Tuesday, 31 March 2009

antara laman motivasi utk dikunjungi

Antara laman-laman yang sering saya kunjungi adalah seperti berikut:

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Better than a Doctorate Degree from Harvard

If you see anyone drinking tea, and you ask him what he is drinking, he will tell you "tea." There is sugar in the tea, but he will not mention the sugar, no one ever says he is drinking tea-and-sugar. No doubt the sweetness of the sugar fills the tea, but the person drinks and says nothing about it.

The long standing tradition of Qur'anic memorization is analogous to the sugar, doing its work in secret. In a child who embarks on the journey of memorizing Qur'an we see that the hands, nose, ears, eyes, and tongue are dynamic, but no one can see what the soul is accomplishing. Their ears come across as listening, and their tongues seems to be talking. But no matter what it may seem to be, it is not only the tongue that talks. And in spite of form, it is not only the ears that hear. That which speaks and hears is the invisible soul within. The effect of the long standing tradition of Qur'anic memorization on a child is similarly invisible.

And this is what happens to a child when he memorizes the words of Allah, the Exalted. We might think they are just memorizing words. But in actuality, every letter they say, every sound they make, makes an imprint in their hearts and minds which enables them to take the imitated step of converting his oral recognition of Qur'anic language into a physical act.

The best education we can give our children is the memorization of the Holy Qur'an. As Rasulullah (saw) said: "No group of people gathers in one of the houses of Allah to recite the Book of Allah and study it together, but tranquility descends upon them, the angels surround them, mercy comes down upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with Him." (Muslim).

The first group of students I ever taught was a group of 9 year-olds in a Hafidh Program in 1998. I was merely their English teacher. As each day passed by, I saw little beings change from being passive to being connected. I witnessed what seemed at the time insignificant moments of sharing between classmates evolve into brotherhood. I saw the honor of one being defended by all, and I saw the grief of a few being shared by many. They finished the school year with highest class percentage of 98% in all subjects, and to this day continue to excel academically. This is rare to find in America today. There was nothing magical in it. They were revolutionized because they entrusted their time with Allah, by the memorization of the Holy Qur'an, the words of Allah, the Exalted.

The vessels for preservation of Islam are in our children's hearts. Allah says:

"Nay, but they, the clear ayat, are preserved in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge…" [Qur'an 29:49]

It is our duty to plant these seeds in our children for we must equip them for what lay ahead of them. There is no better time to preserve our heritage than today, in these critical times.

As there are numerous full-time schools sprouting in the west, it is time that we as parents invest our children's time memorizing the Qur'an and join the ranks of thousands who seek to earn the pleasure of Allah (azza wajal) and preserve the very foundation of our Islamic identity. Yes! It's better than a doctorate degree from Harvard as we are reminded by the words of the Prophet (saw) about its reward:

Buraydah (r) said: "I was sitting with the Prophet (saw) and I heard him say: ..The Qur'an will meet its companion on the Day of Resurrection when his grave is opened for him, looking like a pale man, and it will say to him, 'Do you know who I am?' He will say, I do not know you.' It will say to him, 'Do you know who I am?' He will say, I do not know you.' It will say, 'I am your companion the Qur'an, who made you thirsty on hot days and kept you awake at night. Every merchant will benefit from his trade, and today you will benefit too.' He will be given power in his right hand and immortality in his left, and on his head will be placed a crown of dignity. His parents will be given two garments the like of which could never be made by the people of this world and they will say, 'How did we earn these?' It will be said, 'Because your child learned the Qur'an.' Then it will be said to him, 'Read and go up through the levels and rooms of Paradise. He will keep on ascending as long as he reads or recites.'" (Ahmad).

Surah At-Tahrim 66 -6

"O you who have believed, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels, stern (and) severe, who do not disobey Allah in what He orders them and (who) do (precisely) what they are commanded."
[Qur'an, Surah
At-Tahrim 66 -6]

Effective Parenting - Bonding Begins at Birth

By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

Many parents mistakingly equate parenting with discipline. Effective parenting begins from day one in a baby's life by establishing bonding.

Congratulations!! You and your spouse have just given birth to a bouncy baby boy or girl. As you become acquainted with your little bundle you begin to ask yourself many questions: "How will I cope with this new responsibility?"; "Will I be able to raise my child as a fully functioning, psychologically healthy person?"; "Will I be capable of protecting my child from the evil in this society?"; "What do I need to do to build a strong Muslim character in my child?" Whether this is your first experience at parenthood or one in a line of blessings, the same questions surface each time a new being appears. In upcoming issues of this magazine we will try to provide some insights into methods that will lead to positive outcomes for the concerns that are often raised. One can use the analogy of building blocks, with the first blocks placed at the time of birth. Many people believe that the task of parenting does not begin until a child can walk and talk and get into mischief, requiring some form of discipline from the parent. The term parenting is often equated with discipline. This understanding is inaccurate, however, because effective parenting begins at birth with a phenomenon known as bonding or attachment.

What is bonding?

Bonding is the formation of enduring emotional ties between an infant and a special person in his/her world (usually the mother). It is a process that takes place over time involving an affectionate, reciprocal relationship between these two people. The interaction usually occurs in this manner:

  1. the infant cries or expresses discomfort;
  2. the caretaker responds in an attentive and loving way, fulfilling the needs of the infant;
  3. the infant smiles and coos as a sign of contentment;
  4. the caretaker is gratified to know that she/he can please the infant and produce such a response.
  5. It is a beautiful, harmonious interplay that is a part of Allah's universal plan. It plants the seeds of the social and community ties that are so important in Islam.

Bonding is vitally important because it can affect the psychological and social development of a child. Scientific research has shown that children who were securely attached in infancy are more competent in certain social and cognitive skills: they are more curious, competent, cooperative, and self-directed than those who were insecurely attached. They are also more likely to be sought out as friends and chosen to be leaders. In school, they tend to interact with teachers in friendly and appropriate ways and are more likely to be independent, seeking help from teachers only when needed. Children who were insecurely attached tend to experience more difficulty in these areas and these effects may carry over into later years. Poor attachment has been found to be one factor in an equation that explains problems in adolescence such as juvenile delinquency, teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol use, and more.

Fostering a strong bond with your child

How does a parent build a strong bond with her/his child and foster secure attachment?

1. Stay home with the baby. This is the ideal situation (although not always possible) for both the mother and the child. Allah has assigned women the role of nurturer and caretaker and has created them with characteristics that fit this role. Since bonding develops through many interactions between parent and child it only makes sense that they be together for this to occur. It is a disturbing situation when a woman goes back to work 6 weeks after the baby is born leaving him/her in daycare for 10 hours a day. She then comes home too frazzled and exhausted to have any interactions with the baby much less quality time. If it is absolutely necessary for a woman to work it is important to find a competent, caring person to take care of the child, preferably a Muslim. It is possible for a child to bond with more than one person.

2. Breastfeed. Allah has provided humans with a natural technique for development of a bond through the prescription of breastfeeding: "The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years." [2:233]; "And the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months." [46:15]. This is another example of Allah's infinite wisdom that has only recently been proven by scientific knowledge. There are numerous health benefits from breastfeeding as well as emotional and social effects that will last a lifetime.

