Monday 9 August 2010

research on bounce rate

i love to do research.....

i got main reserch to do my phd on hci....

part time i do a lot of other research and writing...

my dream is to write a book in future before the day i die.

i wish this will be a dream comes true one day. if it is i will dig and collect this page.

why? may be to update that what i wrote today had comes true.....


ok my research is on bounce rate with googles search gives me

About 35,100,000 results
(0.35 seconds)

wow that is 35 million sites...

Website Metrics: What is Bounce Rate?


this iste told me that

Most of us in the search industry are familiar with the term bounce rate, but there are site owners, webmasters and traditional marketers who may not know what bounce rate (as it pertains to a website) is. Furthermore, many people may not be measuring the bounce rate of their website pages or are not using it as a metric to measure the success of their web properties.

Bounce Rate Defined

Bounce Rate is the percentage of web site visitors who arrive at an entry page on your web site, then leave without visiting any other pages or leave without going any deeper into the site. Bounce rate is measured as a percentage. Ideally you want your site pages to have a lower bounce rate.

So why is bounce rate important? Well bounce rate is a useful metric that allows you to measure the quality of your content and the quality of your web pages. A high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance pages are not relevant or useful to your visitors. It is an indication that the user was unable to find the information that they were looking for based on their query. From a search engine optimization point of view, bounce rate is a reflection of the stickiness of your site.

Site stickiness is something that the search engines are looking at when determining the relevancy of your site for a given query. As the search engines refine their algorithms, in the future you can expect sites that have greater stickiness to do better in the organic rankings. The search engines are focusing on user intent more and more in order to provide a richer search experience for the user. In fact, this past December, we at Enquiro held a pretty cool webinar and round-table discussion on The Future of Search 2010. During the webinar, members from three of the four major search engines identified user intent as a main focus in 2008. (You can download the whitepaper here for free.)

Bounce rate in a roundabout way is one metric that you can use to measure user intent on your site. If you create a landing page about your product or service and are experiencing a high bounce rate, it's pretty obvious that your content is not addressing the needs of your visitors. Their intent was possible to find some other information. Maybe they were looking for pricing, or a whitepaper download, or maybe they were simply looking for some comparison stats. Whatever the case may be, a high bounce rate can have a severe impact on your site traffic and ultimately on your online leads.

So what is a good bounce rate percentage you ask? Well the fact is that it depends. It depends on the page, it depends on your industry. Ideally, you want to see your bounce rate at less than 50% for starters. If we are talking bounce rate on a specific landing page or important product page than ideally you are looking for an even lower bounce rate. Generally speaking if these pages have a bounce rate in the 35 - 45% range you are doing OK. I have seen pages with bounce rates as low as 18-20% which is excellent.

How Can I Improve Bounce Rate of My Site Pages?

Great question, I'm glad you asked. There are a number of ways that you can improve bounce rate for your site pages. Remember, you want to lower your bounce rate percentage, not increase it.

1. Understand Your Audience - First, strive to understand your audience and site visitors. Determine what type of information they are looking for and provide it on your site. For some that may mean providing things like pricing comparisons, industry stats, white paper downloads, detailed product descriptions or the like.

2. Write More Compelling Content/Landing Pages - Once you understand what it is that your audience is looking for, create content around their needs. Give them what they are looking for.

3. Incorporate well Optimized, Catchy Page Titles/Headings - Completing a keyword analysis and ongoing keyword research to identify the terms, phrases and buzzwords that your audience is using can go a long way in optimizing your content. If your content speaks to your audience, your bounce rate will go down.
4. Use A/B Testing to Test Landing Pages - Get creative. Test your landing pages with different variations to see what works and what doesn't.

5. Keep Your Pages Clean - Make your Webpages easy to read; Use whitespace, bullet lists, don't make your pages too busy. Make it easy for the user to find what they are looking for. Keep in mind that if you make it too easy, your bounce rate can actually remain constant as the user finds what they are looking for an exit your site.

6. Work to Improve Site Stickiness - Give the users something to make them stick around longer. Help them convert on your site. Have them subscribe to your content. Ever heard of RSS feeds? Use them.

7. Speak to their Needs - Address their "pains" by focusing on benefits rather than features. Communicate how your product/service can address their needs.

Bounce rate is a metric that you should be looking at as a part of your search engine metrics dashboard. It is easy to measure especially for users of Google Analytics. To view bounce rate in Google Analytics, simply go to the Bounce Rate report under Visitors > Visitor Trending > Bounce Rate.

