Saturday, 30 May 2009

Poll: Who will win Britain’s Got Talent 2009?

here in uk, we are all watching semi finals this week and
the final is today at 6.45 pm. 5 hours to go.

We have now seen all five of the semi-final shows of Britain’s Got Talent 2009, and the final two to go through were Aidan Davis and Hollie Steel. The two youngsters join the other eight finalists, Diversity, Flawless, Julian Smith, Shaheen Jafargholi, Shaun Smith, Stavros Flatley, Susan Boyle and Two Grand.

This year will be hard to predict who the final three will be, but I will try to offer my opinion. The first on my list has to be Susan Boyle, this is where things get a little tough, but I think Diversity will get through to the last three.

Now the last spot, my heart tells me Aidan Davis, but I think that Julian Smith also stands a chance. Oh, I have also forgotten Shaheen Jafargholi; he could also get through as well. This has to be the first year where it is wide open.

The trouble is many assume that Susan Boyle has already won it, but I think that there could be a few shocks. If I had to choose who I want to win, I would have to choose either Aidan Davis or Shaheen Jafargholi.

the result of the poll is here:

Vote who you want to win Britain's Got Talent 2009

* Susan Boyle (44.0%, 511 Votes)
* Aidan Davis (12.0%, 146 Votes)
* Diversity (10.0%, 115 Votes)
* Julian Smith (10.0%, 114 Votes)
* Shaheen Jafargholi (7.0%, 80 Votes)
* Stavros Flatley (5.0%, 56 Votes)
* Shaun Smith (4.0%, 51 Votes)
* Flawless (4.0%, 48 Votes)
* Hollie Steel (3.0%, 37 Votes)
* Two Grand (1.0%, 16 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,174

But... the real winner will be announced tonight.

happy watching....

Friday, 29 May 2009

4 isteri,jagalah yang pertama

Suatu ketika, ada seorang pedagang kaya yang mempunyai empat orang isteri. Dia mencintai isteri yang keempat dan memberikan harta dan kesenangan yang banyak. Sebab, isteri keempat adalah yang tercantik di antara kesemua isterinya. Maka, tidak hairan lelaki ini sering memberikan yang terbaik untuk isteri keempatnya itu.

Pedagang itu juga mencintai isterinya yang ketiga. Dia sangat bangga dengan isterinya ini, dan sering berusaha untuk memperkenalkan isteri ketiganya ini kepada semua temannya. Namun dia juga selalu bimbang kalau-kalau isterinya ini akan lari dengan lelaki yang lain.

Begitu juga dengan isterinya yang kedua. Dia juga sangat menyukainya. Dia adalah seorang isteri yang sabar dan penuh pengertian. Bila-bila masa pun apabila pedagang ini mendapat masalah, dia selalu meminta pandangan isterinya yang kedua ini. dialah tempat bergantung. Dia selalu menolong dan mendampingi suaminya melalui masa-masa yang sulit.

Sama halnya dengan isterinya yang pertama. Dia adalah pasangan yang sangat setia. Dia sering membawa kebaikan bagi kehidupan keluarga ini. dialah yang merawat dan mengatur semua kekayaan dan usaha si suami. Akan tetapi si pedangang tidak begitu mencintainya. Walaupun isteri pertamanya ini begitu sayang kepadanya namun, pedagang ini tidak begitu memperdulikannya.

Suatu ketika, si pedagang sakit. Kemudian dia menyedari mungkin masa untuknya hidup tinggal tidak lama lagi. Dia mula merenungi semua kehidupan indahnya, dan berkata dalam hati, "Saat ini, aku punya empat orang isteri. Namun, apabila aku meninggal, aku akan sendiri. Betapa menyedihkan jika aku harus hidup sendiri."

Lalu dia meminta semua isterinya datang dan kemudian mulai bertanya pada isteri keempatnya, "Kaulah yang paling kucintai, kuberikan kau gaun dan perhiasan yang indah. Nah sekarang, aku akan mati, mahukah kau mendampingiku dan menemaniku?" Isteri keempatnya terdiam. "Tentu saja tidak!" jawab isterinya yang keempat, dan pergi begitu sahaja tanpa berkata-kata lagi. Jawapan itu sangat menyakitkan hati seakan-akan ada pisau yang terhunus dan menghiris-hiris hatinya.

Pedagang yang sedih itu lalu bertanya kepada isteri ketiganya, "Aku pun mencintaimu sepenuh hati, dan saat ini, hidupku akan berakhir. Mahukah kau ikut denganku, dan menemani akhir hayatku?". Isteri ketiganya menjawab, "Hidup begitu indah di sini. Aku akan menikah lagi jika kau mati". Pedagang begitu terpukul dengan jawapan isteri ketiganya itu.

Lalu, dia bertanya kepada isteri keduanya, "Aku selalu berpaling padamu setiap kali mendapat masalah. Dan kau selalu mahu membantuku. Kini, aku perlu sekali pertolonganmu. Kalau aku mati, mahukah kau ikut dan mendampingiku?" Si isteri kedua menjawab perlahan, "Maafkan aku tak mampu menolongmu kali ini. Aku hanya boleh menghantarmu ke liang kubur saja. Nanti, akan kubuatkan makam yang indah buatmu."

Jawapan itu seperti kilat yang menyambar. Si pedagang kini berasa putus asa.
Tiba-tiba terdengar satu suara, "Aku akan tinggal denganmu. Aku akan ikut ke manapun kau pergi. Aku, tak akan meninggalkanmu, aku akan setia bersamamu." Si pedagang lalu menoleh ke arah suara itu dan mendapati isteri pertamanya yang berkata begitu. Isteri pertamanya tampak begitu kurus. Badannya seperti orang yang kelaparan. Berasa menyesal, si pedagang lalu berguman, "Kalau saja aku mampu melayanmu lebih baik pada saat aku mampu, tak akan kubiarkan kau seperti ini isteriku."

Teman, sesungguhnya kita punya empat orang isteri dalam hidup ini;

ISTERI KEEMPAT adalah tubuh kita. Seberapa banyak waktu dan belanja yang kita keluarkan untuk tubuh kita supaya tampak indah dan gagah, semuanya akan hilang. Ia akan pergi segera apabila kita meninggal. Tak ada keindahan dan kegagahan yang tersisa saat kita menghadapNYA.

ISTERI KETIGA adalah status sosial dan kekayaan kita. Saat kita meninggal, semuanya akan pergi kepada yang lain. Mereka akan berpindah dan melupakan kita yang pernah memilikinya.

ISTERI KEDUA pula adalah kerabat dan teman-teman. Seberapa pun dekat hubungan kita dengan mereka, mereka tak akan mampu bersama kita selamanya. Hanya sampai kuburla mereka akan menemani kita.