3. Respond to the infant's needs as quickly as possible. A significant part of the bonding process involves trust. When the needs of the baby are fulfilled, he/she develops trust in the caretaker and in the world. Crying and fussiness are forms of communication that signal that something is not quite right, and it is the responsibility of the caretaker to determine what should be done. Experienced parents are able to distinguish various cries and their associated needs. It is also possible to sense the early signs of needs and take care of them before the infant becomes upset. Caretakers who do this well usually have babies who are very content, secure, and enjoyable.

4. Communicate with your infant. There are many ways to send messages of love and care to your infant. These include talking in a soft voice, "answering" sounds by cooing or imitating, singing, smiling, hugging, stroking, massaging, making eye contact and much more. Mothers and infants tend to develop their own special language that really is an expression of their love for each other. One of the most wonderful gifts from Allah is the beautiful, bright smile of an infant that says "I am loved and cared for and I am returning that love." What amazing synchrony!

Following this advice does not guarantee that your child will develop according to your wishes and it will not alleviate your concerns, but it is an initial building block that will provide a strong foundation upon which to build. It is important to remember throughout the whole building process that our children are only a test for us and that we must always rely on Allah.

Have you Talked with Your Child Today?

By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

from here

[I personally like this article better than the other one that i post before]

Have you had a meaningful conversation together? Do you know what your child accomplished today, how he may be feeling, whether or not he has any concerns? Does your child know that you care about him?

In Islam, the ties of kinship and family are very strong and something that will always be present throughout our lifetime. There are very serious consequences for someone who decides to break these ties. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says,"Then, is it to be expected of you, if you were put in authority, that you will do mischief in the land, and break your ties of kith and kin? Such are the men whom Allah has cursed for He has made them deaf and blinded their sight." [Qur'an 47:22-23]. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, said,"Whoever severs the bonds of kinship will not enter Paradise." (Bukhari and Muslim).

A major component of our familial ties is communication. In fact, without communication there would be little connection between people. Living together in the same household with limited, or even hostile, interaction would not fit the criteria for maintaining the bonds of kinship. To develop meaningful relationships within our families we need to know how to communicate effectively and sincerely with each other. A large part of this involves skills and principles that can be learned through practice and sincere effort. The following is a guide to strengthen these ties that bind.

1) Active Listening.

You may be surprised to discover that the most important aspect of effective communication is listening. This means that the listener pays full attention to the speaker and attempts to understand what that person is saying and feeling. The listener should suspend judgment, show interest, and respect what is being said. He or she may then restate the content and feelings to demonstrate that sincerity is present. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, always gave his full attention to anyone that he conversed with, even his enemies and those with whom he disagreed. When he addressed his companions, they listened intently and attached importance to everything he said.

2) Level of Understanding.

Parents should always keep in mind the age and level of understanding of their child and should speak with him accordingly. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, said "Speak to the people keeping in view their level of understanding. Would you like to see them think of what you tell them from Allah and His Messenger as lies?" (Bukhari) This is important so that the child will be able to comprehend what is said, the expectations of the parents will not go beyond the capacity of the child and lead to problems, and difficulties will not be placed upon the child unnecessarily. This is particularly pertinent for sensitive issues such as death, personal modesty issues, and adult responsibilities. There are various levels of complexity with each of these and the correct level needs to be chosen for each child. One way to ascertain this is by the type of questions that a child asks.

3) The Manners of a Mu'min.

A believer is someone who believes in Allah's Message and follows the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam. In relationships then, a believer would demonstrate honesty, kindness, patience, self-restraint, fairness, trustworthiness, etc. He would avoid teasing, blaming, belittling, mocking, excessive and idle talk, and fault-finding. There are many Qur'anic verses and ahadeeth that give detailed descriptions of this topic such as: "Verily, Allah is with the patient." [2: 153], "Speak fair to the people." [2:83], "Kind words and covering of faults are better than charity followed by injury." [2:263], "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. He does not wrong him, nor insult him nor humiliate him." (Muslim), and "The thing which will make the majority of people enter Paradise is fear of Allah and good manners." (Tirmithi) These principles should be applied in conversations with children and teenagers as well as adults. It is probably even more important with young people because we are setting an example for them. What do we want our children to learn? We can not expect kindness and respect from our children if we are not being kind and respectful toward them.

4) Avoiding Contention.

The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "If a man gives up contention when he is in the wrong, a house will be built for him within the Garden of Paradise; but if a man gives up contention, even when he is in the right, a house will be built for him in the loftiest part of the Garden." (Termithi) The value of this advice lies in the fact that contention and disputes lead to a breakdown in the relationship, even rancor, enmity, and hostility. I have worked with many families where this has occurred and it can be very difficult to mend the wounds that have been created and to bring family members back together. It goes without saying that it is best to completely avoid reaching this low level.

Let us all work to improve our style of communication and our relationships with each other. When our children feel that their parents understand them and are willing to listen to them, they will open up their hearts and trust will develop. Effective teaching and discipline cannot be implemented without a certain level of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. If you are concerned about your children in a non-Muslim environment and it is affecting the way you interact with them, the best you can do is teach and advise them, give them responsibility, trust them, and let them know that you care for them. We can then make du'a and rely upon Allah's Grace and Assistance. This is our best weapon in a world of non-belief. May Allah help each of us to strengthen the ties that bind us together as a family and bring happiness and contentment to our homes.


  • Set aside some time each day to talk with your child. If you have more than one child, each should have their own equal, individual time.
  • Read books with your child about Islam that pertain to relationships with others and stories about the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, and the companions, radiallaahu anhum. These will provide you with the necessary guidelines and inspiration.
  • Tape record one of your conversations and rate yourself or have other give you feedback. This is an effective method to determine your weak areas and to improve upon them.
  • Obtain advice from other parents when needed, especially those who have more experience. This may save time and avoid undue hardships and pain.

5 great ways to bond with your children

great article to share with me and anyone today.

It is crucial for parents to bond with their children so that they can build a strong and healthy relationship.


In order to build a strong bond with your children, it is important to make your family a priority. Although it can seem difficult to get together for dinner every night, it is a hurdle that you should be determined to overcome. Your schedules are busy -- work, school, dance practice, soccer games -- but your kids grow up too fast to let your hectic routines get in the way of quality time as a family unit. "Can't" has to be omitted from your vocabulary. You CAN have dinner together, and you will be glad that you did because sometimes it can be the only time in a busy day that you get the opportunity to sneak away from the hustle bustle of life. Make dinner time special. Turn off the television. Sit at the dinner table, not on the couch. Everyone can help get ready so that mom doesn't get stuck playing the role of waitress while everyone else enjoys the meal. Have the kids set the table (never miss an opportunity to teach them some responsibility). Talk about your days. Ask your children about school. Everyone at the table could say what the best and worst parts of their day were. You will be surprised how much a simple sit-down dinner can keep you "in the know" with your kids.


