Thursday, 30 July 2009
assignment for my study
books to read.
what book? where can i get the book?
How? to buy or to borrow?when? today or tomorrow?
why ? reading for leasure or for my knowledge?
The Laws of the Web
Patterns in the Ecology of Information
Bernardo A. Huberman
Despite its haphazard growth, the Web hides powerful underlying regularities—from the organization of its links to the patterns found in its use by millions of users. Many of these regularities have been predicted on the basis of theoretical models based on a field of physics—statistical mechanics—that few would have thought applicable to the social domain.
In this book, Bernardo Huberman explains in accessible language the laws of the Web. One of the foremost researchers in the field, Huberman has established, for example, that the surfing patterns of individuals are describable by a precise law. Such findings can lead to more efficient Web design and use. They also shed light on social mechanisms whose significance goes beyond the Web. In this sense, the Web is a gigantic informational ecosystem that can be used to quantify and test explanations of human behavior and social interaction.
About the Author
Bernardo A. Huberman is an HP Fellow at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, California.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
21 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins
#1 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
I've come to believe that all my past failure and
frustrations were actually laying the foundation for the
understandings that have created the new level of living I
now enjoy.
#2 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.
#3 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
It is not what we get. But who we become, what we
contribute... that gives meaning to our lives.
#4 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can
immediately command when we focus all of our resources on
mastering a single area of our lives.
#5 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few
people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough!
You must take action.
#6 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened
in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's
your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to
you, and what you're going to do about them that will
determine your ultimate destiny.
#7 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself,
'Here is an opportunity for you to celebrate like never
before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do
whatever is necessary.'
#8 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people
ask better questions, and as a result, they get better
#9 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good
judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is
usually the result of bad judgement.
#10 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or
impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It
is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.
#11 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
We are the only beings on the planet who lead such rich
internal lives that it's not the events that matter most to
us, but rather, it's how we interpret those events that
will determine how we think about ourselves and how we will
act in the future.
#12 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events
of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events --
how we interpret them -- that shapes who we are today and
who we'll become tomorrow.
#13 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
It's not the events of our lives that shape us, but our
beliefs as to what those events mean.
#14 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that
we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power.
Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding
to master anything in particular.
#15 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to
consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience
of life.
#16 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to
make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget
your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really
are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you
now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision
consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully.
#17 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is
#18 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened
in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's
your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to
you, and what you're going to do about them that will
determine your ultimate destiny.
#19 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
More than anything else, I believe it's our decisions, not
the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny.
#20 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals
is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you
immediately begin to create momentum. The most important
rules that I ever adopted to help me in achieving my goals
were those I learned from a very successful man who taught
me to first write down the goal, and then to never leave
the site of setting a goal without firs taking some form of
positive action toward its attainment.
#21 Success Quote By Anthony Robbins:
If you can't, you must. If you must, you can.
Take care and all the best.
2 books i used at uni cumbria
Cutting Edge Advanced Student's Book
Author: Cunningham, Moor & Comyns Carr
Publisher: Longman
Format: Paperback
ISBN-10: 0582469430
ISBN-13: 9780582469433
Publication Date: 2003
Price: £20.90
Description: Cutting Edge is a multi-level course for adults and young adults. It combines rich international content,
comprehensive grammar, and real-life functional language within an easy to teach structure.
The advanced level is for students at FCE level and beyond who want to enrich their knowledge of the language. It contains clear and extensive grammar practice exercises and tasks and activities to develop competence in all four skills, particularly speaking.
It focuses on phrases and language 'chunks' to extend vocabulary quickly and effectively and the student's book contains a separate phrase builder booklet containing phrasal verbs, idioms and other useful expressions.
In addition the workbook also contains pronunciation work.
The Teacher's Resource Book includes teaching notes and extra suggestions, a large bank of photocopiable skills worksheets and tests.
| ISBN-13
Pack (Student's Book & Workbook with Key) £23.20 Qty 9781405883672
Student's Book £20.90 Qty 9780582469433
Student's Book with CD-ROM £21.80 Qty 9781405852319
Workbook with Answer Key £11.60 Qty 9780582469457
Workbook without Answer Key £11.60 Qty 9780582501744
Teacher's Resource Book with Test Master CD-ROM £25.90 Qty 9781405843645
Audio CDs (2) £33.60 Qty 9780582469570
Cassettes (2) £33.60 Qty 9780582469464
Student's Audio CD £17.00 Qty 9780582501737
Student's Cassette £17.00 Qty 9780582469587
and secondly,
Writing Academic English (Third Edition) (The Longman Academic Writing…
by Alice Oshima
# Writing Academic English
# (Third Edition) (The Longman Academic Writing Series)
# By Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue
Paperback 267 Pages
Edition: 3rd
ISBN-10: 0201340542
ISBN-13: 9780201340549
Publisher: Addison Wesley Publishing Company
Pub date: Oct 01, 1998
# Writing Academic English
# Answer Key: Intermediate-Advanced Level
# By Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue
Book Details
English Books
Paperback 56 Pages
Edition: 3rd
ISBN-10: 0201670283
ISBN-13: 9780201670288
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub date: Jan 24, 2001
Thursday, 23 July 2009
anak anak ku bacalah Al-Qur’an
Kelebihan Pembaca-pembaca Al-Qur’an
Daripada Aishah r.a. daripada junjungan Nabi s.a.w., sabdanya; Bandingan orang yang membaca Al-Qur’an dan ia hafaz- iaitu memeliharanya, meng elok bacaannya – adalah bersama-sama malaikat, iaitu bersama malaikat yang menulis Al-Qur’an daripada Luh-Mahfuz atau bersama malaikat yang menulis amalannya. Ini menunjukkan betapa tinggi martabatnya.
Dan bandingan orang yang membaca Al-Qur’an dan ia membacanya dengan cermat dan hati-hati, supaya jangan tersalah, pada hal bersangat payah keatasnya – kerana ketiadaan hafaznya atau kurang mahirnya – maka baginya dua pahala.
Kesimpulannya: Orang yang membaca Al-Qur’an itu tidaklah sia-sia, lebih-lebih orang yang mengerti apa yang di bacanya maka lebih pula balasan pahala di atas bacaannya itu.
“Sebaik-baik kalian adalah yang mempelajari Al Qur’an dan mengajarkannya” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Abu Hurairah ia berkata, “Telah mengutus Rasulullah SAW sebuah delegasi yang banyak jumlahnya, kemudian Rasul mengetes hafalan mereka, kemudian satu per satu disuruh membaca apa yang sudah dihafal, maka sampailah pada Shahabi yang paling muda usianya, beliau bertanya, “Surat apa yang kau hafal? Ia menjawab,”Aku hafal surat ini.. surat ini.. dan surat Al Baqarah.” Benarkah kamu hafal surat Al Baqarah?” Tanya Nabi lagi. Shahabi menjawab, “Benar.” Nabi bersabda, “Berangkatlah kamu dan kamulah pemimpin delegasi.” (HR. At-Turmudzi dan An-Nasa’i)
Siapa yang membaca Al Qur’an, mempelajarinya, dan mengamalkannya, maka dipakaikan mahkota dari cahaya pada hari kiamat. Cahayanya seperti cahaya matahari dan kedua orang tuanya dipakaiakan dua jubah (kemuliaan) yang tidak pernah didapatkan di dunia. Keduanya bertanya, “Mengapa kami dipakaikan jubah ini?” Dijawab,”Karena kalian berdua memerintahkan anak kalian untuk mempelajari Al Qur’an.” (HR. Al-Hakim)
Dari Abi Umamah ra. ia berkata, “Aku mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Bacalah olehmu Al Qur’an, sesungguhnya ia akan menjadi pemberi syafa’at pada hari kiamat bagi para pembacanya (penghafalnya).”" (HR. Muslim)
Demikianlah berbagai keutamaan bagi orang-orang yang dekat dengan Al-Qur’an. Dan tentunya kita juga ingin agar kita maupun anak kita mendapatkan keutamaan-keutamaan tersebut.
menarik ini tapi dalam bahasa indonesia...
Bacalah Al-Qur'an!! Walaupun kau tak tahu artinya
Ada sebuah kisah menarik mengenai membaca Al-Qur'an, semoga bisa menjadi insirasi bagi kita semua..
Seorang Muslim tua di Amerika bertahan hidup di suatu perkebunan di suatu pegunungan sebelah timur Negara bagian Kentucky dengan cucu lelakinya yg masih muda. Setiap pagi Kakek bangun lebih awal dan membaca Quran di meja makan di dapurnya. Cucu lelaki nya ingin sekali menjadi seperti kakeknya dan mencoba untuk menirunya dalam cara apapun semampunya.
Suatu hari sang cucu nya bertanya, " Kakek! Aku mencoba untuk membaca Qur'An seperti yang kamu lakukan tetapi aku tidak memahaminya, dan apa yang aku pahami aku lupakan secepat aku menutup buku. Apa sih kebaikan dari membaca Qur'An? Dengan tenang sang Kakek meletakkan batubara di dasar keranjang, sambil melobangi keranjang nya ia menjawab, " Bawa keranjang batubara ini ke sungai dan bawa kemari lagi jika telah dipenuhi dengan air." Maka sang cucu melakukan seperti yang diperintahkan kakeknya tersebut, tetapi semua air habis menetes sebelum tiba di depan rumahnya.
Kakek tertawa dan berkata, "Lain kali kamu harus melakukannya lebih cepat lagi," Maka ia menyuruh cucunya kembali ke sungai dengan keranjang tsb untuk dicoba lagi. Sang cucu berlari lebih cepat, tetapi tetap, lagi2 keranjangnya kosong sebelum ia tiba di depan rumah. Dengan terengah-engah, ia berkata kepada kakek nya bahwa mustahil membawa air dari sungai dengan keranjang yang sudah dibolongi, maka sang cucu mengambil ember sebagai gantinya.