DAN SESUNGGUHNYA ISTERI PERTAMA adalah jiwa dan amal kita. Mungkin kita sering
mengabaikan dan melupakannya demi kekayaan dan kesenangan peribadi. Namun, sebenarnya, hanya jiwa dan amal kita sajalah yang mampu untuk terus setia dan mendampingi kemanapun kita melangkah. Hanya amal yang mampu menolong kita diakhirat kelak.

Jadi, selagi mampu, perlakukanlah jiwa dan amal kita dengan bijak. Jangan sampai kita menyesal kemudian hari!


Allah hanya memanggil kita 3 kali saja seumur hidup

this is what i want to share from my reading.

knowledge is for sharing and hope i will earn peace in jannah firdaus.

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal¦..

Saat itu, Dhuha, hari terakhir aku di Masjid Nabawi untuk menuju Mekah....... .aku bertanya pada Ibu.

'Ibu, kataku, ada cerita apa yang menarik dari Umrah....?' Maklum, ini pertama kali aku ber Umrah.

Dan Ibu, memberikan Tausyiahnya.

Ibu adalah pemilik Maknah Tour Travel dimana saya bergabung untuk Umrah di bulan July 2007 yang lalu.

Kebetulan umrahku dimulai di Madinah dulu selama 4 hari, baru ke Mekah.

Tujuannya adalah mendapatkan saat Malam Jumat di depan Kabah. Jadi aku punya kesempatan untuk bertanya tentang Umrah.

Ibu berkata...'Shinta, Allah hanya memanggil kita 3 kali saja seumur hidup..'

Keningku berkerut.... ....'Sedikit sekali Allah memanggil kita..?'

Ibu tersenyum.. 'Iya, tahu tidak apa saja 3 panggilan itu..?'

Saya menggelengkan kepala.

'Panggilan pertama adalah Azan', ujar Ibu.

'Itu adalah panggilan Allah yang pertama. Panggilan ini sangat jelas terdengar di telinga kita, sangat kuat terdengar. Ketika kita sholat, sesungguhnya kita menjawab panggilan Allah. Tetapi Allah masih fleksibel, Dia tidak 'cepat marah' akan sikap kita. Kadang kita terlambat, bahkan tidak sholat sama sekali karena malas. Allah tidak marah seketika. Dia masih memberikan rahmatNya, masih memberikan kebahagiaan bagi umatNya, baik umatNya itu menjawab panggilan Azan-Nya atau tidak. Allah hanya akan membalas umatNya ketika hari Kiamat nanti'.

Saya terpekur.... .mata saya berkaca-kaca. Terbayang saya masih melambatkan sholat karena meeting lah, mengajar lah, dan lain lain. Masya Allah........ ..

Ibu melanjutkan, 'Shinta, Panggilan yang kedua adalah panggilan Umrah/Haji. Panggilan ini bersifat halus. Allah memanggil hamba-hambaNya dengan panggilan yang halus dan sifatnya 'bergiliran' . Hamba yang satu mendapatkan kesempatan yang berbeza dengan hamba yang lain. J alan nya bermacam-macam. Yang tidak punya wang menjadi punya wang, yang tidak merancang pula akan pergi, ada yang memang merancang dan terkabul. Ketika kita mengambil niat Haji / Umrah, berpakaian Ihram dan melafazkan 'Labaik Allahuma Labaik/ Umrotan', sesungguhnya kita saat itu menjawab panggilan Allah yang ke dua. Saat itu kita merasa bahagia, karena panggilan Allah sudah kita jawab, meskipun panggilan itu halus sekali. Allah berkata, laksanakan Haji / Umrah bagi yang mampu'.

Mata saya semakin berkaca-kaca. ........Subhanal lah...... .saya datang menjawab panggilan Allah lebih cepat dari yang saya rancangkan.. ......Alhamdulill ah....

'Dan panggilan ke-3', lanjut Ibu, 'adalah KEMATIAN. Panggilan yang kita jawab dengan amal kita. Pada kebanyakan kasus, Allah tidak memberikan tanda tanda secara langsung, dan kita tidak mampu menjawab dengan lisan dan gerakan. Kita hanya menjawabnya dengan amal sholeh. Karena itu Shinta, manfaatkan waktumu sebaik-baiknya.. ..Jawablah 3 panggilan Allah dengan hatimu dan sikap yang Husnul Khotimah..... .......Insya Allah syurga adalah balasannya.. ....'

** Mata saya basah di dalam Masjid Nabawi , saya sujud bertaubat pada Allah karena kelalaian saya dalam menjawab panggilanNya. ....

Kala itu hati saya makin yakin akan kebesaranNya, kasih sayangNya dan dengan semangat menyala-nyala, saya mengenakan baju Ihram dan berniat...... .....

Aku menjawab panggilan UmrahMu, ya Allah, Tuhan Semesta Alam........ ....**


Pada hari kiamat akan keluar seekor binatang dari neraka jahanam yang

bernama 'Huraisy' berasal dari anak kala jengking. Besarnya Huraisy ini

dari timur hingga ke barat.. Panjangnya pula seperti jarak langit dan bumi.

Malaikat Jibril bertanya : 'Hai Huraisy! Engkau hendak ke mana dan siapa

yang kau cari?' Huraisy pun menjawab, 'Aku mahu mencari lima orang.'

'Pertama, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang.

Kedua, orang yang tidak mahu keluarkan zakat.

Ketiga, orang yang derhaka kepada ibubapanya.

Keempat, orang yang bercakap tentang dunia di dalam masjid.

Kelima, orang yang suka minum arak.'

kesal saya dgn sikap buruk sangka saya terhadap org lain dan sikap tidak tahu berterima kasih dgn kawan yg sentiasa berlapang dada¦..

..sampaikan pesanan ini biarpn 1 ayat.. Wallahualam

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Didik anak dari kecil - Teach your kid from small

Teach your kid from small and focus on what he/she likes.

This young kid will easily become the next best Michael Jordan.
He is only 11 and UCLA want him on their basketball team.
He can clock a mile in 4:40! Credit for Video Given To ABC.

To watch the origanal video from ABC .

Eleven-year-old Jashuan Agosto is a kid with focus.

His 70-pound, 4-foot-9-inch body can do things most people can't fathom.

During his 300 to 400 daily jump shots and free throws on a basketball court, he rarely misses or notices the crowds.

"He's amazing. He's pretty cool to watch," said Eric Kilcup, a staff member at the Federal Way Community Center, in Federal Way, Wash. "We come in here and watch him every day."

Dribbling is another story: two balls at once, behind the back, through the legs, up and down the court with one hand, then the other. The entire time, his eyes remain locked in a concentrated stare.

That focus doesn't go away in school, either, where numbers are his game.

Agosto's fifth-grade teacher at Silver Lake Elementary School, Carrie Johnson, said he handles math just like basketball.

"He's a hard worker, very driven, doesn't give up," she said.

"When it's time for basketball, I think about basketball, and when it's school, I think about school," Agosto said. You'd think that would be enough, but no a few months ago Agosto's father stumbled over the fact that his son can run like the wind.

