Tuesday, 29 September 2009


jika kita bergantung pada Allah, Dia tidak akan sekali -kali mengecewakan kita. doa,doa,doa….

Friday, 25 September 2009

The Adventure You’re Ready for is the One You’ll Get!

from here...

I was watching the Emmy’s on Sunday (gosh, that seems like ages ago). Anyway, I was very happy when Jeff Probst, of Survivor, won the Emmy for best Reality TV Host. I’ve watched Survivor since it first started – it’s about the only reality show I still like.
When Jeff accepted his award, he thanked a bunch of people, as they all do, but then he said that he is very lucky to be living his dream. Then he said something that really struck home with me:

“The Adventure You’re Ready for is the One You’ll Get!”

And it’s exactly true! Think about it, when you plan a vacation, you are ready to go for an adventure to wherever you planned. You’re “ready” for it. So why don’t we plan adventures into our daily life.

Some people hate their jobs, but won’t search for another one.
Some hate where they live, but won’t move
Some people just hate, but won’t try self help programs

I could go on and on, but the message I want to leave you with is this:
Stop waiting and start testing the waters to move toward the life you REALLY want to live. Do it part-time, or full time – just get started and keep moving toward what you really want. The adventure begins with you, so Get Ready!

Self help programs for everyone. Includes:
Lucid Dreaming
Psychic Powers
Powerful BrainWave CD’s
And much more. . .
Visit Self HelpStreet Here.
Here’s to Living Your Dreams!

Foreign children 'should be taught in their own languages'

hmmm so mother tongue language is important...??

Foreign children 'should be taught in their own languages'

Foreign children who move to Sweden should have a right to be taught maths and English in their native language, the opposition Green Party has said.
Sweden set for stricter teacher credentials (24 Sep 09)
Swedish integration policies 'a failure' (23 Sep 09)
Green dildo promises earth-friendly orgasms (18 Sep 09)
Green spokeswoman Maria Wetterstrand told a press conference at the Almedalen political week in Visby, Gotland, that research shows that “people learn better if they get support in their native language.”

“There has been enough wishy-washiness in schools. It’s time to listen to the results of research,” she said, citing the fact that 40 percent of pupils who had come to Sweden from abroad left school without qualifications.

Under the Greens’ proposals, all year-groups in all schools would offer lessons in maths and English in pupils’ own languages, as long as there were at least five pupils with the same native language. The party wants to launch pilot schemes in ten municipalities.

Wetterstrand also wants courses in pupils’ home languages to be recognized as a qualification when applying to university. The party is also calling for native language help in preschools to be made a statutory right.

“Multilingualism is an asset to society and we should make use of it. The time when we only did business with Germany, Britain and France is past,” she said.

The Greens plan to push their ideas in negotiations with their political allies in the Social Democrats and Left Party. She added that she hoped the three parties would present plans for a potential coalition government in the autumn.
TT/The Local (news@thelocal.se/08 656 6518)

Thursday, 24 September 2009

saya belum baca 'The Jewish Protocol',

dari blog ini...


adakah aku kumpulan yang mana?.....

aku perhatikan masih ada sisa-sisa minda keBaratan dengan tidak disedari. Jangankan mereka yang merantau ke Barat sahaja yang seperti ini, tetapi yang ke Timur Tengah pun ada yang terperangkap sedemikian.....


Aku orang kampung, totok orang kampung. Dulu sudah ku ceritakan asal usul ku. Walaupun sekarang sibuk cuba menghayati Kemuncak Ramadhan, aku terpanggil sangat untuk mencatat sedikit bicara ketika ini semoga boleh berkongsi dengan generasi muda erti hidup dan kehidupan.

Tercetusnya keterpanggilan ini ialah apabila membaca blog yang ditulis oleh anak-anak generasi muda kini sama ada mereka berada jauh di perantauan atau hampir di kampung halaman. Mereka menceritakan keseronokan membuat persiapan Hari Raya, atau ada yang bercerita mengenai berbuka puasa untuk 'penghabisan' ini dan bermacam lagi. Tapi rata-rata tidak ada, atau kurang sekali yang bercerita berlatar belakangkan fakta Iman dan Keimanan. Iaitu tidak tertulis jelas dalam cerita- ceritinya. Aku takut kalau tidak tertulis, mungkin tidak tercatit dihati dan mindanya. Mana yang betul agaknya?