If you haven't paid attention to bounce rate yet, you should. Not knowing that your site visitors are not finding the information that they are looking for when they land on your site can be what what is killing your conversions and why you are not getting the traffic to your site that you should be.


where another site

What is considered a reasonably good bounce rate for a B2B website?

In you opinion, what is considered a reasonably good bounce rate for a website targeting B2B buyers/customers? (bounce rate defined as the number of visitors who enter the website, and leave without browsing more pages).

As Christopher already said, a lot depends on the visitor itself. If you had an SEO campaign in which you created some expectations, make sure you make these true on your main page. When a visitor thinks you might not be able to suite his/her needs, he/she will go elsewhere. Always take a lot of "curious" visitors in account, they noticed your website on a search engine, on a refering website or in a mail campaign you sent. Those who don't have a real interest in your products or services will leave after page one. Key is to raise interest by as many visitors as possible, sooner or later they will get past that first page.

Personally, I prefer to grow visitors instead of focussing on those who leave on our opening page. One example: our own opening page is made up in Dutch. We are located in Belgium and since 99% of our clients speaks Dutch, we tailored our whole backend on this language. We could do business with visitors of our website who only speak Engish, but this will mean we have to change our backend completely. Tailoring your website towards the clients you want makes a lot of people to leave on your opening page, but do you want them as a client?


I'm not sure you'll find a specific number to benchmark against. Much depends on how a visitor arrived at your site. For example if your traffic largely comes as the result of Search (organic or paid) the hit-and-run rate may well be higher than if you bring in traffic from affiliated websites. I find that the bounce rate is a good measure of how qualified the visitor is. If you have a URL that's similar to another URL for a site in a different industry you may be getting traffic looking for the other site and accordingly these visitors will quickly go elsewhere.


There are too many variables e.g.

1. Which industry
2. How targeted are the visitors
3. Your marketing message
4. What action are you looking for a visitor to take
5. What benefits will the visitor gain by taking that action
6. Are they a first time visitor?

As an example, you might have a low bounce rate on highly targeted first time visitors, but once they become a subscriber to a blog, the bounce rate will be quite high because they are only visiting the blog to comment on one post.


Consider the bounce rate as a trend indicator. At the end of the day, it’s how relevant you are to your audience that drives the bounce rate down.

But first, make sure you measure bounce rate properly

1. Narrow down the scope by measuring bounce rate on a landing page. As per Andy’s answer, avoid the home page as too many variables will influence the results.

2. Use a homogenous source of traffic (e.g. pay per click traffic) so you always measure against the same type of traffic – compare apples with apples.


From experience (i.e. from many client's data), I have seen bounce rate between 15% to 65% (the latter being on a "splash page", i.e. where people chose their preferred language; talk about a trafic qualification problem!). So, true, it is very hard to give a benchmark figure, and not that productive anyway. Since the ideal situation would be the impossible 0% bounce rate, you should monitor yours so that it keeps going down or settle at least below 20%. I mean imagine if I told you that 20% of all your trafic is wasted, would you find it high? What is then your tolerance level? 15%? 10%? Determine it (and you must accept one, since, again, 0% is impossible), and work toward it.


The product, not the visitor, is the most important factor in determining a "good" bounce rate. For a $5 widget, a bounce rate of 80% is probably too much, because you probably spending on PPC and SEO to get them there. But if you are selling $100,000/yr consulting contracts, then a bounce rate of 99.5% can be acceptable.

Start a new question naming a specific product/service, its target market, and its price, and you will get better answers.


The definition of bounce rate is this...

The percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page).

what does it mean? does it mean that people who come to your page and leave by clicking the "Back" button?

Or.. if they come to your page from search results from and then after browsing a few pages,... they type in the address bar to leave, is this also bounce rate?



Personally I would consider anything below 30% for the homepage to be acceptable. For other pages this can vary widely depending upon the purpose of the page (informational, lead generation, tool, link page) and also the traffic that you are sending to each page. Try to focus on one or 2 pages at a time in terms of bounce rate instead of a site wide percetnage as this can be very misleading. Look for the high bounce rate pages and try to reduce them, look at the low bounce rate pages and learn why they cause people to continue though your site.


bounce rate is where someone has gone to your site and within that one visit has seen only one page. They could have pressed the back button, they could have closed the tab or window or typed another site into the address bar.

If they view 2 or more pages within a visit then that visitor will NOT be classed as a bounced visit.

Hope this helps clear it up.


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