Sang kakek berkata, " Aku tidak mau ember itu; aku hanya mau keranjang batubara itu. Ayolah, usaha kamu kurang cukup," maka sang kakek pergi ke luar pintu untuk mengamati usaha cucu laki-lakinya itu. Cucu nya yakin sekali bahwa hal itu mustahil, tetapi ia tetap ingin menunjukkan kepada kakek nya, biar sekalipun ia berlari secepat-cepatnya, air tetap akan bocor keluar sebelum ia sampai ke rumah.
Sekali lagi sang cucu mengambil air ke dalam sungai dan berlari sekuat tenaga menghampiri kakek, tetapi ketika ia sampai didepan kakek keranjang sudah kosong lagi. Sambil terengah-engah ia berkata, " Lihat Kek, percuma!" " Jadi kamu pikir percuma?" Jawab kakek.
Kakek berkata, " Lihatlah keranjangnya. " Sang cucu menurut, melihat ke dalam keranjangnya dan untuk pertama kalinya menyadari bahwa keranjang itu sekarang berbeda. Keranjang itu telah berubah dari keranjang batubara yang tua kotor dan kini bersih, luar dalam. " Cucuku, hal itulah yang bisa terjadi ketika kamu membaca Qur'An. Kamu tidak bisa memahami atau ingat segalanya, tetapi ketika kamu membaca nya lagi, kamu akan berubah, luar dalam. Itu adalah karunia dari Allah di dalam hidup kita."
Keutamaan Dua Ayat Akhir Surah Al-Baqarah
Daripada Ibni Mas’ud, berkata Ia : Bersabda Junjungan Nabi s.a.w.:
“Barangsiapa yang membaca dua ayat daripada akhir surah Al-Baqarah pada malam hari nescaya mencukupi keduanya akan dia.”
Adapun dua ayat tersebut ialah :
1. Firman Allah Ta’ala : ( Aamanar rasuulu bimaa unzila llaihi mir rabbihi wal muminuun. Kullun aamana billaahi wamalaaikatihi wakutubihii warusulihii laa nufarriqu baina ahadim mir rusulihii waqaaluu sami’naa wa atha’naa ghufraanaka rabbanaa wailaikal mashiir).
285. Rasulullah telah beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepadanya dari Tuhannya, dan juga orang-orang yang beriman; semuanya beriman kepada Allah, dan Malaikat-malaikatNya, dan Kitab-kitabNya, dan Rasul-rasulNya”. Mereka berkata lagi: “Kami dengar dan kami ta’at. (Kami pohonkan) keampunanMu wahai Tuhan kami, dan kepadaMu jualah tempat kembali”.
2. ( Laa yukallifullaahu nafsan illaa wus’ahaa lahaa maa kasabat wa’alaihaa maktasabat. Rabbanaa laa tu aakhiznaa in nasiinaa au akhtha-naa, rabbanaa walaa tahmil ‘alainaa ishran kamaa hamal tahuu ‘alal ladziina min qablinaa. Rabbanaa walaa tuhammilnaa maa laa thaaqata lanaa bih. Wa’fu ‘annaa waghfir lanaa warhamnaa, anta maulanaa fanshurnaa alal qaumil kaafiriin.)
286. Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang di usahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (Mereka berdo’a dengan berkata): “Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami terlupa atau kami tersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya memikulnya. Dan ma’afkanlah kesalahan kami, serta ampunkanlah dosa kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami; oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum yang kafir”.
Surah Al-Baqarah (Ayat 285-286)
Makna mencukupi keduanya bagi sesiapa yang membacanya ialah mencukupi kepadanya daripada melakukan ibadah pada malam hari, atau daripada melakukan bacaan Al-Qur’an, ataupun dapat menolak keduanya kejahatan dan bencana syaitan atau manusia dan jin, atau mencukupi untuk menambah kekuatan iqtikadnya, kerana dua ayat itu ada mengandungi makna iman dan amal secara ringkas.
Fadhilat Membaca Al-Qur’an
Membaca al-Qur’an adalah seafdhal-afdhal ibadat sehingga disebut bahawa al-Qur’an itu akan datang pada hari Kiamat sebagai pemberi syafaat bagi orang yang membacanya, sebagaimana riwayat Abu Umamah yang maksudnya :
“Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Bacalah oleh kamu al-Qur’an, sesungguhnya (al-Qur’an) itu datang pada hari qiamat menjadi syafaat kepada pembacanya.”
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)
Amatlah rugi bagi orang-orang yang kurang gemar membaca al-Qur’an kerana Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam banyak menyebut dalam hadis-hadis Baginda tentang faedah dan fadhilat memebaca al-Qur’an itu, antaranya;
1.Pembaca al-Qur’an dinaungi dengan payung rahmat, dikelilingi oleh para malaikat dan diturunkan Allah kepadanya ketenangan dan kewaspadaan. Disebutkan dalam hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu, bersabda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam yang maksudnya :
“Tidak berkumpul satu kaum di suatu rumah daripada rumah-rumah Allah (masjid) yang membaca al-Qur’an dan saling mempelajarinya antara mereka melainkan diturunkan ke atas mereka ketenangan, diselubungi rahmat, di kelilingi para malaikat rahmat dan Allah mengingati mereka pada siapa di sisiNya.”
(Hadis riwayat Muslim)
2.Pembaca al-Qur’an dikurniakan hatinya dengan cahaya oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta‘ala dan dipeliharaNya dari kegelapan. Diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu yang maksudnya :
“Bahawa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda: “Sesiapa yang mendengar satu ayat daripada Kitab Allah Ta‘ala (al-Qur’an) ditulis baginya satu kebaikan yang berlipat ganda. Sesiapa yang membacanya pula, baginya cahaya di hari qiamat.”
(Hadis riwayat Ahmad)
3.Pembaca al-Qur’an diumpamakan seperti buah utrujah yang harum bau dan enak rasanya. Disebutkan dalam hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Anas Radhiallahu ‘anhu yang maksudnya :
“Bersabda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam: “Perumpamaan orang beriman yang membaca al-Qur’an seperti perumpamaan buah al-utrujah iaitu buah yang berbau harum dan enak rasanya. Perumpamaan orang beriman yang tidak membaca al-Qur’an adalah seperti perumpamaan buah tamar, rasanya manis tetapi tidak ada baunya. Perumpamaan orang berbuat dosa (maksiat) yang membaca al-Qur’an adalah seperti ar-raihanah yang berbau harum tapi pahit rasanya. Perumpamaan orang berbuat dosa (maksiat) yang tidak membaca al-Qur’an adalah seperti buah al-hanzhalah iaitu buah yang pahit rasanya dan tidak ada baunya. Perumpamaan mendampingi orang yang salih adalah seperti mendampingi pemilik minyak wangi, sekalipun engkau tidak terkena minyaknya engkau tetap mendapat harumnya. Perumpamaan berdamping dengan teman yang jahat adalah seperti mendampingi orang yang menggunakan ububan (alat menghembus api), jika engkau tidak terkena hitamnya (daripada percikan api), namun engkau tetap terkena asapnya.”
(Hadis riwayat Abu Daud)
4.Pembaca al-Qur’an, tiada bergundah hati dan terlepas dari kesusahan-kesusahan di hari kiamat, kerana dia sentiasa dalam pemeliharaan dan penjagaan Allah. Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadis riwayat Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu ‘anhu yang maksudnya :
“Daripada Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, Baginda bersabda: “Al-Qur’an datang pada hari qiamat lalu ia (al-Qur’an) berkata: “Wahai Tuhanku hiasilah dia (pembaca al-Qur’an)!, maka dia dihiasi dengan mahkota kemuliaan.”
Kemudian ia berkata: “Wahai Tuhanku tambahlah lagi! Maka dia ditambahi dengan hiasan-hiasan kemuliaan.”
Ia berkata lagi: “ Wahai Tuhanku redhailah dia! Maka dia diredhai.”
Berkata ia pada pembaca al-Qur’an: “Bacalah al-Qur’an dan naiklah (pada tangga-tangga syurga) dan ditambahi pada setiap satu ayat satu kebaikan.”
(Hadis riwayat at-Tirmidzi)
5.Pembaca al-Qur’an memperolehi kemuliaan dan diberi rahmat kepada ibu bapanya. Sabda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam yang maksudnya :
“Sesiapa yang membaca al-Qur’an dan beramal dengan isi kandungannya, dianugerahkan kedua ibubapanya mahkota di hari qiamat. Cahayanya (mahkota) lebih baik daripada cahaya matahari di rumah-rumah dunia. Kalaulah yang demikian itu matahari berada di rumah kamu (dipenuhi dengan sinarannya), maka apa sangkaan kamu terhadap yang beramal dengan ini (al-Qur’an).”
(Hadis riwayat Abu Daud)
6.Pembaca al-Qur’an memperolehi kedudukan yang tinggi dalam syurga. Bersabda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam yang maksudnya :
“Dikatakan kepada pembaca al-Qur’an: “Bacalah (al-Qur’an), naiklah (pada darjat-darjat syurga) dan bacalah dengan tartil sebagaimana engkau membacanya dengan tartil di dunia. Sesungguhnya kedudukan darjatmu sehingga kadar akhir ayat yang engkau baca.”
(Hadis riwayat Ahmad)
Sesuai dengan kehendak syara‘, ketika membaca al-Qur’an kita hendaklah memelihara adab-adabnya, iaitu membacanya dengan berwuduk dan sunat membersihkan mulut (bersugi). Sementara jika hendak menyentuhnya pula hendaklah (wajib) bersih daripada hadas kecil dan hadas besar.
kelebihan solat dhuha
Kelebihan Solat Dhuha
satu amalan kejiwaan dan kerohanian yang boleh dilaksanakan untuk melapangkan dan memudahkan rezeki anda semua! InsyaAllah…
Tetapi suatu perkara yang harus diingat, ianya juga haruslah disusuli dengan ikhtiar dan usaha..