He isn't just a "good" runner he's already clocked a four-minute, 40-second mile and he's expected to break the world record for his age group later this year.

We watched him run a mile in 4 minutes and 47 seconds without breaking a sweat. Doctors recently discovered Agosto's aerobic capacity is off the charts: better than many professional athletes. In essence, his body provides more oxygen to his red blood cells than the average person, so it takes him longer to feel muscle fatigue.

UCLA is already watching.

The university sent him a letter saying that they want to keep tabs on his progress, but that "under NCAA rules, we cannot formally recruit you until your sophomore year."

"They've got a while to wait!!" his mom laughed. Agosto boasts even less than he sweats he is all about focus.

Even though he's been invited to appear on talk shows and has been told he's a star in the making, this 11-year-old and his family aren't banking on the NBA; instead, they're thinking about college.

Agosto's feet are planted firmly on the ground, at least when he's not practicing.

Is this service really free? Do you do anything with my mobile number?

continue on the free sms from the last post.

i am using it and it works.

CardBoardFish pays for SMS messages by depending on you, the user, to support us by telling your friends about this great service. We do not make money from selling your information, and do not store your mobile phone number or any mobile number you enter into our site for marketing etc. Our service is REALLY FREE. wins Hitwise 2008 accolade has demonstrated it's continuing success after receiving a second place Hitwise ranking by UK internet visits in category "Entertainment - Mobile Phones", second only to mobile phone operator Telefonica O2 UK.

The site, which has now been offering free text messages to individuals for almost 8 years, continues to thrive. Two way functionality, delivery reports, and no catches have made for a loyal and growing customer base, and CardBoardFish has committed to sustaining and improving the service during 2009.

Other popular mobile brands that beat in the Hitwise 2008 Online Performance Awards included Moco Unlimited, Boltblue, and Jamster.

5+ Ways to send Free SMS anywhere in the World

Free SMS anywhere or texting in uk

Urge and need to stay connected is never ending. With mobile scene getting bigger, more and more people are trying to interface communication between ‘the web’ and ‘mobile phone’.

Sending Free SMS via web to mobile phone is new fab which is slowly turning into fashion of sorts. There are number of online services that allow you to send free SMS.

Nothing is FREE, someone - somewhere is paying for your SMS. Read on to discover ways to send Free SMS and of course why & how it is FREE.

1. Jaxtr - It links your phone to the web, so you can hear from callers worldwide while keeping your existing phone number private. Jaxtr has recently launched free SMS service covering mobile phones in 38 countries. You need to be a Jaxtr member to use Free SMS service.

You can send a message with maximum of 65 characters and remaining characters will be used for text advertisements. There is also an option to ‘receive replies to your phone’. This allows recipient to send reply to SMS you send via Jaxtr.

2. Google Send to Phone - It is a FireFox extension that enables you to send short text messages of web page content to your mobile phone. After you install this extension, to use select some text and click the cell phone icon in the upper right hand corner of the browser. This will open a new window where you can send the text you just selected as a text message.

Fill in the number you wish to send the message to and select the appropriate carrier. Click the ‘Send Message’ button to send the message. Sending a message via Google is free. Your cell phone carrier, however, may charge a fee to receive messages, either on a per-message basis or for a monthly fee

3. 160by2 -Name explains it all, it allows you to send Free SMS up to 80 characters long. Advertisers are allowed to append a contextual advertisement to your SMS, making up the rest of the 80 characters. To avoid the misuse of service each user can send upto 50 messages in a day. Also, you can only send 10 messages to one particular number in a day.

4. txtDrop - Another way to send free SMS worldwide. Just enter the email ID (for receiving replies), recepient’s phone number and message to send a SMS. It also offer Mac OS X Dashboard Widget and Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget for better integration in the process of sending and receiving messages. You can even embed txtDrop widget on your myspace page.

5. Way2SMS -This is a India specific alternative to send free SMS which is supported by advertisements. Out of the 160 characters of a standard SMS, Way2SMS offers only 92 characters to the User to send out their personal SMS. The rest of the characters are appended with an Advertisement or Mobitisement.

6. List goes on -There are number of options to send SMS via instatant messengers like AIM, Yahoo, Rediff Bol etc. Besides there are services like GizmoSMS, TeleFlip, YouMintand many more.

You can also check with your local mobile carrier for special plans for email to SMS. Most mobile carriers offer different and very cheap plans for email to SMS. Yeah, not free but for sure economical.

WARNINGÂ - While many services claim SEND SMS FREE. There is nothing called FREE. While some services use mobile advertisement to support FREE sms service others may charge the SMS recipient for usage. Make sure you read terms of any so called FREE service.

Anyway, which web service do you use to send free sms to mobile? Share with us by adding a comment.

in uk

Free SMS-Send SMS messages free to the UK
((Update : I try this today and it does not work or maybe i have not enough knowledge to make it work..... )
All United Kingdom Networks Only

((Update : I try this today and it does work and i am happy to use it>.:) ))

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

british got talent

since i am studying here in uk ; Moral : Don;t judge a person by its face.

as the saying says don;t judge a book by its cover.....

so the latest news is as title above:

It was a beautiful morning the sun shone through my living and dinning room windows. In the distance through the breaks of the foliage of the mango trees outside in the garden I could see the tops of tall coconut trees swaying gently in the warm tropical breeze. There where exotic colorful birds searching for flying insects amongst the gently swaying branches of the mango tree’s heavy with the nearly ripen fruit.

I made my early morning beverage of sweet smelling aromatic coffee and then made my way to my study to write my daily citizen journalist article. I switch on my computer after taking a sip of coffee. After windows had loaded I was alerted that I had mail. One email message about Susan Boyles final performance on “Britain’s got Talent” instantly had all my attention as her audition prior not only took Britain by surprise but the world.

She looked like a frumpy Scottish spinster, of whom shock us all with her humor and really beautiful operatic performance one would expect at the Royal Albert Hall or the world finest opera house.

Britain has a new singer to sing patriotic heart whelming songs of its former pomp and glory and the world has a new opera singer a natural artist, yes there is no question that Susan will make her mark on the world. I can now vision her singing Land of the Free at the US super bowl.

I noted that the story in Yahoo news related “Britain has talent’ was a copy of American Idol the reporter made a mistake it’s the other way round. Lol

However to day I not only feel good about my life in general I also feel proud to be British. My lost patriotism has crept back in a moment of weakness.

Yesterday once again Susan thrilled the British with a rendering of shear bliss and sung like a nightingale; clearly she has great talent and a great new future. She of course will already be booked for the yearly Royal gala performance at the end of this year. She has now become part of Great Britain pomp and glory scene.

Her brilliant performance Sunday

life is a journey to gain knowledge

life is a journey to gain knowledge

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

what is eft? today i learn a new term.
i try to do a search in google and this is what i found:

EFT®: The surprising natural healing aid you can use for almost everything

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an emotional, needle free version of acupuncture that is based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body's subtle energies, your emotions, and your health. EFT has been reported successful in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues. It often works where nothing else will.