Aku cuma rasa agak terkilan dan rasa amat bersalah sebagai seorang generasi warga emas yang "dulu pernah ke situ". I have been down that road and much more.

Ketika umur 19 tahun dalam tahun akhir enam-puluhan aku sudah di hantar ke Amerika Syarikat oleh MARA ketika itu. Amat sedikit orang Melayu hinggakan satu ketika aku tidak boleh bercakap dalam bahasa Melayu kerana berbulan-bulan tidak bersemuka dengan Melayu. Betapa pengaruh Barat menyerap di hati dan minda ku. Aku rasa ketika itu "amat bertuah" mempunyai pengalaman yang berlainan dan melihat orang Barat sebagai contoh yang patut ditiru dan dihayati. Banyak peristiwa pahit manis yang dilalui dan banyak masaalah yang dihadapi. Tetapi minda ini tidak menyedari ketika itu bahawa proses mengejar kemajuan dan proses mencari penyelesaian tidak sedikit pun disandarkan kepada fakta iman dan taqwa. Dan iman bukan semata-mata menunaukan solat, puasa dan Haji. Betapa aku menginsafi fakta ini.

Maka sekarang apabila mendengar anak-anak generasi muda bercakap dan bercerita seperti mereka yang agak "tenggelam" dan "terpukau" dengan budaya Barat atau keBarat-Baratan, atau Ketimuran yang sudah pekat Baratnya seperti Jepun, aku rasa hiba dan sepertinya aku rasa bersalah dalam hal ini kerana aku pernah menjadi seorang penjawat awam yang agak senior dan telah tidak dapat membuat perubahan yang benar-benar berjaya untuk membina generasi muda supaya beramai-ramai menuju destinasi yang digariskan oleh alQuran. Aku lihat masih ada yang belum teringin atau masih belum masuk dalam jaringan dakwah Islamiah yang sewajarnya. Bagi mereka yang sudah termasuk dalam jaringan ini, aku perhatikan masih ada sisa-sisa minda keBaratan dengan tidak disedari. Jangankan mereka yang merantau ke Barat sahaja yang seperti ini, tetapi yang ke Timur Tengah pun ada yang terperangkap sedemikian. Aku tidak menyalahkan mereka sedikit pun kerana aku tahu kedudukan sebenar pergerakan Syariah Islam yang ada di negara tersebut dan yang ada di negara ini. Ramai lagi yang masih belum peka akan perangkap Zionist durjana terhadap cara pemikiran dan cara hidup kita, termasuk mereka dalam angkatan generasi umurku. Aku sendiri pun masih ada kalanya terjebak-jebak dengan perangkap ini kerana agaknya aku tidak membuat pertahanan diri dari awal-awal lagi. Aku amat insaf dan memohon ampun pada Ilahi.Semoga jenerasi sekarang membina dan mempertahan diri dari awal-awal lagi. Semoga tidak rugi seperti aku rugi.

Dalam kesunyian malam-amalan akhir Ramadhan ini aku berdoa semoga anak-anakku, dan semua anak -anak yang lain nya akan bangkit menyedari fenomena ini dan membina keazaman yang kuat membangunankan diri untuk jitu menuju matlamat yang Allah telah gariskan dalam alQuran dan Nabi Muhamad saw telah mencontohkan dalam hadith-hadithnya. Siapa yang belum membaca 'The Jewish Protocol', bacalah. Kita mesti baca dokumen ini untuk menyedarkan kita strategi jahat Zionist terhahap kita. Setelah membaca ini insyaAllah kita akan dapat membuat perbezaan antara yang baik dengan yang batil dan justru dapat mengubah diri kita ke jalan yang benar yang Allah redhai. Di waktu yang sama kita mendalami pula Ilmu Islam dan beramal dengan ilmu-ilmu itu sebagai pertahanan dan mungkin suatu hari nanti sebagai alat serangan pula. Kita tidak cukup dengan hanya bertahan. Di mana ia selaras dengan hukum-hukum tertentu kita juga perlau membuat "serangan".