Jadi apakah amalan tersebut?
Amalan tersebut adalah Solat dhuha..
SEBAGAI umat Islam, kita wajib yakin bahawa segala sesuatu adalah milik mutlak Allah SWT. Seiring hakikat itu dan ketika ekonomi negara yang gawat ini, eloklah untuk kita semua bermuhasabah dan kembali mendekati Allah SWT.
Mengapa tidak segala keluhan seperti bajet lari, hutang bertimbun dan pelbagai kesusahan lain diadukan kepada Allah SWT? Dia bersifat Ar-Razzak iaitu Yang Maha Memberi Rezeki.
Satu kaedah mudah untuk mendekati Allah SWT ialah dengan mengerjakan solat sunat dhuha. Hanya dengan dua rakaat setelah matahari naik kadar tinggi “segalah” - kira-kira 30 minit setelah terbit matahari - kita boleh mengadu untung nasib kepada-Nya.
Bermula dengan niat solat sunat itu, iringi bacaan al-Fatihah dengan surah al-Kafirun, al-Ikhlas atau al-Syams pada rakaat pertama serta Surah al-Dhuha pada rakaat kedua. Lakukan solat ini dengan keyakinan ia mampu memberi ketenangan dan kemurahan rezeki.
Setelah selesai solat disunatkan pula berdoa dengan doa memohon kurniaan rezeki: “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya waktu dhuha ini adalah waktu dhuha-Mu, keindahan dan kecantikan ini adalah keindahan dan kecantikan-Mu, kekuatan dan kekuasaan ini adalah kekuatan dan kekuasaan-Mu, pemeliharaan ini adalah pemeliharaan-Mu.
“Ya Allah, jika rezekiku di langit turunkanlah ia, jika rezekiku di bumi keluarkan ia, jika di laut maka timbulkan ia, jika sukar maka permudahkanlah, jika sedikit perbanyakkanlah, jika banyak maka berkatilah, jika haram maka sucikanlah, dengan berkat waktu dhuha-Mu, keindahan, kecantikan, kekuatan, kekuasaan dan pemeliharaan-Mu. Kurniakanlah daku apa yang Engkau anugerahkan kepada hamba-Mu yang salih dan beriman.”
Ingatlah bagaimana kuatpun seseorang bekerja mencari wang, rezeki tetap di tangan-Nya. Justeru umat Islam disaran berjinak-jinak dengan amalan mudah ini kerana selain rezeki bertambah, banyak kelebihan disediakan oleh Allah SWT.
Antaranya keampunan dosa seperti sabda Nabi Muhammad SAW: “Barang siapa yang sentiasa melaksanakan dua rakaat dhuha, diampunkan dosa-dosanya walaupun sebanyak buih di lautan”.
Dalam hadis lain, Baginda bersabda: “Atas tiap segala sendi daripada seseorang kamu berkehendak sedekah. Maka tiap-tiap tasbih adalah sedekah. Setiap tahmid adalah sedekah. Setiap takbir adalah sedekah. Begitu juga menyeru kepada yang makruf adalah sedekah. Mencegah mungkar adalah sedekah. Dan memadai daripada yang demikian itu dua rakaat solat sunat dhuha”.
Begitulah hebatnya solat ini. Bagaimanapun bukan semua orang mahu berkorban masa untuk melaksanakannya. Ramai yang rela memperuntukkan waktu bersembang sambil menghirup kopi di warung daripada mengerjakan solat sunat yang tidak lebih 10 minit ini.
Memang solat sahaja tidak mendatangkan rezeki. Tetapi sekurang-kurangnya dengan usaha dan diiringi doa, kita akan lebih berjaya. Selain itu, amalan yang dilaksanakan menerusi solat merupakan bukti betapa setiap individu Muslim diperintah untuk selalu bersyukur.
“Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhan kamu memberitahu: Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur nescaya Aku akan tambahi nikmat-Ku dan demi sesungguhnya, jika kamu kufur ingkar sesungguhnya azab-Ku amatlah keras.” (Surah Ibrahim Ayat 7)
Dipetik dan diolah semula hasil tulisan saudara MOHD. ALI MUHAMAD DON, PensyarahPusat Pemikiran dan Kefahaman Islam UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru.
Lagi kaitan dengan murah rezeki.
11 amalan murah rezeki iaitu.
1. Dalam surah al-A’raf ayat 96, Allah s.w.t. menjelaskan keutamaan takwa dalam konteks dimurahkan rezeki,yang bermaksud: ” Dan (Tuhan berfirman lagi): Sekiranya penduduk negeri itu, beriman serta bertakwa,tentulah Kami akan membuka kepada mereka (pintu pengurniaan) yang melimpah-limpah berkatnya, dari langit dan bumi. Tetapi mereka mendustakan (rasul Kami), lalu Kami timpakan mereka dengan azab seksa disebabkan apa yang mereka ushakan.”
2. Banyakkan Doa. Doa dan zikir merupakan ibadah yang besar nilainya di sisi Allah s.w.t.Mengingati Allah s.w.t sama dengan zikir ataupun doa merupakan penyebab kepada kemurahan rezeki dan keberkatannya, penjauh dari segala bala bencana dan mudarat.Mereka yang tidak berdoa adalah golongan yang sombong dan bongkak, ini kerana mereka lupa bahawa rezeki itu datangnya daripada Allah s.w.t.
3. Banyakkan Sedekah. Orang yang banyak bersedekah adalah orang yang tahu akan kebaikan di masa akan datang. Allah s.w.t. telah berjanji melalui firman-Nya bahawa akan menggantikan apa saja yang didermakan di jalan-Nya.
4. Buat Baik kepada Ibu Bapa. Kebahagiaan dan juga kesenangan yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah s.w.t. kepada seseorang itu adalah bergantung restu ibu bapa mereka. Oleh yang demikian, berbakti kepada orang tua adalah amalan yang wajib dilaksanakan agar kita peroleh kemurahan rezeki. ingatlah doa ibu bapa untuk anak anak mereka adalah mudah dikabulkan oleh Allah s.w.t.
5. Banyakkan istigfar - minta ampunkan dosa sendiri. Pperkara yan paling utama menjamin turunnya rezeki daripada Allah s.w.t. ialah istigfar dan bertaubat kepada Allah s.w.t. Menurut al-Nawawi, taubat hukumnya wajib atas individu Muslim. dengan memperbanyakkan istigfar, Allah s.w.t akan menurunkan rezeki kepada hamba-Nya itu.
6. Solat Dhuha. Solat Dhuha ialah solat pada waktu matahari naik bermula dari matahari tinggi sepengganla dan tamat waktunya apabila gelincir matahari. ia dikerjakan sekurang-kurangnya dua rakaat, boleh empat rakaat, enam rakaat atau lapan rakaat. Rasulullah s.a.w. amat menggalakkan umatnya melakukan amalan ini.Bila melakukan solat dhuha kepada Allah s.w.t. mintalah semoga Allah s.w.t. membuka pintu rezeki.
7. Baca Surah Al-Waqiah. Amalan ini juga sangat elok diamalkan dengan membaca setiap pagi agar seseorang itu tidak akan dilanda papa atatu kemiskinan dalam kehidupannya. Ini juga merupakan antara amalan harian Rasulullah s.a.w.
8. Beri Makan Kepada Haiwan-haiwan. Setiap Muslim hendaklah meletakkan dalam fikirannya bahawa bantuan Allah s.w.t.akan turun kepada seseorang itu apabila ia membantu makhluk Allah s.w.t. yang lain di muka bumi ini. Tidak kiralah sama ada makhluk itu anak Adam, mahupun binatang-binatang ataupun tumbuhan.Sedangkan batu pun sentiasa bertasbih kepada Allah s.w.t., inikan makhluk Allah s.w.t. yang bernyawa.
9. Jangan Menyeksa Binatang. Menyeksa binatang adalah melanggar Sunnahtullah dan sama seperti merosakkan ciptaan Allah s.w.t.Dalam Islam ini sudah pasti dilarang sama sekali kerana setiap amalan buruk itu akan dibalas oleh Allah s.w.t. sama ada terus di dunia ataupun di akhirat kelak.
10. Sambung Silaturahim. Yang dimaksudkan sambung silaturahim menurut Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari ialah berbuat ihsan (baik) kepada kaum kerabat yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dan perkahwinan. kita dituntut melakukan kebaikan terhadap mereka dan mengambil berat tentang hal mereka. Terdapat hadis menunjukan kepentingan menghubung silaturahim untuk mendapat keberkatan rezeki. Antaranya, hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah r.a., bahawa Nabi s.a.w.bersabda yang bermaksud: ” Sesiapa yang ingin diperluaskan rezekinya,dipanjang kan umurnya,maka hendaklah dia menjalinkan silaturahim.” (HR Bukhari)
11. Membayar Zakat. Zakat merupakan salah satu Rukun Islam dan wajib dikeluarkan setiap individu Muslim yang berkemampuan. Setiap apa yang ditetapkan oleh Allah s.w.t. itu ada ganjaran bagi mereka yang melaksanakan dengan hati yang ikhlas semata mata kerana Allah s.w.t. Zakat juga merupakan salah satu cara membantu golongan fakir miskin dan sudah semestinya Allah s.w.t. akan membantu mereka yang membantu saudara mereka.
Semoga kita semua dapat amalkan kesemua 11 tips diatas di dalam kehidupan seharian k?
bila nak buat?