Best of all, anyone can learn and use EFT and you don't need specialized schooling for it. We even give away the basic methods as a free download.

Experience EFT's results for yourself - after you read the free basic instructions, you can perform your first "rounds" of personal tapping in a few minutes.

But as you begin using these techniques, we urge you to bring these procedures to the attention of your physician(s) as they may reduce the need for drugs, surgeries, radiation and the like. Nothing contained herein should be considered a medical claim or medical advice. For more, read our EFT Info and Disclaimer Document, then learn about what EFT is and what it offers you.

P.S.This quote by Eric Robins, MD captures the essence of EFT:

"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."

- Eric Robins, MD -

what i notice is to the day i die. life is full of never ending journey.
journey to seek knowledge and journey of new knowledge.

another site says about eft

It’s really simple. We all know, intuitively, that our past events influence our present issues.

Aim EFT at specific past events.

The present issue evaporates.

That’s it. I hope you weren’t expecting something more complicated, or never-ending inspirational quotes.

life is a journey to gain knowledge

Friday, 22 May 2009

life is like a cone of ice-cream

Remember: life is like a cone of ice-cream, savour it before it melts!

"If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you but for some reasons he/she couldn't stay, don't cry too much... just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he/she made you happy even for a while" ~ Anonymous

How to Be More Consistent with Your Children

(earn peace, earn happiness, earn a great life)

Mrs. Ellis and her five children moved into a school district where I worked. Within the first week, each child had been sent to the principal at least once. I asked Mrs. Ellis to meet with me. She agreed. I began to give her my pep talk on consistency. She interrupted. "I know I need to be consistent," she said. "Right now I am tired. I need a little vacation from consistency."

She had five children who needed consistent follow-through. It took a lot out of her to be consistent. Every now and then, she let go. She gave up-not completely, just temporarily. That was the problem.

You cannot be consistent some of the time. You must be consistent all the time. That is not easy: it is exhausting, it drains your energy, it weakens your spirit. Here are seven strategies that will help you be more consistent.

Emphasize Priority Behaviors

The first strategy that will help you be more consistent is the idea of priority behavior. A priority behavior is a behavior that you are going to manage with special diligence and focus. A priority behavior can be positive. If you want your children to cooperate with each other, cooperation is the priority behavior, so focus on cooperation. Catch your children cooperating and praise them. This will teach your children that you value cooperation.

A priority behavior can be a misbehavior. Many children develop misbehavior patterns. They display the same misbehavior-such as arguing, whining, or disobeying-repeatedly. Your child may exhibit several misbehavior patterns. Attempting to work on all of them at once would be impossible for you and confusing for your child, so choose one or two patterns as priority misbehaviors. Be aware of these misbehaviors at all times. Never give in. Do not reward them. Be consistent. This will not be easy. There will be times when you are tired and will not want to follow through. If you do not, you will pay for it later.

Priority behaviors help you focus. It is difficult to be consistent with every misbehavior. Identify one or two priority behaviors and focus your energy on them. Be consistent and diligent with priority behaviors. Your children will learn to behave more quickly.

Remember to be positive. Every misbehavior has an opposite, positive behavior. Watch for positive behaviors while you are consistent with priority misbehaviors. Suppose your child's priority misbehavior is having tantrums. Be consistent and never reward the priority misbehavior. Never reward any tantrum. You must also reinforce your child for not having tantrums: "I'm glad to see that you did not cry when I told you that you could not have a candy bar. I really appreciate that. Thank you."

When you are consistent with priority behaviors, it will have a positive effect on all other behaviors. Your children will generalize what they learn from one situation to another. It is like having a two-for-one sale on good behavior: be consistent with priority behaviors and get improvement in other behaviors free. How could you refuse such a deal?

Thursday, 21 May 2009

earn hapiness and earn peace in life

as i walk through i find this motivational quotes that i would like to share with all.

The following are some reminders for me and you if you need one.

1. If you want your dreams to come true, you mustn't oversleep.

2. Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

3. The best vitamin for making friends..... B1.

4. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

5. The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge.

6. One thing you can give and still your word.

7. You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself

8. If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished.

9. One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

10. Ideas won't work unless ' You' do.

11. Your mind is like a functions only when open..

12. The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice.


another nice reminder :

The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too late to become what you might have been.


Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you.


Aku minta kepada Tuhan setangkai bunga segar, DIA beri kaktus berduri... Aku minta kupu-kupu, DIA beri ulat berbulu... Aku sedih dan berasa kecewa... Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah, indah sekali. Dan ulat bulu pun menjadi kupu-kupu cantik berwarna-warni....
Itulah jalan Tuhan, indah pada masa yang ditetapkanNYA. Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan tapi DIA memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang-kadang kita rasa sedih, kecewa dan terluka... Tapi yang sebenarnya, DIA sedang mengatur yang TERBAIK dalam kehidupan kita...
Ya Allah, ampuni aku yang mudah rebah di kaki duka, yang mudah hilang pertimbangan tika jiwa kecewa... ampuni aku yang buta dalam celik buntang mata... ampuni aku... sematkan di jiwa kekuatanMU sebagai gagah kudratku, sebagai perkasa jiwaku, sebagai tinggi yakin imanku...Amiin.

death of a husband

importance and value of family bonding

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Internet Marketer's Mind Movie

I came across this movie today..
very inspiring and a real morale booster in this difficult economic situation .
It was recommended that we watch it at the beginning of each day...

Monday, 18 May 2009

Law of attraction

some people ask and some other people help answering ... :

What does Islam say about "the secret" aka the law of attraction?
I'm a devout Muslim (at least I do my best). I've recently discovered the law of attraction and have tried extremely hard to implement it into my life, to focus on positivity, and on goals I want to retrieve, and by doing so I attract success to myself. It's really helping me better mentally speaking, but I'd like to know Islam's stance on this type of ideology. The following is a wikipedia link to read more on the law of attraction:

Happy New Years! Peace.

Additional Details
Peace, correction, the law of attraction uses meditation and your belief to make your vibrations (energy from your thoughts) to attract like thoughts which you focus on throughout your day, to attract to you and become a reality. Note that praying to Allah and doing "salah" is a form of meditation. The law of attraction can be used from a Muslim person asking of Allah. There's is no fault in this matter.

How is it like a "doctrine", I perceive it as a mere philosophy which works if applied correctly.


Actually I did watch that one hour film of law of attraction and to me it was the true meaning of Sooratol Ibrahim Verse 24 that reads: And we give you of all that you ask for. I'd always wondered how could this verse be true and to have ALL that we ask for. In this film they call it law of attraction. to me it is the proof that God gives us ALL that we asked for. I loved the movie. After watching it I was so positive that i even cut off the negative cable on my car battery:):) just kidding.

law of attraction

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Anda bersedia untuk mati?

