Sunday 21 June 2020

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Introduction to GUI With Tkinter in Python

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create GUI apps in Python. You'll also learn about all the elements needed to develop GUI apps in Python.
learn learn just keep learning

Let's see some of the frameworks that Python provides to develop a GUI:
  • PyQT is one of the favored cross-platform Python bindings implementing the Qt library for the Qt application development framework. Nokia primarily owns Qt. Currently, PyQT is available for almost all operating systems like Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X. It blends the best of Python and Qt and provides flexibility to the programmer to decide whether to create a program by writing a pure python code or use Qt Designer to create visual dialogs.
  • Kivy is for the creation of new user interfaces and is an OpenGL ES 2 accelerated framework. Much like PyQt, Kivy also supports almost all platforms like Windows, MacOSX, Linux, Android, iOS. It is an open-source framework and comes with over 20 pre-loaded widgets in its toolkit.
  • Jython is a Python port for Java, which gives Python scripts seamless access to Java class libraries on the local machine.
  • WxPython, initially known as WxWindows (now as a WxWidgets library), is an open-source abstract-level wrapper for cross-platform GUI library. It is implemented as a Python expansion module. With WxPython, you, as a developer, can create native applications for Windows, Mac OS, and Unix.
  • PyGUI is a graphical application cross-platform framework for Unix, Macintosh, and Windows. Compared to some other GUI frameworks, PyGUI is by far the simplest and lightweight of them all, as the API is purely in sync with Python.PyGUI inserts very less code between the GUI platform and Python application; hence, the display of the application usually displays the natural GUI of the platform.
And finally, the framework that is the discussion for today's tutorial Tkinter!
  • Tkinter commonly comes bundled with Python, using Tk and is Python's standard GUI framework. It is famous for its simplicity and graphical user interface. It is open-source and available under the Python License.
Note: Tkinter comes pre-installed with Python3, and you need not bother about installing it.

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