Playing games with your children gives you the opportunity to have some good old-fashioned fun with the family. It also gives your kids the opportunity to see your more playful side. Charades is a great game for family hilarity. The non-verbal clues in charades force you to be goofy, no matter how old you are. Your kids will crack up watching you act silly and childlike. Monopoly is another great family game, as long as your kids are old enough to understand the rules (usually at about 8 years old). For one, everyone will have their "lucky" player piece, such as the dog or the shoe. Also, it is a long game, and you will find that there is plenty of time to talk to each other while you play. Twister is another classic, because everyone will crack up at the tangled and contorted positions that mom and dad have to get into. A relatively new board game is Cranium, which combines charades, drawing, word puzzles, clay sculpting, and trivia. This is a great option for family game night because it has something for everyone, and it is played in teams. Having a game night gives you the chance to show your kids that you aren't always serious and "parent-like." They will see the fun and funny side of you, which will give you a closer and more well-rounded relationship overall. Plus, you are making memories together and forming traditions.


Your kids are individuals, so unless you have an only-child, it is important to make set aside one-on-one time with each kid. You might go to dinner with your daughter once a month, just the three off you. You could take your son to the batting cages. You could bring your history-loving child to a museum, and take the dancer-kid to a ballet. Spending time with each child will make them feel special, and it will build their confidence in themselves. Also, you should give the kids alone time with mom and dad separately. Sometimes it can be easier for a child to talk about certain things with mom that they wouldn't want to with dad, and vice versa. For example, a girl usually wants to talk to mom about boys and clothes. A boy might want to talk to dad alone about dating and sports. If you only spend time as a family unit, then you will be missing out on special bonds that can only be formed with one-on-one time.


Sometimes children forget that their parents are human beings. If you tell your kids stories about your childhood and life experiences, then they will be able to get to know you better, and they will be able to relate to you more. Tell your kids about some of your memories from school, family vacations, etc. Tell them about your first date, your first school dance, your first summer job, etc. If you share your stories, they will feel more comfortable sharing theirs. Never pass up an opportunity to relate to your kids. Don't be afraid to tell your children about mistakes that you made. The last thing you want your kids to think is that you are and were perfect. If they think that, then they will be very intimidated about telling you about mistakes that they make. You can teach them that making mistakes is part of life, and you can also teach them to share their feelings rather than bottling them up. Good communication is key, and story-telling will build your communication.


Sometimes parents are too quick to reprimand their children for bad choices. Instead of jumping into a lecture, always give your child the opportunity to state their case. It will help you to understand their motives, and you will be able to say something in response that addresses their rationale. This doesn't mean that they will argue their way out of a punishment; it just shows them that you respect them enough to let them speak their mind. You should be more interested in understanding your children than in punishing them. If you listen to them, then they will be more likely to listen to you. If you don't give them the opportunity to speak, then they will not listen to you when you do. All relationships are give-take, and that includes parent-child relationships. You will bond with your child and make breakthroughs if you listen to each other and respect each other.

You and Your Child

below are labels of interesting articles to collect
to help me know and get to know my children and help them
in all or any way possible now and forever.


additional information



Fundamental Skills

Mastering the Basics

Teaching Techniques

Balance Structure with Exploration


Choosing Toys
Choosing Books
Special Considerations

Any body heard of balance method?

What is a balance method.

me, mom of currently Four children

Positive Thinking For Kids

We all want our children to have the best in life and that includes having a positive mental attitude and a sense of empowerment, yet children are rarely given the opportunity to learn how to acquire these skills. Knowing how to release negative thinking patterns and make use of mind skills such as visualization techniques, affirmations and positive self-talk are all skills that can be easily learnt but they do need to be taught.

If you would like to help your child develop a more positive mental attitude, then helping them to improve their self talk is one of the most valuable things you can do, and is an important step along the way to maintaining a positive and healthy self-image.

Using positive statements such as affirmations is one of the simplest and easiest ways to help your child make these changes and there are lots of ways of making this fun for all the family to do.

Yet research has shown that just repeating an affirmation again and again will only be about 10% effective overall, better than nothing but not really good enough. The trick to making affirmations really effective is to add very vivid and colourful imagery to your affirmation whilst holding an image of success in your mind. Then with repetition, over time, it is known to become at least 70% effective. This is because the right side of our brain tends to process information in the form of pictures rather than in a linear way and of course we need to use both side of our brain equally to be really effective.

The best news of all though, is that if you encourage your child to repeat their affirmation regularly (over a period of a couple of weeks is ideal) with lots of vivid imagery, making sure that what is being affirmed is also specific, measurable, and entirely positive and then add the feeling of success to that, it becomes 100% effective. In other words the mind assumes that what it is experiencing is real. Think about it for a moment, there are lots of examples of how this works in our everyday life. Advertisers use this knowledge all the time and it's also one of the most common ways that our fears and phobias are created too.

One of the best things about affirmations is that they simple to create and can be used in all sorts of fun and imaginative ways. For example, if your child is struggling with their spelling you could help them come up with a simple affirmation such as "I'm improving my spelling every day"

Affirmations can be adapted to any age group and can be used in many creative ways to give your child's self esteem a gentle boost throughout the day.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

• Help your child to write or draw their affirmation on brightly coloured card and display it somewhere obvious.

• Write out a new affirmation each day and hide it somewhere where they will find it later such as in their lunch box or under their pillow.

• Leave a message on your child's mobile phone (if they are old enough to have one) reminding them to think positive thoughts.

• Make up a song or rhyme with your favourite affirmation.

There are endless ways you can make these techniques fun. So let yourself be creative and make up your own list of simple ways to remind your child of their natural brilliance. They are bound to delight in your encouragement and support.

This article is based on Anne's e-book 'Positive Thinking for Kids. Private consultation are available by telephone for parents who would like to learn more about how to use NLP and EFT techniques to help improve their child self esteem and confidence. Go to http://www.enhancingvitality.com/call-back.html to request a call back or get in touch via email at http://www.enhancingvitality.com/contact.html if you would like to know more.

summer time

so today is the day where we add one hour during mid night.

yesterday at this time is 7.42 am but today is 8.42 am.

summer summer summer time

Motivasi Tak Perlukan Sebab

“Jika anda melakukan sesuatu dengan niat semata-mata untuk mengharap ganjaran PAHALA dan keredhaan Allah Anda akan mendapat kelima-lima bentuk motivasi tersebut.”

Kelima-lima bentuk motivasi tu adalah:

1. Alam semulajadi sebagai motivasi.

2. Cinta sebagai motivasi

3. Keseronokan sebagai motivasi

4. Kisah orang lain sebagai motivasi

5. Duit sebagai motivasi.

Itulah kelima-lima bentuk motivasi, iaitu sesuatu yang membuat kita berubah jadi rajin berusaha.


Jangan sampai mengejar-ngejar motivasi alam, sehingga kita menjadikannya tempat bermohon.
–> menjadikannya sebagai Keramat, menjadikannya tempat sembahan, menjampi berkaitan dengan kekuasaan alam.

Motivasi oleh cinta, harap-harapnya kecintaan kita tidaklah beralih arah iaitu untuk mencintai-Nya. Kecintaan itu akan terjelma apabila kita telah mengenali sesuatu yang ingin kita cintai. Tetapi ramai juga yang tidak berusaha untuk mengenali-Nya menyebabkan agak sukar menjelmakan kecintaan pada-Nya.