Menanti saat kematian

Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Kami akan menguji kamu dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cubaan (yang sebenar-benarnya). Dan hanya kepada Kami lah kamu dikembalikan. (AL ANBIYAA' 35)

Mungkin judul di atas agak menggerunkan bagi kita tetapi ianya adalah satu saat yang tiada seorang pun dapat menghindarinya apatah lagi untuk tidak merasainya. Mati merupakan satu topik yang saya gemari kerana mati itu sesuatu yang pasti maka seharusnya kita sedikit sebanyak tahu dan mula belajar mengenainya. Jika sekiranya kita hanya tahu bahawa mati itu adalah satu perkara wajib yang perlu dilalui dan mungkin kita pernah belajar untuk menghadapi mati tetapi tidak pernah langsung belajar untuk mati maka sesungguhnya kita sebenarnya tidak bersedia untuk mati bahkan mungkin dek kerana cinta dunia yang mengikat kehidupan kita merasakan bahawa mati itu hanyalah satu perkara yang mudah dan tiada persiapan yang perlu bagi kita untuk menghadapinya.

Bagi seorang pengamal meditasi Islam yang tulen maka yang ditakuti adalah saat nafas terakhir dalam hidup samada pada saat itu adakah kita masih mengingati Allah swt dengan penuh rasa cinta atau terkesima dengan mainan iblis. Ada orang yang ketika maut menghampirinya dia kelihatan begitu siksa dan tak kurang juga yang menanti saat kedatangannya malaikat maut kerana iya merupakan saat yang ditunggu selama ini. Saya pernah melihat kedua-dua situasi ini. Pernah satu ketika dahulu, saya pernah menghadiri satu tahlil sempena kematian seseorang. Dalam majlis tersebut, ramai yang mengungkap sejarah arwah yang telah pergi mengadap ilahi pada siangnya. Ramai yang memuji kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh arwah ketika hayatnya. Menurut mereka si arwah orang yang lembut dan suka membantu orang lain. Namun di celah pujian itu tiba terdengar satu suara yang mengatakan sesuatu yang bunyinya janggal kerana dia mempunyai pendapat yang berlainan dengan yang lain. Katanya si arwah itu mungkin sudah merasakan kedekatan api neraka kerana dia berpeluh saat menjelang kematiannya. Saya menjadi hairan kerana masih ada juga orang yang hanya member pendapat tanpa mengetahui hakikat perjalanan kematian di tengah khalayak yang membicarakan tentang kebaikan arwah.

Memetik satu hadis rasulullah saw dari Salman Al Farisi : perhatikan tiga perkara kepada orang yang sudah hampir mati itu, pertama berpeluh pada pelipis pipinya, kedua berlinang airmatanya dan ketiga hidungnya kembang kempis. Itulah tanda bahawa rahmat Allah sedang turun dan dirasai oleh orang yang hampir mati itu. Namun jika dia mengeruh seperti tercekik, air mukanya nampak gelap dan keruh dan mulutnya berbuih, ini menandakan azab Allah sedang menimpanya. Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Abdullah, Al hakim dan At Tarmizi.

Justeru apa yang perlu ialah kita hendak faham apa yang kita katakan sebelum memberi komen kepada orang yang telahpun meninggal dunia. Seharusnya kita berpegang kepada ungkapan yang dititipkan dari satu generasi ke satu generasi, yang baik dijadikan tauladan dan yang buruk dijadikan sempadan. Apa yang berlaku sehingga kini ialah kita begitu sedih atas kehilangan orang yang dicintai atau kehilangan mereka yang kita kenal. Kita pasti akan membicarakan kenangan yang ada semasa arwahnya hidup dan kita mungkin sedih atau mungkin merasa lega atas setiap kebaikan yang pernah dilakukan. Akan tetapi cukup sedikit diantara kita yang melihat kematian itu sebagai satu pelajaran dan sebagai pengalaman untuk kita lalui nanti. Jika kita menganggap kematian orang yang kita kenal itu sebagai satu tauladan atau sempadan, maka kita akan lebih berusaha untuk mempercayai bahawa saat paling sukar ketika kita bernafas adalah saat di mana ruh dan jasad itu berpisah. Oleh yang demikian kita seharusnya mencari jalan untuk bersedia ke arah itu. Adakah hanya dengan kebaikan yang ada kita sudah pasti bahawa kita akan menghadapi kematian dengan mudah. Jika pasti menjadi jawapan maka ternyata kita telah pun melakukan satu kesilapan dan mungkin perhitungan seumpama itu akan memberi impak terhadap kematian kita.

Bercerita tentang mati amatlah mudah tetapi bersiap untuk mati itu amatlah sukar kerana kita sering lupa umur sebenarnya bukan sekadar angka tetapi ianya adalah sedetik nafas yang kita sedut. Pengalaman melihat beberapa kematian telah banyak member impak yang besar dalam hidup saya. Ada diantaranya saya juga menitiskan airmata namun bukan hanya kerana kesedihan tetapi juga kerana ketakutan dalam menghadapi saat yang saya juga bakal hadapi entah bila. Bagi saya saat kematian adalah saat penentu dan bagi pengamal meditasi tulen, saat kematian itu adalah saat bermulanya satu kehidupan baru yang lagi kekal. Jika sekiranya kita menghadapi saat kematian itu dalam kesukaran maka kita bakal menghadapi satu kehidupan akan datang yang lebih sukar, oleh itu persediaan menjelang jemputan malaikat maut itu amatlah perlu.

Dalam pemahaman supersedar, persediaan itu perlu dilakukan dengan cinta. Hanya apabila wujud rasa cinta kepada Allah swt maka kita akan lebih besedia menghadapi mati. Jika yang wujud hanya rasa cinta dunia kita akan takut untuk meninggalkan dunia kerana mungkin urusan duniawi kita belum selesai dan mungkin kita tidak sedar bahawa urusan duniawi ini tidak akan pernah selesai. Apabila tercetusnya rasa cinta Allah swt yang mendalam kita pasti juga akan mengingati mati. Ini terjadi kerana apabila ruh meninggalkan jasad dengan cinta ilahi maka tujuannya sudah pasti ingin bertemu Tuhannya yang maha dikasihi. Hasilnya segala hal duniawi tidak lagi difikirkan kerana ianya sudah jelas harus diteruskan oleh mereka yang masih hidup. Maka benarlah bahawa mengingati mati itu akan membuatkan kita mengingati Allah swt. Persoalannya berapa kalikah kita melihat kematian dan kita mengingati Allah swt. Kematian ini buan hanya tertakluk kepada kematian manusia tetapi ianya juga adalah kematian semua makhluk termasuk binatang. Kematian binatang juga seharusnya menjadi satu iktibar untuk kita yang masih hidup untuk bersedia dengan jemputan malaikat maut.