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
To begin with, the majority of the classical scholars are of the opinion that the post-sunrise prayer (ishraq) is the same as the mid-morning prayer (Duha). This is the very reason why the major classical books of Hanafi Fiqh do not mention the two prayers separately. (See: Abu Bakr al-Jassas, Ahkam al-Qur�an, 3/559)
However, the common perception (especially amongst the Hanafis of the Indian Subcontinent) is that Salat al-Ishraq and Salat al-Duha are two separate prayers. The recommended time for offering Ishraq prayer is immediately after sunrise, whilst the Duha prayer (which they call the Chasht prayer) is offered later on. (See: Heavenly Ornaments, P: 143)
The reasoning behind this, in my humble view, is that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) has encouraged offering this prayer directly after sunrise. Sayyiduna Anas ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: �Whosoever offers his morning (fajr) prayer in congregation, then remains seated making the dhikr of Allah until the sun rises, and thereafter offers two rakats, they will receive the reward of performing a Hajj and Umrah.� (Sunan Tirmidhi, no: 586)
This Hadith implies that one should offer this optional prayer directly after sunrise by remaining seated on the very place one offered the Fajr prayer and by engaging in d'ua and other forms of dhikr. Thereafter, when the sun has risen properly, one should offer the Ishraq or Duha prayer.
On the other hand, there are many Hadiths which recommend offering this prayer later on. The Fuqaha also mention the recommendation of offering it at mid-morning (halfway between sunrise and zawal (time of the sun's zenith). Thus, the Hanafi Ulama of the Subcontinent have considered both these to be two separate forms of prayer, and this is what we find in their books.
However, the major classical Hanafi books, such as Radd al-Muhtar, al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya and others, do not mention Salat al-Ishraq and Salat al-Duha to be two separate prayers; rather, they only have place in their respective works for one prayer which they term as the Duha prayer.
The author of Umdat al-Fiqh mentions a very good point in this regard. He states that there are two separate prayers for Duha. The first prayer is known as the Ishraq prayer, the time of which begins after the sun rises up until it is above the horizon by the length of a spear and it ends at mid-morning. This prayer is also known as the minor Duha prayer. The second prayer is known as the Duha prayer, and its time also begins when the sun has risen to a spear�s length above the horizon, and it ends at zenith, although the preferred time to offer this prayer is at mid-morning (i.e. midway between sunrise and zenith). This prayer is also known as the major Duha prayer. According to the majority of Hadith scholars and Fuqaha, if one was to offer one�s prayer directly after the sun has risen to a spear�s length above the horizon, it would be considered both the Ishraq and the Duha prayer. However, if one was to offer it later at around midday, then it will only be considered as the Duha prayer. (See: Sayyed Zawwar Husayn, Umdat al-Fiqh (Urdu), 2/302)
In light of the above from Umdat al-Fiqh and also in light of the understanding of the classical Hanafi fuqaha, it can be said that the Ishraq prayer and the Duha prayer are both one. However, by performing this prayer early on when the sun has risen to a spear�s length, one will gain extra rewards, and by offering it later on, one will still be considered to have offered the Duha prayer. For this very reason, we see many saintly people making an effort to offer the Duha (or Ishraq) prayer immediately after the sun has risen to a spear�s length.
We see the various classical Hanafi books discussing the Duha prayer without stipulating two separate prayers. For example, it is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya:
�And from the recommended prayers is the Duha prayer. Its minimum is two rakats, and its maximum is twelve rakats. Its time is from after sunrise to when the sun is at its zenith (zawal).� (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1/112)
There are many Hadiths which encourage us to offer the Duha prayer:
Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra (Allah have mercy on him) narrates that my beloved companion (the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him & give him peace) advised me three things: To fast three days of every month, to perform the two rakats of Duha, and that I perform my Witr before retiring to bed.� (Sahih al-Bukhari: no: 1981)
Sayyida A�isha (Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) would offer four rakats at the time of Duha, and increase on it whatever Allah wished.� (Sahih Muslim, no: 719)
It is mentioned by Imam al-Haskafi (and confirmed by Imam Ibn Abidin) that while its minimum is two rakats, the minimum optimal amount is four rakats, as this was the general practice of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). (See: Radd al-Muhtar, 2/22-23)
As for your specific question (how many minutes after sunrise can one perform the Duha prayer) is concerned, it should have been answered in the above explanation, in that one may perform it after the sun rises up until it is above the horizon by the length of a spear, meaning when the sun becomes bright and it is difficult to look directly at the sun with the naked eye. This can take approximately fifteen to twenty minutes after sunrise.
And Allah knows best
Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK
Jalan Kehidupan Sendiri dgn BERKOMUNIKASI dengan Allah SWT
untuk jalani kehidupan sendiri:
Setiap daripada kita telah ditentukan jalan kehidupan kita sendiri. Kita tidak boleh meniru jalan kejayaan yang sama dengan orang lain untuk berjaya. Jika jalannya sama, ia kerana telah ditentukan begitu. Bukan kerana kita mengikut langkah orang yang berjaya itu.
Yang penting kita mengutamakan Allah SWT. Jika kita berjaya setelah mengikut langkah orang lain yang berjaya maka ia adalah kerana ketentuan Allah SWT. Langkah orang lain itu tidak menentukan samada berjaya atau tidak. Mungkin jika orang lain yang mengikutnya, orang itu tidak akan berjaya seperti saudara yang mengikutinya.
Hidup kita ini ada jalannya sendiri. Tetapi kita dituntun dengan Al-Quran dan Sunnah agar kita tidak keluar dari lingkungan agama. Yang penting, tanyalah Allah SWT jalan-jalan kejayaan kita. Biarlah kita dituntun dengan jalan-jalan kejayaan itu. Kita pasrah, redha dan berserah untuk dijadikan orang yang berjaya. Tetapi ingat, pasrah, redha dan berserah bukannya pasif.
Saya dijemput untuk hadir ke ceramah motivasi adik Nik Nurmadihah di Putrajaya hujung minggu ini. Satu perkara yang menarik perhatian saya bukanlah kerana cara beliau belajar tetapi kepasrahan, redha dan penyerahan secara total beliau kepada Allah SWT. Dengan penyerahan secara total (total surrender) kepada Allah SWT, Allah SWT menuntun beliau dengan jalan-jalan kejayaan.
Didiklah anak-anak kita agar berserah dengan sebenar-benarnya kepada Allah SWT. Ajar mereka BERKOMUNIKASI dengan Allah SWT.
Jika mereka malas solat, didik mereka agar beritahu Allah SWT bahawa mereka malas solat. Jika mereka malas belajar beritahu Allah yang mereka malas belajar. Tidak perlu menadah tangan ketika beritahu Allah. Ketika bermain pun tidak mengapa.
“Ya Allah, kakak malas solat ya Allah. Nanti kalau kakak rajin, kakak solat ye ya Allah”
“Ya Allah, along rasa malas nak belajarlah ya Allah. Kalau rajin nanti, along belajarlah ye ya Allah”
“Ya Allah, angah benci tengok along. Angah rasa nak tumbuk je along ya Allah. Geramnya angah ni ya Allah”
“Ya Allah mak tu bising jelah suruh belajar. Achik nak main ni kejap je ye ya Allah. Nanti achik belajar lah”
Alhamdulillah, saya mengambil masa 3 bulan mengajar anak saya yang kecil. Nur Durrotun Nasihah baru berumur 2 tahun 11 bulan. Beliau masih tidak mampu berfikir seperti anak-anak umur 7 tahun ke atas untuk berkata-kata seperti di atas. Tetapi setiap kali beliau dapat susu, dapat apa saja, beliau akan berkata “terima kasih Allah”.
Selalu saya mendengar ketika beliau bermain, beliau berzikir “Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah……..”. Ini bermakna anak-anak boleh diajar perlahan-lahan untuk menguatkan jiwa mereka. Biar mereka bergantung hanya kepada Allah SWT dengan mengadu kepada Allah SWT.
Kuatkan jiwa kita dan anak-anak dengan hanya bergantung kepada Allah SWT, pasti yang lain menjadi mudah.
Setiap pagi apabila bangun tidur, saya berdoa secara ringkas:
“Ya Allah, Tuhan sekelian alam. Tuhan yang Maha Besar rahmatNya. Ya Allah, dengan kemahiran yang aku ada ya Allah, aku memohon agar Engkau tunjukkan aku jalan-jalan kejayaan pada hari ini ya Allah. Terima kasih ya Allah. Terima kasih. Amin”
Bahagia Itu Pilihan
Jika kita tidak bahagia, sebenarnya kita yang memilih untuk tidak bahagia. Jika kita malas, sebenarnya kita yang memilih untuk malas. Jika kita tidak kaya, sebenarnya kita yang memilih untuk tidak kaya. Jika kita tidak pandai, sebenarnya kita yang memilih untuk tidak pandai. Jika kita banyak masalah, sebenarnya kita yang memilih untuk banyak masalah.
Mahu bahagia atau tidak adalah pilihan. Yang penting itu harus memiliki kesedaran yang tertinggi bahawa bahagia itu hanya dapat diperolehi daripada Allah SWT. Full stop.
Maka terpulang kepada kita samada mahu pilih bahagia atau tidak di dalam membuat pilihan. Jika mahu bahagia, mudah saja, sentiasa memastikan diri berada dekat dengan Allah SWT. Ingat dan berserah pada Allah SWT sahaja. Tidak perlu yang lain awalnya kerana yang lain PASTI akan menyusul apabila jiwa ini ingat dan berserah pada Allah SWT. Jadinya nanti tidak ada paksaan di dalam beribadah.
learning english at uni of cumbria
University Of Cumbria
Bowerham Road
today is my last english class after more than 12 weeks.
it is just a part time and it is free but the knowledge i got
was priceless and invaluable (Of inestimable value; priceless).
what did i learn?
more than 12 modules.
thinkking of asking the book that they used to teach us today... :)
Latest is different type of text types.
