adalah penceramah-penceramah dikalangan ummatmu yang berkata apa yang mereka tidak lakukan."

menyembunyikan ilmunya

Nabi saw bersabda:

من كتم علما ألجمه الله يوم القيامة بلجام من نار

" Sesiapa yang menyembunyikan ilmunya , Allah akan mengekang dirinya dengan kekangan dari neraka pada hari kiamat. " (Hr Ibnu Hibban dan Hakim - sahih)

Saidina Umar

Saidina Umar ra berkata:

لئن نمت الليل لأضيعن حق الله ولئن نمت النهار لأضيعن حق الرعية

" Kalau aku tidur waktu malam aku meyia2kan hak Allah dan kalau aku tidur waktu siang aku akan menyia-nyiakah hak rakyat."

tidak melakukannya (kebaikan)

Nabi saw bersabda:

يجاء بالرجل يوم القيامة قيلقى في النار فتندلق أقتابه فيدور بها كما يدور الحمار برحاه فتجتمع أهل النار عليه فيقولون : يا فلان ما شأنك؟ ألست تأمر بالمعروف وتنهى عن المنكر ؟ فيقول : كنت آمركم بالمعروف ولا آتيه وأنهاكم عن الشر وآتيه

" Didatangkan seorang lelaki pada hari kiamat lalu dicampakkan kedalam neraka. Usus-ususnya keluar dan berputar-putar seperti mana keldai berputar dalam tempat pengisar. Para penghuni neraka berkumpul mengerumuninya dan bertanya "Bukankah engkau menyuruh kebaikan dan mencegah kemungkaran?" Dia menjawab " Aku menyuruh kebaikan serta tidak melakukannya dan mencegah kemungkaran serta tidak meninggalkannya."

Hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim.


Thursday, 8 April 2010

malaysiaphotostore for sale


Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera

Selepas lama dicampur tolak.... akhirnya saya membuat keputusan muktamad untuk menjual salah satu laman web saya yang tidak sempat untuk saya kembangkan. Laman tersebut sebenarnya merupakan satu laman yang mengubah hobi saya menjadikannya satu sumber pendapatan sampingan. Laman tersebut telah lama siap dah telah pun mempunyai ranking yang tinggi dalam search engine seperti Yahoo dan Google. Namun, kerana terlalu sibuk maka lebih baik saya jual sahaja kerana saya tidak sempat untuk menambah 'lebih banyak content'.

Adakah Friend berminat?

Jika ye, tunggu. Saya akan emelkan butirannya. Jangan risau, ini bukan laman web skim cepat kaya dsb.

Sebelum itu, saya cadangkan baca dahulu artikel dalam link berikut supaya anda dapat gambaran tentang perkara yang saya maksudkan.

[artikel tersebut untuk memberi gambaran tentang laman yang akan saya jual iaitu hobi=side income]

Sekian. Terima kasih.

Hasanah Abd. Khafidz

www.???????? .com [FOR SALE]


Wednesday, 7 April 2010

light on the tongue

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "There are two phrases that are light on the tongue but heavy on the scale of rewards and are dear to (Allah) the Gracious One. These are, subhanallah wa bi-hamdihi (All Glory is to Allah and all Praise to Him), and subhanallah al-azim (Glorified is Allah, the Great).'' (Muslim, Bukhari, and Tirmizhi)

Abu Zharr reported, "the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'Shall I tell you the words that Allah loves the most?' I said, 'Yes, tell me, O Messenger of Allah.' He said, 'The words most dear to Allah are subhan-Allah wa bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah with all praise due to Him)'." This is narrated by Muslim and Tirmizhi. In Tirmizhi's version, we also find the following: "The words most dear to Allah which He has chosen for His angels are subhana Rabbi wa bihamdihi, subhana Rabbi wa bihamdihi (Glorified is my Lord with all praise due to Him, Glorified is my Lord with all praise due to Him)."

Abu Hurairah reported that whenever the Prophet, peace be upon him, was faced with a serious difficulty, he would raise his head to the sky and supplicate, "Subhan-Allah al-'Azim (glory be to Allah, the Mighty)." And when he implored seriously and strongly, he would say "Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum (O Ever-Living One, O Self-Existing One upon Whom we all depend)." (hadith of Tirmidhi)


a palm tree planted for him in Paradise

Jabir reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Whoever says Subhan-Allah-al-Azim wa bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah, the Great, with all praise due to Him), will have a palm tree planted for him in Paradise.'' (Reported by Tirmizhi who considers it a sound hadith.)

Perform the enduring goods deeds more frequently

Abu Sa'id reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Perform the enduring goods deeds more frequently." The asked, "What are these enduring deeds?" The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied, At-Takbir, (Saying Allahu akbar i.e., Allah is the greatest) At-Tahlil, (Saying la ilaha ill-Allah, i.e., there is no god but Allah) At-Tasbih, (Saying subhan-Allah meaning, Exalted and far removed is Allah from any weakness) al-hamdu li-Allah, (This means: All praise belongs to Allah alone) and la hawla wala quwwata illa billah. (There is no power nor any authority except with the permission of Allah) This is reported by An-Nasa'i and Al-Hakim, who consider its chain of authorities sound.

Monday, 5 April 2010

knowledge is light by talib al habib

And say: `My Rubb! Increase me in knowledge.'' (20:114)
"Are those who know equal to those who know not?''' (39:9)
"Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge.'' (58:11)
"It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah.'' (35:28)

Talib al-Halib - Kalimatan


shakautu ila Waki` su'a hifdhi
wa arshada-ni an tark al-ma`asi
wa akhbara-ni bi anna ilman nur
wa nur Allah la yu`ta al-`as

The great Imam ash-Shafi', he went to his teacher Waki`
Complaining about the weakness of his memory.
He told him, 'abandon rebellion, for knowledge is a light
And the light of Allah is not bestowed upon a rebel.'


articles of faith by talib al habib

amantu billahi wa mala'ikatihi
wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa al-yaum al-akhiri
wa al-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi min Allah
wa al-ba'si ba`d al-maut, la ilaha illa Allah

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Allah is the creator of heaven and of earth
Nothing may compare with Him, He is the One alone
The prophets, best of humankind
Sent to all nations and all tribes
Last of all Muhammad, mercy to the worlds.

Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the Lord
To praise Allah, to help mankind,
Jibril brings the word.
The scriptures, all by Allah sent,
Torah, Psalms and Gospel then
The source of perfect guidance, the Glorious Quran.

The reckoning, the Final Day, when all will see their works
Remade in soul and body to stand before the Lord
With patience bearing every grief
With thankfulness for all blessings
We are content with destiny, the Will of Allah.

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.


articles of faith by talib al habib


Kalimatan - Talib Al Habib

zikir diajar oleh ustazah as ( wife UZAR)

"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding-- men who remember Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides." [Aal-e-Imran, 3:190-191].


Kalimatan habibatan ila ar-Rahman
Khafifatan `ala al-lisan, thaqilatan fi al-mizan
Subhanallahi wa bi hamdih, subhanallahi al-azim


'There are two phrases which are beloved of the Most Merciful, light on the tongue, yet heavy on the scales (of reward): glory be to Allah and all praise to Him, glory be to Allah, the Mighty.' (Hadith Bukhari)

SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi 'l-`adheem
سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ ، سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ الْعَظِيمِ
Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme 1

The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin the ma`roof (all of Islam), and forbid the munkar (all that is evil; kufr): they observe regular prayers, pay Zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. (The Holy Quran, 9:71)