Hari ini saya ingin memberi satu latihan yang agak mudah untuk kita lakukan agar kita dapat mengingati mati dan setelah itu kita melakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk menghadapinya. Mulai hari ini cubalah para pembaca sekelian menziarahi kubur setiap minggu. Kita mungkin bertanya kubur siapa yang hendak dilawati. Itu bukanlah tujuannya, dalam kaedah ini kita hanya perlu ke kubur yang berdekatan dan cukup untuk kita hanya berada dalam kereta dan apa yang perlu kita lakukan ialah cubalah bertanya kepada diri sendiri adakah kita sudah bersedia menghadapi maut sekira kita dijemput dalam masa lima minit lagi. Kita tidak boleh mengatakan bahawa maut hanya dating untuk mereka yang sudah berumur kerana maut adalah sedetik nafas. Maka ianya pasti datang pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan. Jika anda tidak mampu untuk bertanya kepada diri sendiri maka cubalah lakukan yang ini pula. Cuba renungkan ke kubur yang berhampiran dan cuba rasakan yang anda kini sebenarnya telah mula masuk ke dalam kubur tersebut. Anda akan merasakan satu perasaan ngeri dan mungkin takut. Seandainya anda mula merasa perasaan demikian maka berhentilah dan terus sahaja berdoa kepada Allah swt untuk diberi keampunan. Saya sendiri pernah melakukannya untuk seminggu yang mana pada awalnya tiada apa-apa perasaan kerana pada peringkat awal kita masih lagi teguh dengan ego dunia. Selang beberapa hari apa yang saya rasakan ialah seperti hampirnya saat kematian untuk saya maka ketika itu saya benar-benar merasakan saya perlu memohon keampunan dari Allah swt atas segala kesilapan saya.

Kali ini doa saya amat berlainan kerana saya mengungkapnya seolah-olah saya merasakan ada pedang di leher saya. Ketika itu saya merasakan seandainya saya mati ketika ini tanpa mendapat keampunan dari Allah swt maka saya sudah pasti dicampakkan ke neraka. Saya terus bermohon kepada Allah swt supaya diampuni hingga satu saat saya merasa begitu lega atas ungkapa saya. Sejak dari itu ingatan saya tentang saat kematian itu begitu jitu dan biar apa yang terjadi saya akan memikirkan dahulu saat ajal menjelang tiba. Hasilnya jiwa yang keras kini sudah mula lembut, jiwa yang dahulunya mengingati Allah swt seperti biskut choc fudge kini berubah dengan mengintainya dengan cinta. Jika dahulunya setiap ibadah itu dikira pahalanya kini setiap ibadah itu telah menjadi lambang cinta yang dalam dan setiap ketika ternanti-nanti bilakah dapat bertemu yang maha dicintai lagi dirindui. Tanpa cinta kita lemah dan tanpa rindu kita sesat. Cinta membuat kita berdiri dan berlari manakala rindu menyuluh arah tuju dengan jelas. Semoga para pembaca yang saya hormati dapat mencuba sebaik mungkin dan semoga Allah swt memberi jalan yang dapat memberi kekuatan untuk kita bersedia dalam menghadapi nafas terakhir di dunia ini.

5 Ways to Develop More Patience with Children

i like this article and would like to share with you

Which of the following situations send you over the edge? You ask your child to do something three times and he is still not listening. Your four year old is having a complete melt down over something you see as insignificant. You’ve had a long day and your teenager won’t stop arguing with you. As moms, we all have a patience meter. The gauge goes up and down depending on our mood, our personality, and our triggers. If there is one thing that moms wish they had more of, its patience (and time, of course). Just like there are time management skills you can learn, there are also patience management skills.

Examine Your Expectations
I know I am stating the obvious, but children are not adults. They don’t think like adults, act like adults or even have the same brain development as adults. As a matter of fact, their brains are not fully developed until about the age of 23. The last part of the brain to develop is the part that is involved in rational decision making.

So it makes sense that the expectations we have of our children needs to be age appropriate and situation appropriate. To expect a child to always remember his homework or other items that belong to him is unrealistic. Many adults have a problem with forgetting things. If you know a two year old and a teenager’s main focus is asserting their independence, then it can be helpful to put tantrums and strong wills into perspective. Sometimes we lose our patience because we are expecting our children to behave in a way they are simply not capable of. Take time to examine the situation and try to put yourself in your child’s shoes. How might she be feeling? What is important to your child in the moment? How might her perspective be different than yours?

Don’t Take Things Personally
Kids are like us; imperfect. And they are going to do things that are seemingly directed right at us. Your child might stare you down and defiantly say “NO”. He might not listen to your words of wisdom because he would rather do things his own way. Your daughter might even get pregnant, even though she knows how much it will hurt you. Some of a child’s misbehavior may be intentional and some may be unintentional, but none of it is personal.

As soon as we become personally attached to our children’s behavior, we begin using their behavior as a measurement of our adequacy as a mom. If they behave nicely, we are a great mom. If our children misbehave, we have somehow failed. These feelings of failure evoke an emotional reaction in us that can cause us to lose our patience. Instead of being emotionally involved in child misbehavior, practice being a curious observer. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about your child as well as yourself. Your child may need to learn some new skills and you may need to look at changing some of your own behaviors. We are all creatures of habit and we’re all learning how to master life. Taking child misbehavior personally will not serve you in finding a solution to the problem.

Adjust Your Parenting Style
I don’t believe there is a one size fits all style of parenting. Every child and every situation is different and learning to be flexible and open to what is working and what is not can make a world of difference in managing our patience. For instance, if you have a strong willed child, an authoritarian style of parenting is probably not going to be very effective. Being overly strict and controlling with a strong willed child will create more power struggles than your patience will be able to handle. That style of parenting, however, may work with a passive child.

Just like every child has a different personality, each situation needs to be treated independently. If you are in the middle of a situation that is escalating, examine your approach. Is what you are doing right now helping or hindering the situation? Be willing to adjust your approach to help the situation diffuse. There are always alternative solutions to losing our patience.

Develop a Consistent Discipline Strategy
Most of the time when we lose our patience, it’s because we have waited too long to discipline our children. If we think about the child behaviors that grate on our nerves, we usually think of behaviors such as whining, tantrums, arguing, not listening, and disrespectful talking. All of these and more are behaviors that need a consistent discipline strategy.

If you know your child has an issue with arguing, after examining your own tendency to argue, put a plan in place to handle this issue every time it comes up. For instance, if your child begins arguing with you, you patiently remind her that arguing is not allowed and if she continues she will be sent to her room. If she continues, send her to her room. If you do this consistently, she will eventually learn what the boundaries are. By being proactive and addressing the misbehavior immediately, you save yourself from the regret you feel when you lose your patience.

Take a Mommy Timeout
Even moms can use a timeout. There are two ways to take advantage of this strategy. First, take a timeout in the middle of an emotionally charged situation. It is okay to walk away if you are beginning to lose your patience. You might think your child is winning the battle if you walk away, but the opposite is true. Your child wins the battle when you lose control of your emotions. Some battles are not worth fighting and some battles need a timeout. You can always go back when you are composed.