Sampai di sini dulu. Semoga Allah memenuhi doa ini dan mendapat RahmatNya yang tidak terhingga. Amin.

Monday, 21 September 2009

how long before you finish your thesis

cycling around the world

On Friday 15th February at 1530, Mark Beaumont completed his 18,000 miles circumnavigation of the globe by bicycle. Mark arrived back at the Arc de Triomphe 194 days and 17 hours after leaving there on 5th August 2007. Total distance cycled was 18,297 miles through 20 countries. Guinness World Records have verified all the data and confirmed Mark is the new Guinness World Record holder! The official GWR certificate was presented to Mark by David Peat on Saturday 23rd February at his Welcome Home Celebration in the Radisson Hotel, Glasgow.

“In addition to the personal ambition of setting a new Guinness World Record, I am cycling to raise awareness and money for five fantastic charities and would really like your support.

The charities are Community Action Nepal, CHICKS, Cyrenians, Rainer and Tusk. Please take a moment to visit their websites and learn more about the wonderful work they do. One way to support these charities is to buy yourself or someone else a unique replica cycle top as seen top left – without the road grime! Thanks and best wishes, Mark”

You can follow the full adventure as it happens right here, via the Web Diary and GPS tracker. If you are a media interest then please contact alanferguson@thesportsbusiness.co.uk or via their website, www.thesportsbusiness.co.uk.

The previous Guinness World Record for cycling around the world was 276 days 19 hrs 15 min – just over 9 months and was held by Steve Strange since 2004. Mark’s plan was to smash this by cycling around the globe in under 195 days. The seven month race against the clock meant cycling through 20 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia and North America before finishing from Lisbon, Portugal back to the finish line in Paris. See the Route here.

In addition to the challenge of ultra endurance cycle itself, it also took over a year to train and plan. Enjoy exploring this website to find out about the facts, people, history and plans behind this Scottish bid to break the ultimate endurance cycling World Record. If you are inspired/intrigued/intimidated or just interested in this expedition or others I am now involved in, then please feel free to keep in touch through my new website www.markbeaumontonline.com.

can you study to recession-proof your life

The credit crunch is still, um, crunching and our economic woes show no sign of coming to an end. What can you study to recession-proof your life, and which courses will make you a financial disaster waiting to happen?


Fine, as long as you specialise in liquidations.


It is comforting to retreat in your own mind to a simpler, more noble time before sub-prime mortgages had been invented. Plus, there is a chance you might dig up a big box of gold.


Why not spend seven years learning to design awe-inspiring creations rendered from glass and steel… which will then sit empty because no company can afford the rent.


Shortly to be taking over the world, so you may as well learn the language.


All those people working in banks right now studied economics, and look where it got them. Spending three years trying to predict the international markets through scattered rune stones and soggy tea leaves would be time better spent.

Equine studies

With Bill Gates now the only person who can afford to buy petrol, the horse is set for a major comeback as a mode of transport.


Perhaps you will be able to tell us precisely which creek it is that we are up without a paddle.


"Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it." Funnily enough, quite a lot of people remember the last recession and yet here we are again. It's enough to make you question wise-sounding quotes you read on the internet.


On the plus side, you will be able to work out exactly how much money you don't have. On the minus side… well, the same thing, really.


Absolutely! If there's a single group that will be essential in rebuilding the world's economy it's going to be those philosopher dudes, right?


Somebody is going to have to talk all those bankers down off their window ledges. It may as well be you.

Rural studies

In the post-capitalist apocalyptic wasteland we are all shortly to inhabit, the ability to actually make something grow out of the ground will be highly prized. Come the revolution, Waitrose is not going to fare well.


Applications are rising because, at times of financial insecurity, you can rest assured that there will always be children who need to learn to spell. Try to remember not to get a job in a private school though, because no one will be able to pay the fees anymore.


If there's one thing an animal won't do, it's tell you that you were foolish to invest in property in an overinflated market underpinned by unsustainable levels of reckless lending.