1. an anecdote
2. a conny joke
3. a non-pc joke
4. a put down
5. a limerick
6. an epigram
7. a pun
8. a scene from a sitcom
present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
past perfect simple and past perfect continuous
future perfect
having completed his education, he started looking for a new job.
having studied Latin for many years, I found Italian relatively easy.
homework is something : having + past participle:
Examples of participle formation include:
Verb Past
Simple Past
Participle Present
Participle Regular/
talk talked talking regular
hire hired hiring
do did done doing irregular
say said saying
eat ate eaten eating
write wrote written writing
beat beat beaten beating
sing sang sung singing
The present participle in English is active. It has the following uses:
* forming the progressive aspect: Jim was sleeping.
* modifying a noun, with active sense: Let sleeping dogs lie.
* modifying a verb or sentence: Broadly speaking, the project was successful.
the past participle of a regular verb ends in -ed, and has the same spelling of the past tense of that verb: sometimes the last consonant is doubled (stop → stopped); sometimes the last vowel is changed (deny → denied). Irregular verbs tend to end in -en .
* When combined with the auxiliary verb to have, a past participle forms the perfect tenses of a verb.
to eat (ate): All the meal has been eaten.
to ride (ridden): I could have ridden my bicycle if it had not rained.
to strike (struck or stricken): In that fight, he has struck my stomach.
* When combined with the auxiliary verb to be, a past participle forms the passive voice of a verb.
to construct (constructed): The new mall is finally constructed.
to give (given): I was given a new book.
to talk (talked): That problem was talked about yesterday.
to throw (thrown): The ball was thrown by John.
to write (written): Those letters were written last year.
* Past participles can also modify a noun.
to require (required): Here are the documents required.
* Past participles may be used to modify a verb or sentence.
to see (seen): Seen from this perspective, we should easily do the work.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
sad but that is life
people come and goes in your life. meet new people and depart...
but this is my journey and hope i learn something from this life and
peace is what i long for. new friends new environment and new knowledge.
knowledge seeker. how do i get knowledge if i am not seeing new people.....
bye nelia , Brunei...bye nelia and bye hanna. a wonderful friend to my daughter farhanah. can't forget one day you drop by just to give us food. thanks and many thanks. my tears drop as i write this. hope to see you all again in jannah.
insya Allah.
Assalamualaikum wthwbkth,
Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua ahli keluarga LUMSS, kerana memberi pertolongan secara langsung atau tidak langsung , dari mula kami sampai ke bumi Lancaster.Semoga Allah Sahaja yg dapat membalas segala jasa baik saudara dan saudari yang pernah menulung kami di sini.Amin.
Mohon Maaf di pinta, jika ada yg tersalah silap kata dan bicara.Maklum lah mana lah tau ada yang di antara sauara /saudari dan kawan-kawan rasa terkilan ke, jauh hati ke....dengan segala perbuatan dan tutur kata kami, semasa disini.Kami akan menghabiskan hari ini dan esuk sahaja di Lancaster ini , dan seterusnya akan meneruskan perjalanan ke London, pada hari Jumaat tengahari 17 hb Julai 2009.Insya Allah kami akan balik pada 18hb Julai 2009 ( Sabtu)penerbangan pagi.
Insya Allah - Jika ada rezeki , kita akan berjumpa lagi - Saya memohon untuk membuat postgraduate course di kawasan Birmingham dan southern part- yg akan bermula Sept/Oct 2009.
Pada yang lainnya, hope we can communicate dengan e-mail ni dan facebook.
Akhir kata : Selamat Tinggal Bumi Lancaster dan Keluarga LUMSS...Terima Kasih Dan semoga berjumpa kembali.
Dari Kami sekeluarga :
Pg Hj Jufri
Hanna Afiqah
Ahza Khairi
Nabeel Khairi
Aaqil Khairi
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Love Movies? can you guess a movie
can you guess these movies from just
these letters???
ps - Stuck? Click on each letter to reveal the poster answer
Do you love the cinema? Do you love typography? A Friday time-waster for you: guess the movie based on a letter from its poster. (And I think from now on I shall use words like "film" and "cinema" when chatting about movies I've seen.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Six-year-old and doctor take swine flu death toll to 17
hope he or she will be okay.
A young girl and a GP were yesterday named as the latest victims of swine flu.
Chloe Buckley, six, and Dr Michael Day, 64, died shortly after contracting the virus.
It was not known whether they died directly from the bug.
But, as the death toll hit 17, Chloe’s primary school was yesterday shut as a precaution.
Daphne May, 62, whose granddaughter was friends with the child, said: “She was a beautiful girl.
“She had chest and heart problems and I think it made it worse.”
Chris Spencer, the council’s director of education, added: “We decided to close the school despite national advice they stay open. This is an exceptional set of circumstances and she was perfectly healthy until a few days ago.”
Chloe, of North West London, apparently complained of a sore throat last Wednesday and her GP gave her Tamiflu.
But she got worse overnight, was rushed to hospital and died the next day.
Dr Day, a busy family doctor from Bedfordshire, died on Saturday as a swab test confirmed he had the H1N1 virus. Postmortems are now being carried out to find the exact cause of their deaths.
So far only one of the 17 victims are known to have died from the disease without having any other illnesses.
Friends of Dr Day, who was married and thought to have four children, were yesterday in shock. Dr Paul Hassan, senior partner at Priory Gardens health centre in Dun-stable where he worked, said: “We are devastated. Dr Day was a colleague and also a friend to everyone at the practice.”
A neighbour of keen sailor Dr Day, of Leighton Buzzard, added: “He would work 24 hours a day if necessary to look after his patients.”
The GP was the medic at Leighton Buzzard Rugby Club, where the flag was flying at half-mast last night.
Chairman Graham Blower said he was always available to players
The success of the films has turned the child stars into some of the richest young people in show business with a combined wealth of £50million. And with two more Potter films to go, the journey is only just starting for Emma and her co-stars, Daniel Radcliffe, 19 Rupert Grint, 20, and Tom Felton, 21.
As the sixth film of the series, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, is released on Wednesday we reveal how much its young stars have earned - and what they have spent their millions on.
Rupert Grint, 20, (Ron) £7m
As well as his Harry Potter role, Rupert is carving out a career in TV and movies. He was the voice of Peter Pan in a BBC documentary and received good reviews for the comingof-age movie Driving Lessons with Julie Walters and Laura Linney.
Last year he completed filming a teen thriller called Cherrybomb for which he is reported to have stripped off.
Bought: Splashed out on his childhood dream of an old Mr Whippy ice cream van and is doing it up with parts he buys on eBay. He has also treated himself to a quad bike, coin-operated fortune-telling machine, golf cart and an orange Range Rover Sport - presumably to match his hair. He also has a mini hovercraft and says he fancies a collection of old Mustangs and hot-rods.
Lifestyle: A regular at premieres and A-list celebrity parties. Claims the only downside of fame is that he has to be careful not to be seen falling over on nights out.
He Says: "I don't really handle the money. I never see any of it in physical form. It's only in the past few years that I've had my own credit cards and can buy pretty much what I want."
Daniel Radcliffe, 19, (Harry) £30m
Since he first appeared as Harry Potter at the age of 11, Daniel has made more money than many stars do in a lifetime. And there's lots more cash on the way - reports say he's signed a deal for a whopping £25.6million to star in the final two films.
He's building a solid acting career with appearances in London's West End and on Broadway in New York in the play Equus. The down-side of fame is that Daniel has split with girlfriend Laura O'Toole, 23, and has complained he's too busy to have a serious relationship.
Bought: Wise as a wizard, Daniel has a £7million property portfolio including apartments in Manhattan, New York as well as a flat in Fulham, West London - but admits he still takes his washing home to mum. His dad Alan gave up work to look after his son in his new career.
Lifestyle: Although he gets more than 1,000 fan letters and proposals a week, Dan insists he doesn't go wild - and prefers to hang out in "old man's pubs" and watch "bad" TV in his underpants. And he refuses to buy an expensive watch "because I'm just going to trash it within moments of owning it". Also claims his phone is battered and "held together with electrical tape". HE SAYS : "What I love is acting, rather than all the stuff that goes with it.
"The money is fantastic and I'm very grateful, but it's not what drives me. I don't plan to suddenly buy a sports car."
Tom Felton, 21, (Malfoy) £3m
Tom auditioned to play Harry or Ron, but ended up as bully-boy Draco Malfoy. It's a role he now loves - and so do lots of other people. His fan club is said to have attracted so many admirers he had to put a temporary stop on new members.
Away from Harry Potter, he's posted three music videos on YouTube and last month appeared on the Channel 4 comedy panel show 8 Out Of 10 Cats.
Bought: A £500,000 house near Dorking, Surrey. He loves clothing from the Air Jordan collection and shopping in New York.
Lifestyle: He's a keen sportsman. In September 2008, he played for the England side in Soccer Aid 2008. He also helped set up the World Junior Carp Tournament and his wealth has given him the chance to indulge his love of other sports, including iceskating, swimming and tennis. He loves cricket too - and often goes to matches with Daniel.
He Says: "Those of you that think filming is all glamour, you're so wrong. Really, only the premieres are the glitzy bits. After the Potter films I'm looking forward to playing a good guy, someone not so spiteful."
Emma Watson, 19, (Hermione) £12m
Emma has blossomed into a real beauty - and as well as making a packet from the Potter films has lined up lucrative modelling contracts such as Burberry's 2009 autumn/winter collection.
She is reported to have been paid £2.5million for the latest movie - and is expected to get a £3million deal for the next one.