Keseronokan boleh meningkatan motivasi tetapi kadang-kala apabila terlebih, menyebabkan kita leka dan alpa. Bukan sahaja keseronokan mengejar dunia tetapi juga mengejar-ngejar akan-Nya, boleh menyebabkan kita leka dan alpa terhadap tanggungjawab sebenar kita di dunia ini.

Kisah orang lain boleh meningkatkan motivasi diri, tetapi bilamana tidak dipandu, boleh juga menyebabkan hasad dengki terjelma. Akibatnya akan terbitlah umpatan dan lain-lain yang negatif sifatnya.

Duit? emm… tak perlulah saya teruskan kerana semua kita memahaminya. Memang kita memerlukannya.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

another positive thinking article

Positive Thinking Your Key to Success
by Remez Sasson

Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It also helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes life look bright and promising.

Positive thinking is contagious. People around you pick your mental moods and are affected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.

In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure your success.

Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.
Are you willing to make a real inner change?
Are you willing to change the way you think?
Are you willing to develop a mental power that can positively affect you, your environment and the people around you?

Here are a few actions and tips to help you develop the power of positive thinking:

Always use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done', etc.

Allow into your awareness only feelings of happiness, strength and success.

Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.

In your conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.

Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in your mind its successful outcome. If you visualize with concentration and faith, you will be amazed at the results.

Read at least one page of inspiring book every day.

Watch movies that make you feel happy.

Minimize the time you listen to the news and read the papers.

Associate yourself with people who think positively.

Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.

Walk, swim or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to develop a more positive attitude.

Think positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time, your mental attitude will affect your life and circumstances and change them accordingly.

Follow the tips and suggestions in this article, and prove to yourself the reality the power of positive thinking. More advanced and powerful techniques, instructions and exercises can be found in the following books:

Visualize and Achieve
Affirmations - Words of Power

When you expect success and say "I can", you fill yourself with confidence and joy.

Fill your mind with light, hope and feelings of strength, and soon your life will reflect these qualities.

another great article today

(taken from here)

The Power of Positive Thinking
by Remez Sasson

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.

It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?

The following story illustrates how this power works:
Allan applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.

His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.

During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.

Jim applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.

In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.

He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Allan.

What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.

Positive and negative thinking are both contagious.
All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.

Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

Practical Instructions

In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.

Read about this subject, think about its benefits and persuade yourself to try it. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.

Always visualize only favorable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Disregard any feelings of laziness or a desire to quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks.

Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.

In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.

It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.

Another method to employ is the repetition of affirmations. It is a method which resembles creative visualization, and which can be used in conjunction with it. It is the subject of another article on this website.

The other articles at this website, about the power of concentration, will power, self-discipline and peace of mind also contribute to the development of a positive mind, and are recommended for reading and practicing.

interesting article today

today when i go to this imotivasi site here,

there is an interesting article where it says
we will get motivated burning non stop if we put
our motivation for Allah's path.

Friday, 27 March 2009

interesting reading

Its not uncommon for children to read so far ahead but the level of understanding is the critical deciding factor.( both comprehension and meaning/context of individual words).
To recheck your childs standard try comprehension tests this will identify whether the level of reading is correct.
Choose the difficult words in text and ask for the childs meaning of the word.
have the story retold to you in their own words and ask the meaning of the story.This should give you a guide to how much is being understood.
I read with many children and it appears they are well beyond their age reading groups but when tested they are not actually comprehending what they are able to read.

Level 1 or below.

Your child has not gained the national target in one (or more) of the subjects tested. Special education needs provision may already be provided by the school.


Although gaining Level 2, your child will still need to work hard to keep up.


This means you child has reached the correct level for his or her age, but still needs to work to maintain or improve it.


Your child has achieved a very good level and is well prepared for Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6). He or she should have no difficulty in Year 3 and upwards if they continue to work hard.


This is a very high standard. Few children reach this upper level at the end of Key Stage 1. (Some children in Hamilton do achieve this level)

ayat quran

Islam juga melarang umatnya dari terlibat, duduk serta bersekongkol dalam majlis yang mempersendakan Islam dan bercanggah dengannya. Ini dari firman Allah yang bererti :

وَقَدْ نَزَّلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الْكِتَابِ أَنْ إِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ آيَاتِ اللّهِ يُكَفَرُ بِهَا وَيُسْتَهْزَأُ بِهَا فَلاَ تَقْعُدُواْ مَعَهُمْ حَتَّى يَخُوضُواْ فِي حَدِيثٍ غَيْرِهِ إِنَّكُمْ إِذًا مِّثْلُهُمْ إِنَّ اللّهَ جَامِعُ الْمُنَافِقِينَ وَالْكَافِرِينَ فِي جَهَنَّمَ جَمِيعًا

“Dan sungguh Allah telah menurunkan kepada kamu di dalam Al Qur’an bahwa apabila kamu mendengar ayat-ayat Allah diingkari dan diperolok-olokkan (oleh orang-orang kafir), maka janganlah kamu duduk beserta mereka, sehingga mereka memasuki pembicaraan yang lain. Karena sesungguhnya (kalau kamu berbuat demikian), tentulah kamu serupa dengan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah akan mengumpulkan semua orang-orang munafik dan orang-orang kafir di dalam Jahanam” ( An-Nisa : 140 )

Diriwayatkan dari Umar r.a. bahwa dia pernah mendengar Rasulullah s,a.w. bersabda:

“Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir, maka janganlah duduk pada suatu hidangan yang padanya diedarkan arak.” (Riwayat Ahmad)

DISNEY Research opening... wow

Post-Doctoral Researcher Position in
Human - Computer Interaction.
Open Immediately.

Disney Research, Pittsburgh has an open
position for a Post-doctoral Researcher in
Human-Computer Interaction to join a diverse
and dynamic group of researchers and industry
practitioners inventing new technologies for
media and entertainment industry.
The ideal candidate will have recently completed
a PhD in science or engineering and has an
excellent research track records in at least one of
the following areas:
Physical User Interfaces:
- Haptics and tactile feedback interfaces,
- Tangible and embodied interfaces,
- Actuated and robotic interfaces,
- Smart materials and novel actuators.
Ubiquitous computing:
- Innovative sensors and sensor networks,
- Interactive surfaces,
- Interfaces for mobile devices,
- User activity tracking and recognition,
- Spatial sound.
Interactive computer graphics:
- 3D user interfaces,
- Perceptual rendering,
- Interfaces for easy content authoring,
- Augmented and mixed reality.

wed quran class

Class on surah As- Syams (Matahari)




and more here

at http://www.esnips.com/web/UstazahHananTafseer


circuit training

recently about 4 weeks now.

Once a week for one hour every tuesday, from 6-7pm
I went to this training which equals to do an exercise
with a coach in a small school hall at bowerham road in lancaster.

here an interesting article on exercise that makes me smile :)


Exercise Makes Your Brain Bigger

By Jon Benson
Author of 7 Minute Muscle and Fit Over 40

If you ever needed another good reason to exercise, I've got one for you:

Exercise makes your brain bigger.

Actually this isn't entirely accurate. To be more specific, exercise was found to increase brain size slightly, but far more important to increase "spatial reasoning."

This is the ability to recognize patterns, remember phrases, numbers, and so-on. This was discovered by researchers at the Universities of Chicago and Pittsburgh.