1. Bermain dan mengamati kanak-kanak
2. Bermain dengan teka-teki
3. Membaca komik humor
4. Menghadiri kursus motivasi
5 Berkawan dengan orang kreatif
6. Membaca biografi orang kreatif


•Menghasilkan idea yang bernas
•Merealisasikan impian
•Peningkatan produktiviti

bagaimana untuk menjana idea kreatif…
Bergembira & berseronok- idea hebat sering datang bila kita sedang seronok atau bergembira. Contoh, kalau saya tengok ketika workshop jutawan Internet, sesi brainstorming idea, kumpulan yang banyak idea hebat, pastinya datang dari kumpulan yang banyak gelak/bising/ketawa… they are having fun! Idea mudah datang bila kita have fun!
Fikir macam budak- Budak-budak banyak idea. Lihat sahaja anak-anak kita (atau anak-anak orang kalau belum ada anak ). Sebabnya, budak-budak tak meletakkan had atau limit pada sesuatu penyelesaian. Kita yang dah dewasa selalu meletakkan “limit” pada sebarang penyelesaian. Sebab itu, kita menjadi tidak kreatif. jadi, fikir seperti budak 6 tahun! (mungkin budak juga sering gembira… sebab itu dapat banyak idea?)
Ketahui bahawa ada BANYAK penyelesaian kepada apa sahaja masalah. Bukan hanya SATU! Bila kita fikir hanya ada sATU penyelesaian, kita akan berusaha cari SATU CARA tersebut. Bila fikir SATU, tiada idea yang datang kerana kita akan fikir untuk mendapatkan SATU YANG PERFECT/SEMPURNA. Bila berfikir, fikir BANYAK penyelesaian. Bila memikirkan terdapat BANYAK penyelesaian, kita akan rasa bebas berfikir macam-macam dan tidak hadkan idea kita.


iDEA Creative Weekend

kreatif sungguh

minda separuh sedar,“Subconcious Mind”.

Minda separa sedar adalah bahagian minda yang bekerja keras untuk diri kita.Ia umpama jin dalam lampu Aladin. Jin yang sedaya upaya akan menunaikan impian tuan punya lampu. Begitu juga dengan minda separa sdar, ia adalah ‘hamba’ kepada kita yang akan bekerja keras untuk menunaikan impian yang dipinta. Minda ini akan terus berusaha tanpa kenal penat dan jemu.Ia memproses dan mencari cara untuk menjadikan impian itu realiti.

Salah satu tips untuk menyedarkan mentol dalam kita iaitu minda separa sedar adalah dengan menulis, Brian Tracy yang merupakan pakar mengenai impian telah mencadangkan penggunaan kad bersaiz 3X5. Tulis matlamat itu dan ulang melihatnya 2 kali sehari.

Cara ini mampu menyedarkan minda separa sedar kita. Selepas mendapat arahan, minda itu akan mula bekerja tanpa henti. Jadi, ayuh! Mari menulis matlamat.

Ada tips lain untuk menyedarkan minda bahagian ini?

dari sini


Sekiranya anda bijak menggunakan minda separuh sedar anda, ia merupakan salah satu kunci mencapai kejayaan. Namun, ramai yang tidak tahu tentang “minda separuh sedar” sebenarnya tidak perasan yang mereka juga menggunakan minda separuh sedar.

Sebagai contoh, berkali-kali saya menulis tip untuk anda senaraikan matlamat anda. Mengapa? Ini adalah kerana dengan menulis, matlamat tersebut bukan sahaja akan terlekat pada kertas, malah, ia akan terlekat di minda separuh sedar anda dan memudahkan anda mencari peluang-peluang untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut.

Ingat tak salah satu tip saya pernah tulis adalah untuk anda merancang hari anda pada malam sebelumnya? Mengapa malam? Ini adalah kerana, minda separuh sedar adalah aktif ketika kita tidur (kita tak sedar, tetapi minda sedang aktif). Dengan perancangan yang anda lakukan sebelum tidur, minda akan berfungsi merialisasikan perancangan itu.