The second way to use timeout is to take regular time for you to engage in self-care. More often than not, moms lose their patience when they are tired and worn down. Know your limits and when it’s time to take a mommy timeout. Go for a walk, have lunch with an inspiring friend, spend time in prayer/meditation or laugh yourself silly in a funny movie. Do whatever refuels and refreshes you. You will then return to motherhood with a whole new outlook and a healthy reserve of patience.

Patience is not something we are born with. It’s a skill that is developed with time and practice. With the right approach and the right attitude, we can all learn patience. What is the hidden gift of learning to be more patient? Our children model our behavior.

Lori Radun, CEC is a certified life coach and professional speaker for moms. To receive her 2 FREE reports “5 Tips for Maximizing Your Time” and “155 Things Moms Can Do to Raise Great Children”, visit her website at

Try to Be Patient to my children

Sometimes, motherhood is a treadmill. I’m running myself ragged, but never really getting anywhere. (just like treadmills.)

Of course, as a mom sometimes the exhaustion goes beyond the physical. Sometimes I feel like as soon as I get a grasp on one age or stage, everything changes. The minute I accept Hayden’s three nap schedule, he grows out of his third nap.

I feel like a passage in Second Timothy, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Or at least the children. (Don’t even get me started on the laundry!)

But for now, I feel rather competent—and I’ll enjoy it as long as I can!

Do you ever feel like you’re climbing a mountain of sand when it comes to understanding your job as a mother?

I’m not, in general, a bad mother. But I’m also not always the best mother that I can be. I’ve found that these three things, when I do them, make me a better mother:

1. Focus. By focus, I mean that I focus on my kids. I really find that I enjoy my son and motherhood in general a lot more when I stop trying to get so much else done. Yes, I have to keep the house clean and my family fed, but when I spend most of my time just caring for and playing with kids, we both have a better day (even when the sink’s full of dishes).

2. Patience. I’m really, really working on this one because I’m not usually a patient person (especially not with family members, as sad as that is). The funny thing about patience is, of course, that even once you’ve become more patient, you get to “work” on it your whole life. It’s not like you just magically wave a wand and nothing ever upsets you again—even if it’s less frequent (which is what I’m striving toward now), our patience isn’t always perfect in this life.

3. Faith. This is in many ways interrelated with #2, because I’m using my faith to try to improve my patience. But my faith affects more of my parenting than that. It does give a long list of principles and lessons that I’m responsible for teaching my children, but it also provides me with sustaining power. I’ve had mornings where I can’t get out of bed because I’m exhausted , and the only way I ever get out of bed on those days is after fervent prayer.

I’m far from perfect—and honestly, I know I won’t become perfect in this life, and certainly not by my own power—but when I do these three things, I enjoy motherhood more and I feel as though I’m a better mother!

What attributes or skills make you feel like a better mother?

You and Your Child 2

I am still collecting articles as i mentioned here.

below are labels of interesting articles to collect
to help me know and get to know my children and help them
in all or any way possible now and forever.


Saturday, 16 May 2009

Unlock Your Brain Power Any Time You Want

An email that i got today.

source from here:

just checking will it make me happy ? how far is it true? scientists say?

let's read through the article:

I want to share with you how our brain works –
Whatever ‘activity’ we’re trying to accomplish for success like to be creative, to have focus, increase energy, affirm positive habits, etc can be accomplished much better at the right frequencies it’s at.
This is the research data that I’ve gathered:
Frequency Range Name Usually associated with:

> 40 Hz Gamma waves

Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness

13 - 40 Hz Beta waves

Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition. Most commonly found during our waking state.

7 - 13 Hz Alpha waves

Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness. Most commonly found during meditation and states of relaxation.

4 - 7 Hz Theta waves

Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep

< 4 Hz Delta waves

Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness

So if you want to be focused but you’re feeling sleepy, then you should get your brain to work at the Beta waves frequency. Make sense? And this is possible with the right brain technology.

It’s not some hocus pocus theory but scientifically proven with intensive 70 years old of research. The technology behind this is called, ‘brain entrainment’ and it’s becoming a very popular ’secret weapon’ for people to be in the best state to achieve short term and long term goals.

In a geeky term: Brainwave entrainment or “brainwave synchronization,” is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequency to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state (for example, to induce sleep, being motivated, increase focus, etc). It depends upon a “frequency following” response, a naturally occurring phenomenon where the human brain has a tendency to change its dominant EEG frequency towards the frequency of a dominant external stimulus.

In a non-geeky talk, you now can control your brainwave state so that it can perform at the peak.

If you need to know more about brain entrainment, do a search on ‘brain entrainment’ on Google and you’ll see many explanations and research about this. As matter of fact, CEOs, athletics, entrepreneurs and even students are now using them to gain a competitive edge.

Until now, not many people have the privilege to use this technology because they are unaware of it or couldn’t afford it.

Comment from this site :

Patric, Man - you are really on the ball! This is my secret weapon too; in fact I have the stereo headphones on playing The Holosync Solution while writing this reply. I can attest that you are 100% correct as I have been experimenting with this since January 2006. It totally gets you together into a mystical Oneness. It makes you 20x as creative. And more resistant to stress. At first I did the meditations quietly with eyes closed but now I can finally do it any time - like when writing articles on blogs or on hubpages. Entrainment IS the future!

Geoff Dodd Australia

Geoff Dodd - May 16, 2009 @12:18 am

Friday, 15 May 2009

Untungnya jika kita mengelingi Kaabah.

petikan dari sumber:

"Dear All,

Rasa nak menangis bila membaca. Rindu rasanya nak pergi ke Tanah Suci. Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki dan semoga dapat tawaf Kaabah.

Tuan Guru Haji Mohd Baqi Osman, tok guru dah mula kuliah. Beliau menceritakan tentang peristiwa yang bakal berlaku di akhirat kelak.Tentang syurga, tentang neraka. Para jemaah masing-masing diam, tunduk dan insaf.

Salah satu cerita menarik yang disampaikan oleh tok guru iaitu berkaitan dengan titian As Sirat. Jambatan yang merentangi neraka menuju ke syurga itu bersifat fleksibel. Ia boleh membesar, mengecil, memendek dan memanjang mengikut kumpulan yang akan melintasinya.

Jika orang beriman, pastilah ia akan melebar dan memendek. Manakala bagi orang kafir, ia akan mengecil dan memanjang. Antara yang akan turut berarak menuju ke syurga ialah kaabah. Malaikat datang membawa perintah Allah kepada kaabah yang dihias indah pada hari itu supaya bergerak menuju ke syurga.