It is also one of the most important factors to the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia.

My mom suffered with dementia the last ten years of her life. But unlike most dementia patients she was fully functional thanks to exercise. She drove and had a mind that was unbelievably sharp right up until an accident injured her beyond the ability to exercise.

After that, she mentally went downhill rapidly. Thankfully, she passed in peace... and she had ten wonderfully active years thanks to her willingness to take up weight training at the age of 71.

She eventually walked up to 3 miles per day and trained in the gym 3 days per week.

That kept her mind sharp, along with fish oil and N-Acetyl L-Carnitine, a wonderful brain nutrient.

Once again, we see the power of exercise. It increases the QUALITY of your life.

Quantity is no where near as important to me as quality.

And to greatly improve the QUALITY of your life I have written several books on healh and exercise. Pick the one that appeals to you most and take action.

Your brain will thank you, as will the rest of your body.

article originally from here

motivasi hari ini - langkah fikir macam genius...

Here are the Steps to Think Like a Genius from article http://www.mindpowernews.com/ThinkLikeAGenius.htm that I'd to share with you all and hope you'll like it. Enjoy to read it..

Steps to Think Like a Genius
Source: TheOptimizedLife.com
At this very moment, you are holding unbound potential. You hold within your possession the most powerful learning and creative problem-solving system known to man, far superior to any supercomputer ever invented. It is your brain.

There are 100 billion neurons in your 3-pound brain.

By its very design, the human brain stores vast potential for memory, learning, and creativity. However, your capacity for learning and achievement must be unlocked. Although everyone holds this incredible power, the brain does not give of its powers away freely.

Geniuses of this world have successfully tapped into this unlimited power, including Einstein, Galileo, Newton, and Mozart.

Within the rest of this article, we will turn to these same revolutionary minds in order to unlock the genius that is hiding in the tapestry of our own minds.

God didn’t give us formal instruction manuals for our brain. Therefore, we must explore the power of thought on our own. Let this article be your guide.

1. The first step is to expand your consciousness as well as your perspectives.

The genius mind will look at a problem from many different perspectives. They are literally able to place themselves completely in someone else’s shoes in order to experience a new way of looking at things. By doing this, they expand their knowledge and consciousness of the world around them.

Look at problems from a variety of different perspectives. Most people only rely on their own perspective, and therefore always have a very narrow view of the world. Leonardo da Vinci believed that, to gain knowledge about the form of a problem, you must begin by learning how to restructure it in many different ways. He believed that the first way you look at a problem is entirely too biased. You are only seeing the problem from one perspective: yours.

You can find new solutions to the problem by looking at it from a variety of different perspectives. According to Einstein, “You cannot solve a problem with the same type of thinking that is creating it.” Einstein insisted that the secret of his genius was his ability to look at problems in a childlike, imaginative way.

To expand his view of the world, Einstein developed a mastermind group that he called the Olympiad. This group held intensive discussions on topics ranging from mathematics and physics to philosophy and literature. These forums provided the stimulus needed for higher-level thinking and were often combine with camping trips involving hiking, swimming, and a good dose of humor.

The genius lives at a high level of consciousness about the world around them. They are receptive to new ideas, which provide them with even greater opportunity. The person who clings to their comfort zone is living in a low level of consciousness. Their experiences each day are often a repetition of the previous day.

You reach a higher level of consciousness when you reach new levels of understanding, experience a major growth experience, or embrace new ways of thinking.

When you were eight years old, you had a different view of the world than you do today. This is because you are now living in a higher consciousness/awareness of the world around you. You must constantly seek to expand your awareness if you want to grow. Your consciousness determines how you experience life. To expand your awareness, you must consistently seek opportunities for growth. Look for new relationships. Expand your knowledge. Step out of your comfort zone. Experience life to the fullest.

2. Once you have begun seeking your greatest aims in life, you must also persist…

The most successful people in life are the ones who are the most persistent. Interestingly, enough the most successful people in life are also the ones who have experienced the most failure.

The rest are too afraid to try and therefore never experience success or failure.
In fact, I would argue that failure is the quickest path to success. The greatest success is always preceded by a long list of failures.

Think of Thomas Edison, who after 10,000 attempts at creating the electric lightbulb, said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Failure is a prerequisite for success; embrace it as a learning experience that brings you one step closer to your ultimate goal.

To truly be great, you must not be afraid of failing. The leaders in life don’t fear failure. Like most, you probably learned in elementary school about the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus. However, you probably don’t know that the likely result of his journey was humiliation, financial ruin, or even death. He was making a journey, which most people believed would cause him to fall off the edge of the Earth.

All previous efforts to cross the Atlantic had been made by sailors who clung to the European coast in order to ensure a means of return. Columbus, however, sailed perpendicular to the shoreline. He was venturing into the unknown, without knowing what, if anything, lay ahead.
In the end, it turned out that Columbus, was, in fact, a visionary genius.
Even after six weeks at sea with no sight of land, he maintained unwavering belief in his goal. Most people would have given up at this point, but Columbus kept going. This was one of the most important factors in determining his success.

Most of what people refer to as failure is simply a lack of persistence.
How many times do we hug the coastline in our own lives, latching onto the familiar? Growth is always preceded by change. For us to improve and grow, we must embrace change and constantly step out of our old familiar comfort zones. When we do, we will find that we begin to live a life full of adventure and increased opportunity.

3. The third step to thinking like a genius is to Visualize!

Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Disney, Nikola Tesla, and even Mozart all ascribed their creative genius to their ability to visualize.

Einstein said that all of his most important and productive thinking was done by “combinatory play” with “images” in his mind. Einstein used images, visual patterns and associations to discover more about the world around him.

Einstein believed that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in strict rote learning. Instead, he turned to his own imagination and visualization.Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool in solving problems. Often times much more powerful that simply using words or numbers.

Visual thinking is done in the right side of the brain, presenting new problem solving and big-picture thinking. Visualization goes hand in hand with our next genius principle…

4. Imagination

Einstein was well acquainted with the childlike sense of play, possibility, and humor. His ability to remain in a childlike state of wonder and curiosity is the essence of his genius.

Dr. Jacques Hadmard spent much of his life studying the thought processes of great scientists and mathematicians. He found that their thinking process was characterized not by words or standard mathematical symbols, but instead by visual imagery.

The same was true for Einstein, who said, “The words of the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanisms of thought.”
He also wrote that his thought processes instead “rely, more or less, on clear images of a visual and some of a muscular type.”

These few sentences give us a rare insight into one of the greatest minds. Einstein teaches us the importance of thinking visually.

Dr. Marian Diamond and her colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley published a paper entitled “On the Brain of a Scientist: Albert Einstein.” Their research showed that Einstein’s brain contained 400 percent more “glial” cells per neuron than average. They also found that his brain was especially well developed in the area of the brain used for association.
However, we will never know whether Einstein’s brain was highly developed as a result of his thought processes and stimulating environment or from an extraordinary neuro-anatomical gift?
Much of our brainpower is due to the interconnection between brain cells. We know now that these interconnections - glial cells, dendrites, axons, and synapses - can continue to increase in number throughout the course of an individual’s life.