Pernah tak anda mempunyai masalah yang anda tidak tahu cara menyelesaikannya? Dan anda duduk terfikir-fikir sebelum tidur…

Apabila bangun pagi, sedar-sedar lampu mentol menyala (bukan lampu terangkan bilik!) Lampu mentol idea menyala… dan secara automatik anda tahu jalan penyelesaian masalah anda.

Itu adalah minda separuh sedar (subconcious mind) sedang berfungsi!

Masa yang paling baik untuk mengawal minda terpendam adalah semasa dalam keadaan rehat: Fikirkan suatu yang positif ketika makan. Fikirkan sesuatu yang menyeronokkan sebelum tidur. Banyak beristighfar semasa dalam perjalanan.


12% dalam diri manusia dipengaruhi oleh minda sedar dan 88% minda separuh sedar. Minda sedar berkait rapat dengan pengetahuan manusia manakala minda separuh sedar ialah berkaitan dengan kepercayaan dan keyakinan dalam diri manusia. Maksudnya sebahagian besar kelakuan manusia dipengaruhi oleh minda separuh sedar. Ini contoh yang diberi oleh penceramah, Mir HELMINIRY HAD BIN HAJI SABTU dari Perwira Global Consultancy

Contohnya kepada anak-anak. Ketika menidurkan anak kita boleh bercakap ditelinganya perkara-perkara yang baik supaya ianya dapat disimpan didalam memori dan diprogram dalam kehidupannya. Misalnya kita berpesan kepada anak supaya berkelakuan baik, belajar bersungguh-sungguh atau apa saja yang boleh membentuk sahsiah dirinya. Insya Allah cara ini berkesan jika kita melakukannya berulang kali TETAPI perlu diingat kita hendaklah menggunakan perkataan atau ayat yang positif. Ayat atau perkataan yang negatif perlu dielakkan seperti Jangan malas, jangan bergaduh dsb kerana otak tidak dapt mengenalpasti perkataan JANGAN.

Untuk diri sendiri pula, kita perlu bercakap kepada diri kita perkara-perkara yang positif supaya ia dapat menguasai pemikiran dan perlakuan kita. Masa yang paling baik untuk melakukannya adalah semasa dalam keadaan rehat dan ketika diri berada dalam keadaan tenang.

tips menjadi seorang yang peramah

tips daripada Dale Carnegie’s yang merupakan motivator ulung pada zamannya. Disini saya senaraikan antara tips yang dikongsi oleh beliau.

1.Jangan mengkritik,atau merungut.
Tidak semua orang suka dikritik. Hakikatnya,walaupun idea yang diberi itu salah, manusia tetap tidak suka dikritik. Kritikan bagi manusia seumpanya mendedahkan kelemahannya lagi. Oleh itu, belajarlah untuk menolak secara halus.

2. Senyum
Senyum adalah komunikasi bukan verbal yang penting.Ianya menghantar isyarat selamat kepada orang disekeliling. Ianyase olah-olah memberi signal atau isyarat kepada orang ramai tanpa sedar bahawa anda seorang yang boleh dihubung.

3. Buatkan mereka rasa penting.Lakukan perkara itu dengan jujur.
Setiap orang inginkan perasaan dihargai.Mereka inginkan perasaan bahawa mereka seorang yang penting. Jadi,jadikan mereka itu penting. Dan lakukanlah dengan jujur dengan mencari kelebihan mereka untuk dibualkan.

son homework octopoem

never heard and cannot help

but find this here

Write an Instant Octopoem


1st line: A color
2nd line: A season
3rd line: A place
4th line: A type of weather
5th line: A type of clothing
6th line: A piece of furniture
7th line: A TV Show
8th line: A type of food

a beautiful example here

The tints of yellow and brown,
Tis near the fall season now.
See, the parks so beautifully donned
With falling leaves and gentle wind.
So put on light jackets and get comfy
Gear up, set the bed and get ready
As we watch for the Jacksonville Fall Home & Patio Show
With a hot soup bowl, and waiting for snow.


more octopoem

Donald Duck by Jake

Blue as the sky is Donald Duck
Cool as the ice in winter
He loves the big towers of New York
Wearing his blue t-shirt and red tie
He loves his comfy couch
Lying on it watching cartoons
Eating golden bread topped with honey.