Bought: Most of her money is tucked away in investments. As well as the £3million London townhouse she has also splashed out on a £1million ski chalet in the French resort of Meribel. For years she had no idea how much money she had earned - her father only told her when she turned 18. Before then she had a £1,000 a month allowance. "He wanted me to have a feel for what it's worth and what you can do with it," she says. "But the truth is I'd just like to pretend that the money doesn't exist."
Lifestyle: Emma loves designer labels and eats at some of London's finest restaurants. Before her recent property investments she had divided her time between her father's home in Hampstead, North London, and her mother's home in Oxford.
Her boyfriend is financier Jay Barrymore, 26, and glamorous Emma has been previously linked to Razorlight's Johnny Borrell and rugby player Tom Ducker.
She Says : "Let's be honest, I have enough money never to have to work again but I would never want that. Clothes are probably my biggest expenditure. Oh, and make-up.
"But I really don't have time to spend my money. Sometimes my bank manager calls to say, 'You haven't used your card in a while and now you're using it - no one's stolen it have they?!'" Mark Adams on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Ready, Set, Read: Specific activities to make your child a reader!
Author: Deanna Mascle
found this and good for my son to improve his reading...
Providing positive, enjoyable literacy experiences give young children opportunities to gain the knowledge, awareness, skills, and love of learning that they need to later learn to read independently. Here are 8 ways you can provide those experiences:
Choose books that have large colorful pictures or photos; a few words on a page; rich language; and relate to concepts, people, or things in children's lives. With this exposure, young children learn that books and reading explain the world they live in and ultimately help them better understand themselves. Sound like a tall order for a toddler?
Not really when you consider perennial favorites such as The Hungry Caterpillar. This book does not contain many words but teaches counting and science concepts.
Read to children regularly and often. Pick a regular reading time, but also watch for opportunities to read books, signs, letters, or other print spontaneously. The experience of reading as a typical, everyday occurrence helps children gain confidence that they can learn to read themselves.
Stories influence children's learning for life. Some research suggests that the more stories children hear before entering school, the more likely they will be successful academically. Listening to books benefits their vocabulary and comprehension.
Spending just 15 minutes a day on this worthwhile activity can reap tremendous benefits!
Use a variety of expressions, tones, and voices to make a book even more fun.
Allow a child to listen at her own pace. If a baby fusses or a toddler wanders away, don't worry. Set the book aside and try again later. A baby may only listen for a minute or two at a time. Toddlers may want to wander around while you read, or listen to a few pages, move on to something else, and then return for a few more pages.
Encourage a child to join in on repeating phrases or rhymes, and honor requests to read the same book over and over.
Make books available to babies and toddlers every day. Babies don't distinguish books from other toys and may pull, toss, or chew books. This tactile, physical exploration of books and how they work is important to literacy development.
Show how books work. Point out the cover, show which is the top and bottom, front and back of the book, and talk about how words are read from left to right on the page. Use your finger to point to a word and the corresponding picture on the page.
Remember literacy is about more than reading the printed word, it is about communication and understanding.
According to the National Research Council in Starting Out Right: A Guide to Promoting Reading Success, "Talk is essential - the more meaningful and substantive the better." Babies and toddlers learn about the sounds, meanings, and ideas in language when adults talk with them. Preschoolers expand their vocabulary and learn sentence structure.
Conversations with your children about what they are reading are critical to children's learning. Discussing books helps them understand how stories work, and how language works. When reading, stop and talk about the pictures and words on the page.
As much as babies, toddlers, and preschoolers need to hear language, they also need to practice and imitate sounds and words with interested listeners. Respond to your child's conversation and repeat their words back to them. Ask questions to show you are listening and that encourage a child to talk. Listen carefully and acknowledge answers. Listen to children's questions and take time to answer.
Children love to sing and can learn a great deal about stories and language from many popular children's songs. Songs also often teach through their content (alphabet, counting, etc.) Many nursery rhymes can also be learned through song and knowledge of nursery rhymes is an important part of overall literacy.
Pull out old favorites like "This Old Man" or "Where is Thumbkin?" and make up your own songs, too.
When children write, they naturally begin to pay attention to the sounds words make and the letters that form words. And it doesn't matter how they spell! Recent research shows that young children who are allowed to write often with invented spelling, develop the ability to become good readers.
Keywords: preschool, education, learn, teach, read, alphabet, rhyme, toddler, homeschool, parent, child
About the Author
Deanna Mascle, Kentucky, United States
Learn more about early childhood education
I am a Renaissance Woman Online because I own four ezines, three newsletters, and more web sites than I like to admit. I have a wide number of internet interests and am fortunate that my two chosen career paths--teaching and writing--allow me to purse my various interests and help others. Visit or follow the link associated with this article to learn more.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
21 days to a new habit
21 days to break a habit.
how long to develop a new habit ? 21 days.
Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. That’s 21 days of going to the gym every day or exercising in some way every day, 21 days to meditation, 21 days to eat healthily, 21 days doing, 21 days of anything.
When you want to start a habit, don’t tell yourself you are doing it for life, tell yourself (your conscious brain) that you are going to try it for 21 days. For example if you want to start the habit of meditating tell your conscious self that you are trying it for 21 days. Now, when you have completed this for 21 days your conscious mind has the choice of stopping it or carrying on, or so it thinks. Your neural pathways have formed already and you will more than likely continue with your new habit, you will have seen the benefits along the way your unconscious will want to continue if it has been beneficial.
This can also work when trying to break a habit, however research has shown that the neural pathways to any habit could be lifelong and a cue or a trigger can cause us to start back up an old habit, like smoking.
This is not a bad thing; we just have to be aware of our thoughts when we have given up a habit such as smoking.
When starting or breaking any habit we tend to tell our conscious mind we are going to change and it’s for life. Your conscious mind will just say ‘is that right? I’m in charge here, I’ll decide’ so there will be a battle between your two sides of your conscious mind.
If you tell your mind you want to try something for 21 days it won’t be so unwilling to co-operate. This might sound a little strange when I say ‘talking to your conscious’ as it is your conscious talking to your conscious. We all know we have conversations with ourselves, should I go to the pub should I not, should I go to the gym should I not. There are a hundred conversations we have with ourselves everyday.
When we want to start something or give up something, smoking for example, you might normally say to yourself ‘right that’s it I’m giving up for good’. Immediately your brain kicks in and says no smoking for life, and then it starts to think of all the situations it likes a good cigarette in; first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee, going out for a drink at night, at work when you’re a bit stressed, just after sex etc. Your brain thinks ‘lack of’ instead of the benefits of. It can’t really think as clearly about the benefits because it hasn’t yet had the benefits of giving up smoking but it knows the supposed pleasures that smoking brings.
So what habits can we start for 21 days?
I have made a list for myself that I am in the middle of doing;
• Give up sweets for 21 days
• Meditate for 21 days
• Write in the blog every day for 21 days
• Get up before 6am every day (I’ve actually made this a habit now)
• Drink a vegetable juice for 21 days
This is just a small list of the things I am doing. Feel free to share you 21 day new habits.
Hukum Minuman Yang Dimasuki Semut
Soalan: Bangkai semut yang masuk dalam minuman, apa hukumnya meminum air tersebut?
Jawapan: Semut adalah binatang yang tidak mengalir darahnya. Bangkai semut adalah najis yang dimaafkan. Namun, masuk semut pada minuman itu, hukumnya ada 2 keadaan:
1) Semut masuk dalam keadaan sudah mati
Semut itu sudah menjadi bangkai tetapi jika masuk atas ikhtiar manusia, seperti memasukkan gula yang ada bangkai semut, maka air itu najis, tidak boleh diminum. Kalau masuk bukan ikhtiar manusia, contoh seperti ditiup angin selagi tidak mengubah sifat air, maka boleh diminum dengan syarat membuang dulu bangkai semut itu.
2) Semut masuk dalam keadaan hidup
Jika semut itu mati sendiri di dalam air, atas sebab ikhtiar manusia, maka air itu najis dan tidak boleh diminum. Ini boleh berlaku kerana air itu ditapis atau memasukkan gula yang ada semut, atau memasukkan air yang di dalam cawan mengandungi semut. Jika bukan dengan ikhtiar manusia, seperti ia masuk dengan sendirinya atau ditiup angin, maka tidak najis dan boleh diminum dengan syarat bangkai semut itu dibuang dahulu.
'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince': Will you reread it before the film's release?
'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince': Will you reread it before the film's release?
my son wants to watch the movie...
do you re read it: here what the surveys says
(conclusion.. all have different opinions..they are not the same)
I dont reread the books right before the movies. They leave too much out in the movies and it makes it too hard to enjoy the movies for what they are. I learned my lesson after not really enjoying "Prizoner of Azkaban." When I re-watched the movie I loved it. The first time i spent too much time comparing it to the books. The movies are INCREDIBLE. I think you have to let yourself enjoy the movies separately from the books. I will maybe re-read the book AFTER the movie but not before.
For me, rereading the Half-Blood Prince is more about preparing for the movie than trying to remember how the book goes. I am incredibly excited to see the movie now, more so than before, and I realize that it will not be as good as the book. For me, it is like listening to all the songs you have by a band before you go to see their concert. You know that they probably won't sound as good as they do on the CD because of exhaustion and that they just don't get several times to try, but it helps you get pumped up and excited, which is half the fun, isn't it?
Personally, I like to reread the book after I see the movie. The movie, as great as they all are, always tends to leave things out due to time constraints. It is nice to go back to the book afterwards and think "Oh ya, that's what happened next!"
I'm in the midst of a HP marathon...reading for the first time all seven in a row. On Book 5 and loving it. I won't watch any of the movies until I have finished all seven books. Love book/movie marathons...