Dr. Diamond’s research suggests that combinatory play and a stimulus-rich environment are two of the keys to increasing the minds to make these internal connections within the mind from which genius is born.

Much of Einstein’s creativity was found in his ability to make unfamiliar and unexpected relationships.

Einstein coined the term, “combinatory play”. Although it had always existed, Einstein used this powerful way of thinking in his daily thought processes.

According to Einstein, combinatory play is sifting through data, perceptions, and materials to come up with combinations that are new and useful.

Einstein himself believed that you could stimulate ingenious thought by allowing the imagination to run freely, forming associations at will.

Einstein also performed what’s referred to as thought experiments. As a young man, Einstein imagined himself running alongside a beam of light. He then asked himself what it would look like. This was one of his first thought experiments. A thought experiment is carried out in the mind. It requires you to ask yourself a question. You then visualize a situation and perform some kind of experimental action and see what happens. These types of thought experiments provide a method for understanding nature without performing a direct experiment on it.

Try this out in your own life by asking yourself the following questions:

What would happen if we found a way to use 100% of our brain potential?
What our the possible solutions to world hunger?
How would Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, or Newton approach this problem? What if I could hold infinity in the palm of my hand? (This has been a popular thought question among poets as well as quantum physicists.)

5. The next key, and one of the most important elements, to genius thinking is that of curiosity: the courage to ask questions.

Why do kids ask so many questions? They are naturally curious about the world around them. They discover the world through questioning others as well as themselves. In the process, they are creating neuro-associations that will guide their futures.

As we grow older, however, we become passive to the world around us. We stop asking questions, lose our much of our curiosity, and the learning comes to a screeching halt.
Without questions, we cannot grow.

Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of the mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.”

Socrates, Aristotle and Plato were some of the first great minds to develop the importance of questions. The entire Socratic method, which is a way of teaching that dates back to the Ancient Greeks, is based upon the teacher asking nothing but questions. These questions direct the students’ focus, enabling them to discover their own answers to life’s questions.

Successful people are simply those who have asked better questions. Instead of asking, “How will I ever get out of debt?” They asked themselves, “How can I learn from this experience?”

When computers were still taking up entire rooms, Bill Gates asked himself, “How can I get a computer in every household?”

When the automobile first emerged on the scene, hundreds of people started to build them, but Henry Ford asked, “How can I mass-produce them?”

As a young boy, Albert Einstein asked himself, ”What would it be like to run beside a light beam at the speed of light?”

Plato believed that skilled questions could lead not only to the discovery of geometry, science, and philosophy, but also to the realization of virtue, justice, beauty and truth.

Start to ask yourself and others empowering questions. Develop an unbound curiosity. Practice wonder.

6. You become what you think about.

Pay close attention now as we come upon the sixth principle that leads to genius. It is the Law of Attraction, which says you become what you think about.

The Law of Attraction says that what you think about, you bring about. Therefore, you become what you think about most. In addition, you also attract what you think about most.
In other words, Thoughts Become Things.

Your life is a physical manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.

Michael Jordan focused on perfecting every aspect of his game. This definite desire turned his weaknesses into strengths and made him one of the greatest leaders in basketball.

Wrigley concentrated his mind on the production and sale of a five-cent package of chewing gum and turned this one idea in to millions of dollars.

Edwin C. Barnes had a burning desire to go into business with Thomas Edison. He focused himself completely on this desire until it finally came to fruiting and he retired, while still a young man, with more money than he needs.

Lincoln concentrated his mind on freeing the slaves and became our greatest American President while doing it. Gillette concentrated on a safety razor, gave the entire world a “close shave” and made himself a multimillionaire.

George Eastman concentrated on the Kodak and made the idea yield him a fortune while bringing much pleasure to millions of people.

The Wright Brothers concentrated on the airplane and mastered the air.

Bill Gates concentrated on the personal computer, now a PC is found in nearly every home to help educate, entertain and enrich people’s lives.

All of these people were well adept in the Law of Attraction.

There is evidence that the law of attraction was also used by Einstein, Beethoven, and even Jesus. This same power is available to you. In fact, you are experiencing the Law of Attraction at this very moment whether you know it or not. This is because the law of attraction is always at work. Your life experience is in line with the thoughts that reside in your mind.

You create your own reality. What you think about, you bring about. What you emotionalize in thought, you bring about in reality.

Recent research is in support of this law. For example, research on optimism has shown that optimists enjoy better health, greater happiness, more success in life, and a longer life. The optimist focuses on success and minimizes their failures.

Pessimists, on the other hand, experience far more disease, depression, and a shorter life span.

What you focus on with thought and feeling is what you attract into your life.
The genius exercises this same law in their everyday life. The genius expects success and puts complete faith in their goal. They expect more out of life and therefore, they receive it.
You can do the same. Expect success and persist until you have found it.

7. The last and final step in thinking like a genius is to Have Fun!

No person has achieved massive success by doing what they hate. Pablo Picasso once said, “When I work I relax; doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired.”

In addition, Dale Carnegie said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”

The most successful people in life find work that inspires and excites them.

I’ll leave you with a fitting poem Christain D. Larson:

When you work simply for yourself or for your own personal gain your mind will seldom rise above the limitations of the undeveloped personal life; but when you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break bounds; your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a new world, a great world, a wonderful world; dormant powers, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a larger man by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” -- Christian D. Larson, Business Psychology, 1912

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Reaching Higher by Irfan Khairi n Zul Mahat

download here

Looking back
To the times I had
I never knew I'd come this far

Here I am
Ain't turning back again
The dream I had seems so close
To me...

I will fight
Everytime I fall
And one night
You'll see me standing tall

I'm reaching for the sky
I'll raise the stakes
I'll make mistakes
But I'll do it my way

I'm reaching for the stars
I'm not afraid
I will not break
No matter what they say to me

I'll fly you there
I'll fly you there

I'm reaching for the sky
I'll take my stance
I'll grab this chance
With all my heart and soul

I'm reaching higher... higher
Reaching for the stars


this will be a topic in my phd thesis

been thinking about it and would like to collect
more info on reflection in general.

look at some info at someone;s blog :

REFLECT! Sekiranya kita pegang pada satu hadis “Barangsiapa yang amalannya hari ini lebih baik dari semalam, dia adalah orang yang beruntung. Barangsiapa yang amalannya hari ini sama dengan yang semalam, dia adalah orang yang rugi. Dan barangsiapa yang amalannya hari ini lebih buruk dari hari semalam,
dia tergolong orang yang dilaknat Allah s.w.t.”

Dan, SEMUA buku-buku motivasi di dunia ini , hanya berpegang pada konsep hadis ini sahaja. Sekiranya anda berpegang pada ini, maka, tiada sebab untuk anda tidak REACHING HIGHER!

from another blogger

FORMULA 7A (by Dr. Danial bin Zainal Abidin)

Sumber daripada Laman Web: http://www.mindasuper.com/ oleh Oleh Dr Danial Zainal Abidin

1- Autentik
Ilmu adalah penting dalam Islam dan ilmu bertunjangkan dalil yang sahih lagi kuat teramat penting dalam beragama. Dalam Islam, di samping Al-Quran serta hadis-hadis yang mutawatir, riwayat-riwayat yang sahih, hasan-sahih dan hasan juga diterima sebagai dalil untuk pembinaan hukum-hakam Islam. Berhubung dengan hadis yang daif, ia tidak boleh digunakan sebagai dalil untuk menetapkan sebarang hukum agama sama ada yang berkaitan dengan perkara yang wajib, sunat, haram atau yang lain-lainnya.