Yang menghairankan, biarpun kaabah tahu itu perintah Allah, namun ia enggan bergerak. Lalu malaikat bertanya kenapa enggan bergerak ke syurga. Kaabah menjawab bahawa ia tidak akan bergerak ke syurga melainkan jika diiringi oleh semua manusia yang pernah tawaf di sekelilingnya.

Lalu malaikat mengumpulkan semua yang pernah tawaf untuk mengiringi kaabah ke syurga. Kaabah terus mendiamkan diri tak mahu bergerak. Malaikat bertanya lagi kenapa tak mahu bergerak. Kaabah menjawab, ada lagi beberapa orang yang tidak hadir… Apabila diperiksa, rupa-rupanya orang-orang berkenaan telah dilempar ke dalam neraka kerana kesalahan yang pernah mereka lakukan di dunia. Malaikat maklumkan bahawa orang berkenaan adalah orang-orang yang berdosa dan perlu disiksa di dalam neraka. Kaabah berkata, ia tidak peduli orang itu berdosa atau tidak. Yang penting ia tidak akan bergerak ke syurga melainkan diiringi oleh semua orang yang pernah tawaf di sekelilingnya.

Malaikat mengadu kepada Allah tentang hal yang berlaku….Allah yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Mengasihani terus mengisytiharkan bahawa orang-orang itu telah diampunkan dosa mereka. Mereka lantas di bawa keluar daripada neraka dan mengiringi kaabah menuju ke syurga….

How nice kan …. bersyukur sekiranya dapat mengerjakan haji dan umrah…..

Satu motivasi bagi rakan-rakan yang mampu untuk ke Mekah..sila-silakanlah menjadi tetamu Allah..pergilah ketika masih muda dan kuat agar setiap langkah dan setiap nafas kita gagah dan diberkati oleh Allah SWT… Kebahagiaan itu pasti datang, namun sejauhmanakah kita mengingati Allah SWT dalam setiap urusan dunia kita?


Allahuma Kamma Hassanta Khalqii Fahassin Khuluqii "

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Bersyukur dengan apa yang anda miliki sekarang...

(My Life journey found this article at

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih, Yang Maha Penyayang,

Salam dan semoga diberi kesihatan yang baik& limpahan nikmat Allah SWT di mana jua berada.

Izinkan saya kongsikan apa yang saya baca semalam. Bukunya bukanlah berkenaan agama, ibadah dan sebagainya namun ianya buku rutin harian bagi mereka yang bergelar pelajar. 'Qualitative Research' begitulah lebih kurang tajuknya. Bukan ingin berkongsi apakah itu kajian kualitatif tetapi saya ingin berkongsi satu cerita terhasil dari kajian menggunakan teknik ini. Izinkan saya kekalkan ceritanya dalam bahasa asalnya, Bahasa Inggeris. Begini bunyinya dan tajuk ceritanya adalah 'Through the eyes of a child':

I know of a small boy eight years old who sat alone on a park bench five or six hours every day for almost a week. He alternately played with the pigeons, watched the passing people, made patterns in the air with his feet and legs, or looked blankly into space. On the fourth day of this visit to this bench, a friend of mine asked this boy why he sat there every day. He replied that his mother brought him there in the mornings telling him to wait there while she looked for a job and a place for them to stay. There is no place else for him to go. When asked what he did all day he simply said that he watched and he waited. He watched the pigeons and the people. He made a game of guessing where each had to go. He said that mostly he just waited for his mother to come at the end of the day so they could wait together until the night shelter opened (Boxill, 1990:1)

MasyaAllah, Laquwataillabillah. Terdapat banyak lagi kisah-kisah seumpamanya, namun berapa banyakkah yang memberi kesedaran kepada kita bahawa betapa bertuahnya kita dikurniakan pelbagai macam kenikmatan. Allahu akbar hatta diberikan nikmat pernafasan tanpa bersusah payah mendapatkannya. Berapa banyak harta yang kita gunakan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri dan keluarga, dan berapa banyak harta kita habiskan untuk golongan yang sangat memerlukannya. Nikmat yang kita miliki adalah atas Rahmat dan Belas Allah SWT kepada kita, tetapi berapa banyak yang kita kongsikan rahmat dan belas ini dengan mereka yang amat memerlukan.

Saya petik satu hadis Nabi SAW dari Abu Hurairah r.a., baginda bersabda yang lebih kurang bunyinya:

"Bahawasanya siapa yang tiada perangai belas kasihan, nescaya tiada Tuhan kasihan akan dia".

Auzubillah. 'Ya Allah jadilah kami golongan yang memiliki sifat rahmah dan belas kepada manusia'. Amin. Saya menyeru diri saya dan sahabat sekelian, untuk bersyukur atas nikmat yang Allah SWT berikan kepada kita yang tidak terbilang jumlah dan tak terbalas oleh khudrat kita. Bersyukur dengan cara menurut perintahnya, meninggalkan perkara yang dilarang. Lebihkan jumlah bersedekah dan amalan baik buat mereka yang kurang berkeupayaan mental mahupun fizikal, harta mahupun rohani.

Yang baik itu datang dari Allah SWT dan yang buruk itu juga dariNya atas kelemahan dan kesilapan saya yang hina ini. Semoga Allah mengampunkan saya dan saya mohon maaf dari sahabat semua. Yang baik jadikan teladan, yang buruk jadikan sempadan.

Salam penuh kasih sayang,

Read a story to your child

Remember, children learn best when reading is relaxed and enjoyable so give lots of praise.

Encourage your child to try to read any words they do not recognise by saying the sounds of each letter pattern separately (e.g. l-o-ng), then running the sounds together quickly. If they find it difficult to say the sounds, say the sounds for them first and then see if they can hear the word.

Explain that it is important when running the sounds in a word together to check to see if it sounds like a real word as some words are less regular (e.g. have). Read these words to your child if they don't recognise them. Point out the letters that make the usual sound in each word (e.g. the h in have)

Example phonic words:
bobtail, tail, tails, away, play, stingray, chase, shapes, snake, waves, whale, a, amazing, scaly, sees, three, whee, eat, eats, leap, peacock, be, he, she, happy, pony, puppy, stumpy, flies, like, likes, sizes, white, by, I'll, lion, burrow, show, go, going, opens, pony, so, goat, crocodile

Example context words:
of, have, all, to, do, her, wants, you, the

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

How to Be Patient

life in an interesting journey

It has never been easy to be patient, but it's probably harder now than at any time in history. In a world in which messages can be sent across the world instantly, in which seemingly everything is available for immediate purchase with a few clicks of the mouse, it's hard not to always expect instant gratification. But patience remains a valuable tool in life. We don't always get instant gratification, and some of the best things in life require years of hard work and waiting. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured.

When working with small children, it's often easy to lose patience. This is especially true when looking at schoolwork. Many parents were conditioned to hate homework as children, and that carries over to their helping their child as parents. Learn to be patient and enjoy the process, and you'll break the cycle! Ask yourself. How to keep your cool and give your child the greatest possible benefit.