I will re-read it because it is a good book. I have re-read all the books before each movie. The mvie doesnt have to follow the book exactly. But I like the refresher
Honestly, I don't mean to sound snooty, but I don't NEED to reread the book. I am a HUGE HP junkie and can answer almost any question about the series. I'm going to the midnight premier. Can't Wait!!!!!
For anyone who hasn't heard Jim Dale read the Audio Books, go to your library and check them out. If you used to watch Pushing Daisies, he narrated the series. He is the BEST narrator ever and has totally spoiled the listening experience of any non- JD audio book. About a year ago, I decided to check out the audio books and listen on my commute to work. I listened to the entire series. JKR weaves such a wonderful tale. I know there will be differences, but I have enjoyed all of the films even with the changes. Can't wait for HBP! Only 11 more days to go.
I wouldn't want to re-read the book. It's the thrill of finding out what happened, though you know it will when it does, that makes watching the movie more fun.And you're more in awe with how they provide the visuals for it. :)
the only reason i reread books before their movies come out is to remind my self of the general plotline and what happens. with harry potter, it doesnt matter if ive read and reread so many times, because each time im just as immersed as the first time reading it. if i didnt reread it i may go in to see the movie and not know whats going on. for me its nice to fill in the details that they leave out (even though i wished they included them) because it fills like a full experience. i wouldnt want to feel like i have questions with harry potter movies. i want to be the one explaining it to my friends who dont read the books.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Source Material: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6)
Author: J.K. Rowling
Screenplay: Steve Kloves
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson
Non-canon tidbit: Producer David Baron confirmed that a scene is being added to the film that was not in the book which will take place at the Burrow.
Related Reading: Harry Potter Boxset Books 1-7 by J.K. Rowling — This set contains all seven of the Harry Potter books in hardcover, but if tackling six of the seven HP books prior to the sixth movie’s release seems daunting, then start with book 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, then move on to the Half-Book Prince book.
The young wizard Harry Potter, now 16 years old, and his friends return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their sixth year. In this installment, Harry comes into the possession of a Potions textbook containing useful notes written by the book’s previous owner, a former student known only as “the Half-Blood Prince.” While the notes seem helpful, they could also be a trap of some kind set by Harry’s long-time nemesis, the evil Lord Voldemort. This sixth offering is a much darker tale as Harry faces the greatest dangers of his life as he slowly uncovers the mystery of Voldemort’s past and prepares to square off with the dark lord’s minions, the Death Eaters.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
How to Help Your Child Enjoy Math
You can help your children learn to appreciate mathematics by providing them with assistance and fun activities that will help your students enjoy math. Tips to do this include the following:
* Help your kids use math every day
* Play family games that involve math
* Introduce logic games to your children
* Look into math tutoring programs.
Everyday Math Games
Make everyday tasks into games. For example, take your student grocery shopping with you and challenge them to add prices in their heads.
Challenge your child to find which brand or size of a product is the best value. This teaches them how to use money in math, a skill that will be important throughout their life.
Make sure the tasks are not too hard for the child, because this will be frustrating instead of effective. Instead, check to see what their weekly math homework involves and find a way to incorporate that into a trip to the grocery store.
Other everyday tasks that can be used include balancing a checking book and using time problems (how long did it take to complete this task, how long did it take yesterday, etc.) This sounds like a simple task but it will be effective if used regularly. Children will participate in these day to day games because they are fun, but will see the benefits as their homework becomes easier and they start to grasp the various math concepts.
Math Logic
There are various logic games that are available in books and magazines. These challenging puzzles are available in a variety of skill levels, so you can make sure the games will not be too hard for your child. Examples of logic games include crossword puzzles, number sequences, and logic grids. These activities can be done as a family, or your child can choose to do them alone.
These books and magazines are especially good for long car rides or traveling in trains and planes because it keeps your child concentrated on the puzzles instead of the long trip. What is great about the logic books and magazines is that there are answers and explanations in the back. This way, your child can see if they are correct and learn how to complete the challenge if they are stumped.
Math Related Board Games
Family game time is always a good idea because it creates a bonding time and a fun, comfortable atmosphere for your child to improve their math skills. Popular games that use math and logic include Yahtzee, chess, backgammon, checkers, Connect Four, and dominoes.
Math Tutoring
Math tutoring programs are also great tools for parents with struggling students. Even if your child is not struggling, a tutoring program could be useful in increasing their enjoyment of mathematics.
By using an online tutoring program, your child is being introduced to the possibilities of the Internet and may be encouraged to play the math games as well. The online math tutoring programs use assessment tests to see which math skills your child needs help with, and then create lesson plans that revolve around these skill gaps.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Heatwave breaks record for July
titled ROASTED ALIVE. It was two german sphehard dogs alsatian type belong
to police unit died in a police car.
hot. hot. hot in uk now.
The hottest recorded July day has emerged to have been in Wisley, Surrey, where temperatures hit 36.5C (97.7F).
Earlier in the day, 36.3C (97.3F) near Gatwick Airport was thought to have been the high.
As the sun blazed across the country schools closed and workers dressed down while the elderly and young children were urged to drink plenty of water.
Peaks were 29.7C in St Angelo, Northern Ireland, 31.3C in Prestwick, Scotland, and 34.2C in Penhow, south Wales.
The previous hottest July day was in 1911, when Epsom, Surrey, reached 36C. The highest UK temperature recorded was 38.5C (101.3F) in Faversham, Kent, on August 10, 2003.
British temperatures this week have exceeded such holiday destinations as Malta, Athens, Bermuda and Rome.
pemansuhan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik (PPSMI) sepenuhnya tahun 2012.
anak anak ku balik nanti kena belajar BM sepenuhnya.
untuk dua yang last.
the first two almost university.
Kenyataan Media 9 Julai 2009
Gerakan Memansuhkan PPSMI(GMP) mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Y.A.B Tan Sri Muhyiddin Bin Yassin selaku Menteri Pelajaran yang juga Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang telah mengumuman pemansuhan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik (PPSMI) sepenuhnya tahun 2012.
-Bagi kami ini bererti bahawa mulai tahun 2010 semua pelajar baru tahun satu sekolah kebangsaan/sekolah jenis kebangsaan, sekolah menengah tingkatan 1 dan sekolah menengah tingkatan 4 akan memulakan sesi baru tahun 2010 dengan menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan atau bahasa ibunda sepenuhnya.
- Untuk tujuan itu kementerian seharusnya telah bersedia untuk menyediakan buku teks dan bahan-bahan yang berkaitan dengan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bahasa kebangsaan atau dalam bahasa ibunda.
- GMP penuh berharap agar perubahan ini berlaku bukan sahaja di peringkat sekolah rendah atau sekolah menengah sahaja malah meliputi semua peringkat pendidikan termasuk peringkat universiti.
- GMP perihatin terhadap para pelajar sekolah yang penguasaan ilmu sains dan matematiknya bertaraf rendah akibat kegagalan memahami bahasa Inggeris. Sehubungan itu GMP berharap pihak Kementerian Pelajaran hendaklah mengadakan kelas pemulihan untuk membaiki pencapaian mereka setaraf dengan mutu pelajaran sains dan matematik sebelum 2003.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Does Homework Help Children Learn?
i am trying to give homework to my kids during the summer school holiday
and at the same time i am studying for my study too.i think the last section of this article interest me...
How To Help: Show You Think Education and Homework Are Important
Why Do Teachers Assign Homework?
Teachers assign homework for many reasons. Homework can help children
- review and practice what they've learned;
- get ready for the next day's class;
- learn to use resources, such as libraries, reference materials, and encyclopedias; and
- explore subjects more fully than time permits in the classroom.
It can teach children to work independently; encourage self-discipline and responsibility (assignments provide some youngsters with their first chance to manage time and meet deadlines); and encourage a love of learning.
Homework can also bring parents and educators closer together. Parents who supervise homework and work with their children on assignments learn about their children's education and about the school.
Homework is meant to be a positive experience and to encourage children to learn. Assignments should not be used as punishment.
Does Homework Help Children Learn?
Homework helps your child do better in school when assignments are meaningful, are completed successfully, and are returned with constructive comments from the teacher. An assignment should have a specific purpose, come with clear instructions, be fairly well matched to a student's abilities, and designed to help develop a student's knowledge and skills.
In the early elementary grades, homework can help children develop the habits and attitudes described earlier. From fourth through sixth grades, small amounts of homework, gradually increased each year, may support improved academic achievement. In seventh grade and beyond, students who complete more homework score better on standardized tests and earn better grades, on the average, than students who do less homework. The difference in test scores and grades between students who do more homework and those who do less increases as children move up through the grades.
What's the Right Amount of Homework?
Many educators believe that homework is most effective for the majority of children in first through third grades when it does not exceed 20 minutes each school day. From fourth through sixth grades, many educators recommend from 20 to 40 minutes a school day for most students. For students in seventh through ninth grades, generally, up to 2 hours a school day is thought to be suitable.Amounts that vary from these guidelines are fine for some students. Talk with your child's teacher if you are concerned about either too.
How To Help: Show You Think Education and Homework Are Important
Children need to know that their parents and adults close to them think homework is important. If they know their parents care, children have a good reason to complete assignments and turn them in on time. There is a lot that you can do to show that you value education and homework.
Set a Regular Time.
Finding a regular time for homework helps children finish assignments. The best schedule is one that works for your child and your family. What works well in one household may not work in another. Of course, a good schedule depends in part on your child's age, as well as individual needs. For instance, one youngster may work best in the afternoon after an hour of play, and another may be more efficient after dinner (although late at night, when children are tired, is seldom a good time).Outside activities, such as sports or music lessons, may mean that you need a flexible schedule. Your child may study after school on some days and in the evening on others. If there isn't enough time to finish homework, your child may need to drop some outside activity. Homework must be a high priority.
You'll need to work with your elementary school child to develop a schedule. An older student can probably make up a schedule independently, although you'll want to make sure it's a good one.
