Friday 2 November 2012

sahih bukhari

saya amat mencintai ilmu

saya ingin mendalami dan mempelajari ilmu agama

semoga Allah sentiasa membantu saya dengan niat saya yang suci dan murni ini.

Saya terjumpa site hadith sahih bukhari dan ingin berlajar dan baca dari site ini

banyak dan banyak sekali yang perlu dibaca

semoga saya istiqamah dan dapat habis baca dan yang lagi penting amalkan ilmu tersebut.

Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which has several books. Each book contains many ahadith. The ahadith are numbered consecutively per volume. The books really only serve to group ahadith together, but the volumes impose the numbering.
MSA-USC has placed anchors (hyperlinks) for all the ahadith in the translations presented here. Prospective developers of Islamic sites may find it useful to refer to these anchors. For example, one could use the anchors to create an 'active' subject index into Sahih Bukhari.
The format of the anchor names for the translated ahadith in Sahih Bukhari is very simple:
where D stands for a digit and [A] means an optional letter. The first three digits are the volume number, the second three digits are the book number, and the last three digits (with optional letter) are the report number. The format of the file names (one per book) is:
The three digits are the book number, and sbt stands for Sahih Bukhari Translation. Given the anchor, you can tell which file it is found in (e.g. 005.059.716 is found in 059.sbt.html).
For example, the following snippet of HTML should take you to volume 2, book 16, number 108:

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