Imam An-Nawawi dalam kitab Al-Azkar menjelaskan, “Ulama hadis, fikah dan lain-lainnya berpendapat, digalakkan serta harus memanfaatkan hadis-hadis daif untuk menjelaskan fadilat atau kelebihan sesuatu amalan, atau untuk merangsang manusia supaya beramal atau untuk mendatangkan perasaan takut supaya manusia menjauhi kemungkaran. Walau bagaimanapun, jika sesuatu hadis dikategorikan sebagai mauduk, ia tidak boleh digunakan. Dalam aspek penetapan hukum seperti halal, haram, hukum jual beli, nikah, talak dan yang seumpamanya, hadis-hadis daif tidak boleh digunakan. Yang boleh digunakan ialah hadis-hadis bertaraf sahih dan hasan.”

2- Akidah
Akidah merupakan tunjang Islam dan ia berkaitan dengan kepercayaan. Akidah yang betul ialah yang selari iktikad Ahli Sunah Wal Jemaah. Ia adalah keyakinan yang mantap di hati disusuli dengan manifestasi melalui perkataan dan amalan di dalam kehidupan. Keyakinan di hati adalah tonggak kepada iman dan tanpanya iman seseorang dianggap tidak sah sama sekali. Nabi bersabda, “Sesungguhnya golongan Bani Israel berpecah kepada 72 golongan dan umatku berpecah kepada 73 golongan, kesemua mereka di dalam neraka kecuali satu. (Sahabat-sahabat) bertanya: ‘Siapakah yang satu itu wahai Rasulullah?’ Nabi s.a.w menjawab: Mereka yang mengikut landasan yang aku dan sahabatku bawa.” (riwayat Tirmizi)

3- Amal Salih
Kepercayaan menjadi pudar tanpa amalan. Amalan pula adalah tertolak melainkan amalan yang salih. Asas kepada amalan yang salih ialah firman Allah yang bermaksud, “Bahkan sesiapa yang menyerahkan dirinya kepada Allah di samping melakukan kebaikan baginya ganjaran dari sisi Tuhannya, tidak ada ketakutan ke atasnya dan dia tidak akan berdukacita.” (al-Baqarah ayat 112)

Berhubung dengan ayat ini, Imam Ibn Kathir berkata: “(Ayat ini) menjelaskan, Allah hanya menerima amal yang mempunyai dua kriteria, pertamanya ikhlas dan keduanya muhsin. Muhsin bermaksud melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan ajaran yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah. Jika sesuatu amal dilakukan dengan tulus ikhlas tetapi caranya tidak mengikut (syariat), ia tidak diterima (oleh Allah).”

4- Awlawiyat
Sebagai suatu agama yang lengkap, Islam bukan hanya menyuruh umatnya melakukan amal, ia juga menuntut umatnya menentukan keutamaan ketika beramal. Sehubungan dengan ini kaedah-kaedah fiqhul awlawiyyat atau fikah keutamaan perlu dikuasai oleh umat Islam. Profesor Dr. Yusuf Qardawi dalam bukunya Fiqhul Awlawiyyat berkata, “(Ilmu ini) dapat membantu pejuang-pejuang yang bergiat cergas dalam penyebaran dakwah. Dengannya mereka dapat membezakan antara perkara utama dan yang perlu dikemudiankan, antara yang perlu dipandang berat dan dipandang ringan dan antara yang perlu dipermudahkan dan diperteguhkan. Dengan ilmu ini, ia dapat membetulkan sikap mereka yang terlampau keras dan juga meluruskan sikap mereka yang terlampau meringankan kewajipan.”

Kejahilan berhubung fikah keutamaan akan melahirkan insan yang songsang dalam kehidupan. Mereka, sebagai contoh, akan rajin mengerjakan solat sunat dan mengabaikan solat fardu; lebih mengutamakan hafalan dari kefahaman; lebih mementingkan dunia dari agama; lebih mengutamakan kulit dari hati dan lebih mementingkan kerjaya dari keluarga. Sumber fikah keutamaan sebenarnya ialah Al-Quran dan As-Sunah

5- Akhlak
Kualiti dan kejayan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kebersihan hati serta akhlak. Justeru Islam amat menekankan aspek kejujuran, amanah, tolong-menolong serta bermaaf-maafan dalam hidup serta kerjaya. Akhlak yang mulia adalah sebahagian daripada takwa dan tanpanya kualiti tidak akan tercapai. Dalam surah Ali-Imran ayat 133-134 Allah berfirman, “Dan bersegeralah kamu kepada keampunan dari Tuhanmu dan kepada syurga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan bagi mereka yang bertakwa. (Iaitu) mereka yang menafkahkan hartanya di waktu senang dan susah serta mereka yang menahan perasaan marahnya dan memaafkan kesalahan orang. Allah menyukai orang-orang yang membuat kebajikan.”

Berpandukan landasan ini, seseorang yang berjaya dalam sesuatu bidang dengan cara menipu, merasuah, menjiplak karya orang lain, memutar belit kebenaran, memfitnah, memonopoli serta menzalimi hak orang lain tidak boleh dianggap sebagai seorang yang berjaya dalam erti kata yang sebenarnya. Di sisi Allah, manusia seperti ini dianggap sebagai manusia fasiq yang keji. Justeru, hasil kerjanya tidak boleh dianggap sebagai suatu yang berkualiti kerana ia tidak disadur dengan akhlak. Mengikut hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Abu Daud dan Tirmizi, nabi bersabda, “Orang mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya ialah mereka yang paling mulia akhlaknya.”

6- Amanah
Dalam surah Al-Ahzab ayat 72, Allah berfirman, “Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanah kepada langit, bumi dan gunung ganang tetapi mereka enggan memikulnya dan berasa berat dengannya, sebaliknya ia dipikul oleh insan. Sesungguhnya mereka amat zalim lagi jahil.” Ayat ini adalah satu perumpamaan daripada Allah tentang amanah. Ia adalah suatu yang berat sehingga tidak sanggup dipikul oleh makhluk-makhluk Allah yang besar seperti langit, bumi serta gunung ganang kerana mereka menyedari jika amanah ini dikhianati azab menanti mereka. Sebaliknya manusia yang kerdil ini sanggup menerimanya. Justeru sebahagian daripada manusia mendapat azab Allah kerana mengkhianatinya. Mereka yang cuai ini ialah golongan yang zalim lagi jahil.

Insan yang berjaya ialah mereka yang beramanah. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan amanah? Mengikut Imam Qatadah, “Amanah ialah Islam, ibadah yang fardu dan batas-batas agama.” Imam Al-Alusi pula berkata, “Amanah ialah tanggungjawab yang berkaitan dengan hak-hak Allah dan hak-hak makhluk sama ada berbentuk perbuatan, perkataan atau kepercayaan.”