It may help to write out the schedule and put it in a place where you'll see it often, such as the refrigerator door.
Some families have a required amount of time that children must devote to homework or some other learning activity each school night (the length of time can vary depending upon the child's age). For instance, if your seventh-grader knows she's expected to spend an hour doing homework, reading, or visiting the library, she may be less likely to rush through assignments so that she can watch television. A required amount of time may also discourage her from "forgetting" to bring home assignments and help her adjust to a routine.
Pick a Place.
A study area should have lots of light, supplies close by, and be fairly quiet.A study area doesn't have to be fancy. A desk in the bedroom is nice, but for many youngsters the kitchen table or a corner of the living room works just fine.
Your child may enjoy decorating a special study corner. A plant, a brightly colored container to hold pencils, and some favorite artwork taped to the walls can make study time more pleasant.
Remove Distractions.
Turn off the television and discourage social telephone calls during homework time. (A call to a classmate about an assignment may, however, be helpful.)Some youngsters work well with quiet background music, but loud noise from the stereo or radio is not OK. One Virginia junior high school history teacher laments, "I've actually had a kid turn in an assignment that had written in the middle, `And George Washington said, "Ohhhhh, I love you."' The kid was so plugged into the music that he wasn't concentrating."
If you live in a small or noisy household, try having all family members take part in a quiet activity during homework time. You may need to take a noisy toddler outside or into another room to play. If distractions can't be avoided, your child may want to complete assignments in a nearby library.
Provide Supplies and Identify Resources.
For starters, collect pencils, pens, erasers, writing paper, an assignment book, and a dictionary. Other things that might be helpful include glue, a stapler, paper clips, maps, a calculator, a pencil sharpener, tape, scissors, a ruler, index cards, a thesaurus, and an almanac. Keep these items together in one place if possible. If you can't provide your child with needed supplies, check with the teacher, school guidance counselor, or principal about possible sources of assistance.For books and other information resources, check with the school library or local public library. Some libraries have homework centers designed especially to assist children with school assignments (there may even be tutors and other kinds of individual assistance).
These days many schools have computers in classrooms, and many households have personal computers. However, you don't have to have a computer in your home in order for your child to complete homework assignments successfully.
You may want to ask the teacher to explain school policy about the use of computers--or typewriters or any special equipment--for homework. Certainly, computers can be a great learning tool and helpful for some assignments. They can be used for word processing and on-line reference resources, as well as educational programs and games to sharpen skills. Some schools may offer after-school programs where your child can use the school computers. And many public libraries make computers available to children.
Set a Good Example.
Children are more likely to study if they see you reading, writing, and doing things that require thought and effort on your part. Talk with your child about what you're reading and writing even if it's something as simple as making the grocery list. Tell them about what you do at work. Encourage activities that support learning--for example, educational games, library visits, walks in the neighborhood, trips to the zoo or museums, and chores that teach a sense of responsibility.Show an Interest.
Make time to take your child to the library to check out materials needed for homework (and for fun too), and read with your child as often as you can. Talk about school and learning activities in family conversations. Ask your child what was discussed in class that day. If he doesn't have much to say, try another approach. For example, ask your child to read aloud a story he wrote or discuss the results of a science experiment.Another good way to show your interest is to attend school activities, such as parent-teacher meetings, shows, and sports events. If you can, volunteer to help in the classroom or at special events. Getting to know some classmates and other parents not only shows you're interested but helps build a network of support for you and your child.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Helping Your Child Enjoy Reading
my son improves his reading but not on the teacher's target.
so how can i force him into reading. find this article so hope it works for me.
Reading doesn't have to be boring! Learn about fun activities and techniques parents can employ to bring excitement into their children's reading.
Many times students do not enjoy reading because they struggle with their reading homework and skills. This can be unfortunate because students can learn a vast amount of information from fiction and non-fictional texts. Thankfully, there are many techniques you can take as a parent to increase your child's joy for reading.
Drama Activities
Drama should no longer remain in the theater. Acting activities help students to picture what they are reading and help them connect the chapters together into a complete story. There are numerous effective exercises that can be done at home. One favorite is a freeze frame.
During a freeze frame, the student picks a particularly important or interesting section from the text, makes important props, and then they freeze into the position of the various characters (this means that you and the rest of the family will have to play along for this to work). This activity lets them use their imagination, connect to the text, and gets the entire family into the learning process.
Making this a group activity is one of the reasons why this helps to increase your child's enjoyment in reading. Reading is no longer a passive, solitary task. Instead, it has become an active, group activity.
Journal Writing
Writing in a reading journal is another way for children to make the connections that are essential to make reading useful and fun. In a reading journal, children write their observations about what is going on in the text. These can be both literal and figurative.
It is also effective to write what the child is thinking and feeling about the literature, along with their reading process. Are they feeling the emotions the characters are feeling, do they read as an outside observer or do they take on one of the characters personas?
Art Activities
You can adapt almost any art activity to apply it to a specific text. For example, in symbolic story representation (SSR) student read a text and then decide what symbol or object is most important or best relates the themes of the story to someone else.
SSRs can be in any form-a picture, sculpture, collage, even every day objects; all that matters is that they apply to the story. These can be extremely simple, yet powerful projects.
SSR projects are fun to make because it allows a student to use their imagination and create or take ownership to something. Sometimes, however, they are even more fun to share because it allows parents and children to see how each other thinks and read. Sharing the SSRs with each other gives additional insight and encouragement to reading.
Reading Help
Sometimes these drama, writing, and art projects are not enough for children. This is especially true if they are struggling with various fundamental reading skills such as reading for context, reading for patterns, and literary analysis. If this is the case, supplemental reading programs are often the best answer. Online tutoring programs can be personalized through assessment tests that show exactly which skills your child is struggling with.
These programs can help your child enjoy reading because they allow your child to understand the various skills needed to master reading and do so through fun and interactive games and activities. Completing these programs produces measurable results in your child and their abilities.
Figure Out How Your Child Learns Best.
If you've never thought about this style, observe your child. See if he works better alone or with someone else. If your child gets more done when working with someone else, he may want to complete some assignments with a brother or sister or a classmate. (Some homework, however, is meant to be done alone. Check with the teacher if you aren't sure.)
Other things to consider about learning style:
Does your child learn things best when she can see them? If so, drawing a picture or a chart may help with some assignments. For example, after reading her science book, she may not remember the difference between the tibia and the fibula. But by drawing a picture of the leg and labeling the bones, she can remember easily.
Does your child learn things best when he can hear them? He may need to listen to a story or have directions read to him. Too much written material or too many pictures or charts may confuse him.
Does your child understand some things best when she can handle or move them? An apple cut four or six or eight ways can help children learn fractions.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Who Are the Top Malaysian Bloggers? (2009)
Here are the top 10 Malaysian blogs:
- Hong Kiat — Design & Tech
- Kenny Sia — Lifestyle
- Paul Tan — Automotive
- Raymond.CC — Tech
- Anwar Ibrahim — Politics
- Lim Kit Siang — Politics
- — Mixed
- Jeff Ooi — Politics
- LiewCF— Tech & Lifestyle
- — Lifestyle
Monday, 6 July 2009
a loving and caring family. Embracing Imperfections
Embracing Imperfections
I would like to share a story that usefully captures my central message. It is titled “embracing imperfections.”
"When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my mother placed a plate of eggs and extremely burnt toast in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jam on that toast and eat every bite! 7
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said: "My darling, I love burnt toast."
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said,
"My daughter, your Mother put in a hard day at work today and she's really tired. And besides, a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!"
The message here is that life is full of imperfect things.... and imperfect people. It carries with it responsibilities and compromises. Learning to accept each other’s shortcomings, celebrating each other’s differences, and most of all respecting each other are important keys to creating healthy growing and lasting relationships. And we would do well to heed this message within our families.
The Muslim family should also serve as a place of refuge from the harsh psychological and emotional trauma we have to endure as a result of the violent environments within which we live. There can be no better place for securing comfort than from a loving and caring family. It is within the family context that we can nurture hope and optimism and zest for life. For the family, however, to play this supportive role it would need to be a mature family which would be able to deal positively with internal conflict arising from rivalry among siblings, the generation gap or differences in interest and religious or intellectual commitments. It requires respectful dialogue and communication within the family, not fist-fights, insults and animosity.
In this regard the institutions of civil society such as family counselling and parental guidance centres should play a useful complementary role in assisting families to manage internal conflict. 8
i love coffee and Coffee 'may reverse Alzheimer's'
is it true? my daughter scold me... mum enough of drinking coffee.
hmmm maybe i should told her about this today.,
A few cups of coffee a day may help ward off the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests.
Scientists have uncovered powerful evidence that caffeine not only helps to stave off the disease but can treat it.
They hope soon to follow up the initial results from animal experiments with human patient trials.
Rebecca Wood, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Research Trust, said: "In this study on mice with symptoms of Alzheimer's, researchers found that caffeine boosted their memory.
"We need to do more research to find out whether this effect will be seen in people. It is too early to say whether drinking coffee or taking caffeine supplements will help people with Alzheimer's.
"With no cure yet, research into treatments that could help people with Alzheimer's is vital."
US neuroscientist Dr Gary Arendash, who led the research, said: "The new findings provide evidence that caffeine could be a viable 'treatment' for established Alzheimer's disease, and not simply a protective strategy.
"That's important because caffeine is a safe drug for most people. It easily enters the brain, and it appears to directly affect the disease process."
The Florida scientists became interested in caffeine's effect on Alzheimer's several years ago after Portuguese researchers found that sufferers drank less coffee than people without the disease.
Since then several studies have suggested that moderate caffeine consumption protects against memory decline during normal ageing.
The new research was reported in two studies published online today in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.