7- Asah
Asah bermaksud mengasah dan menajamkan kemahiran agar setiap amanah yang dipikul dapat dilaksanakan dengan cemerlang. Allah menceritakan tentang Zulkarnain yang mempunyai kemahiran berkomunikasi sehingga memahami maksud percakapan satu golongan yang hdup di kawasan yang terpencil. Beliau berkemahiran untuk kemudiannya membantu mereka daripada kemungkaran Yakjuj dan Makjuj.

Allah berfirman, “Sehingga apabila ia sampai di antara dua gunung, ia mendapati di sisinya satu kaum yang hampir-hampir tidak dapat memahami perkataan. Mereka berkata: “Wahai Zulkarnain, sesungguhnya Yakjuj dan Makjuj sentiasa melakukan kerosakan di bumi; oleh itu bolehkah kiranya kami menentukan sejumlah bayaran kepadamu dengan syarat engkau membina sebuah tembok di antara kami dengan mereka?” Dia menjawab: “(Kekuasaan dan kekayaan) yang Tuhanku jadikan bagiku lebih baik (dari bayaran kamu) ; oleh itu bantulah daku dengan tenaga agar aku bina antara kamu dengan mereka sebuah tembok penutup yang kukuh.

(Berkata Zulqarnain) : ‘Berilah aku potongan-potongan besi’. Hingga apabila besi itu telah sama rata dengan kedua puncak gunung itu, berkatalah Zulqarnain: ‘Tiuplah (api itu).’ Apabila besi itu menjadi (merah seperti) api, dia pun berkata: ‘Berikan aku tembaga yang mendidih agar ku tuangkannya ke atas besi panas itu’. Maka mereka tidak mampu mendakinya dan mereka juga tidak mampu untuk melubanginya.” (al-Kahfi ayat 93-97


Wabillahitaufik walhidayah.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

quote for today

receive an email from a friend:

Whatever you give a woman, she will make it better.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

know your child 3

How Well Do You Know Your Child?

  • What is your child's biggest fear?
  • Proudest accomplishment?
  • Favourite possession?
  • The answers may surprise you.

No matter how much time we spend with our children, there are always important or illuminating things we don't know about them. To find out how well you know your child, answer the following 30 questions. (More than one child? Jot down the answers on separate pieces of paper.) Then schedule a time to sit down with your youngster to see how well you did. Not only will this quiz give you an opportunity to grade yourself, but it can help you to learn more about your family.

  1. Who is your child's best friend?
  2. What colour would your child like his/her room to be?
  3. Who is your child's hero?
  4. What embarrasses your child most?
  5. What is your child's biggest fear?
  6. What makes your child really angry?
  7. What are your child's favourite and least favourite subjects in school?
  8. In gym, would your child rather play basketball, do exercises or run relays?
  9. What is your child's nickname in school?
  10. What is your child's favourite music?
  11. What is your child's biggest complaint about the family?
  12. If you could buy your child anything in the world, what would be his/her first choice?
  13. What is your child's favourite television show?
  14. What accomplishment is your child proudest of?
  15. What was the biggest disappointment in your child's life in the past year?
  16. What is your child's favourite sport?
  17. What non-school book has your child most enjoyed recently?
  18. Which of these chores is disliked most: drying dishes, cleaning his/her room or taking out the garbage?
  19. Does your child feel too small or too big for his/her age?
  20. What would your child like to be as a grown-up?
  21. What gift from you has been cherished most?
  22. Does your child prefer to do homework after school, after supper, or in the morning before school?
  23. Who is your child's favourite teacher?
  24. What person outside the family has most influenced your child's life?
  25. What is your child's favourite family occasion?
  26. Does your child feel liked by the children at school?
  27. Would your child's first choice for a vacation be a camping trip, a visit to a big city or a boat trip?
  28. What foods does your child like and dislike most?
  29. Which would your child prefer as a pet: a cat, a dog, a bird or a fish?
  30. What is your child's most prized possession?



You listen well to your youngster.
Keep up the good work.
24-14 Although you know quite a bit about your child,
perhaps you need to fine-tune your listening.
Below 14 You need to improve communication.
Start talking more. Listen more.

know your child 2

Do you think you really know your child? I don't mean know what he/she likes and doesn't like, but to know him/her well enough to understand his/her challenges, to appreciate his/her strengths and weaknesses and to help him/her develop his talents. Knowing your child can help increase their chance for success in the future and improve your relationship.

As parents, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our relationship with our children, discipline our children and provide proper guidance. How many of us take the time to get to really know our child? Some of us believe that our children are extensions of us and don't have their own thoughts, dreams and goals. When was the last time you sat down with your child to find out what they are thinking? The answers may surprise you. Children, especially during puberty, start to discover and develop their identity. They go through an emotional and psychological identity crisis and question and challenge their parents. At this point, children start to crave support and direction from their parents, but are not always compelled to ask for it. But how can you help your child, if you do not know their needs? Simple, ask them!

You are not a mind reader and your child probably will not voluntarily share his/her personal information with you. When you start to offer unsolicited advice, they feel that you are being intrusive or nosy and get defensive. There are two simple steps to getting to know your child. The first step is to listen more and speak less. Let your child direct the conversation and when they ask for your advice, offer it without being judgmental or critical. Lecturing and berating your child for poor judgment or unhealthy decisions will not help you to understand him/her more because you will not be getting to the core reason for the behavior. If you do not have the proper information, how can you give your child the support that he/she needs? By listening, you will be able to help your child understand how their choices and decisions affect their lives and direct them to making healthier and more responsible decisions. By being an active listener, you learn to acknowledge what your child is feeling and give your child the information and advice that he/she needs.

The second step is to ask the questions that will create meaningful conversation. The typical responses to "How was your day?" are "Good" or "Fine." Ask open ended questions instead of closed ended questions that result in one word responses. Ask specific rather than general questions that will stimulate your child to think. Show your child that you have a genuine interest in what is going on in his/her life. Don't force this process, let it come naturally and soon your child will respond. Ask casually and soon your child will start to volunteer the information. Find out who influences your child. Even ask tough questions such as, "How do you feel about our family?" The point is not to judge your child's s responses, but to know what he/she is thinking or how he/she is feeling. Ask your child if he/she has any resolutions for this year. What was his/her biggest challenge or setback last year? Ask the questions without interrogating. Don't bombard them with questions or you may face resistance. Resolve today to spend a few minutes each day getting to know your child better. This is one of the most valuable gifts you can give to your child.

know your child

how do you know your child?

do you know them?

interesting article to read them here

about :

Ten Things to Do with Your Child Before Age Ten


Ten things to do with Children before age 10
1. Reading & Writing Intensive Phonics; Copywork; start English Language Notebook
2. Oral Narration Daily
3. Memorization QURAN; poetry; passages of literature; ARAB and/or Hebrew alphabet
4. Hearing & Listening Read aloud 2 hours per day from a variety of fiction and nonfiction; start History Notebook; timeline
5. Family Worship Family Usrah study morning and evening using grammar level questions
6. Arts & Crafts Provide the time, space, and materials; develop creativity
7. Field Trips & Library Start learning elementary library research; investigate the world
8. Work & Service Schedule for chores; visit nursing home, etc.
9. Discipline First-time obedience
10. Play & Exploration Develop the imagination