My Great Grandma by Ashleigh

Her eyes are as bright as the stars at night
Her hands as cold as snow in winter
Living in the Blue Mountains near Sydney
Cold are her hands touching my palms on a rainy day
Wearing pearly white clothing on a happy summer morning
Rocking in her sweet rocking chair, knitting by the fire
Watching the weather on TV every Monday
Eating fruit in the morning and the afternoon for her health.

Peter Pan by Lilly

Peter Pan is as green as vines
His favourite season is spring to match his suit
Never Land is Peter Pan's favourite place
Where the weather is always calm and sunny
Wearing his leafy green clothes
Sleeping on a bed made out of silk
Watching the lost boys march off
Snacking on an acorn for afternoon tea.

Selby by Shona

Selby is more yellow than the sun
He is the biggest breeze to me
Living inside a book
Talking like a hurricane
A glowing collar around his neck
Checking his email on the computer
Learning to talk from the TV
Snacking on crunchy dog biscuits.

My Brother Tim by Catherine

Tim is as red as fire
He thinks spring is the best
Happiest in the water at the beach
His anger as furious as a thunderstorm
Playclothes take the place of PJs
His favourite furniture is his bed
Watching ABC kid's shows on TV
Eating rich-in-flavour mango!

Hilary Duff by Chloe

Blonde silky hair has Hilary Duff
As bright as summer she is
Performing in the American theatres
Hilary is as beautiful as the sunrise
Cool stunning skirts she wears
Watching herself on videos
Filming herself on her own camera
Eating chocolate fudge cake in secret.

Robin Hood by Freya

Robin Hood is the colour of the woods
He shines like the sun when it's spring
Living in Sherwood Forest
When it's calm and sunny
His shirt is green, pants and shoes as brown as bark
Sleeping rough in the great outdoors
He is "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves"
Eating roast wild venison, nuts and berries.

Batista by Mitchell

Batista wearing red, black and white is as strong as steel
Shining as bright as the sun
From Washington DC he is
With the strength of the sun in him
Wearing arm pads, knee pads and undies with a B on the back
Strong enough to lift up a building
Acting like an animal on TV
Eating lots of vegetables to keep him strong.

hmmmmm all sounds good. first time i learn about it today.

I implore you to see with a child's eyes, to hear with a child's ears and to feel with a child's heart.

-Antonio Novello

Friday, 18 September 2009

i want an aeroplane but you can only buy him wings

i want to be a pilot..

"Macha, kenapa selalu kerja lebih masa?"
"Hendak buat macam mana, anak saya mahukan kapal terbang"
"Kalau kamu kerja sepanjang hayat pun,kamu cuma dapat beli sayap saja."
"Bos kalau saya dapat lebih duit, saya belikan lebih banyak buku untuk anak saya."

Iklan sempena sambutan Deepavali daripada Petronas memberi gambaran positif dunia buku. Satu keluarga India di mana seorang ayah menjadi pendorong kepada anaknya mencapai impian. Ayahnya adalah seorang tukang cuci di sebuah akademi penerbangan. Mengapa saya menulis mengenai iklan ini?

Apabila ayah ini bercita-cita membantu anaknya mencapai cita-cita menjadi seorang juruterbang, beliau menjadikan buku sebagai menunjuk cara bagi memenuhi impian si anak kecil.

Bilakah kali terakhir kita melihat iklan yang menjadikan buku sebagai 'pelakon utama'?

Buku mencerahkan minda dan mewakili realiti melalui baris ayat di dalamnya. Bagi kanak-kanak India yang menerima hadiah buku daripada ayahnya, kanak-kanak ini mendapat seluruh dunia yang tidak dapat dijejakinya melainkan melalui buku.

"Macha, kamu sudah memberinya sayap."

Lamborghini Reventón Roadster

What's all the fuss about?

The Reventón Roadster not only makes its Murcielago relative look common, but dull too. And it takes a very special car to do that. With more angles than a protractor the Reventón Roadster is a riot of converging lines that wouldn't look out of place on a stealth fighter jet, the Lambo's performance and price not far off a fighter plane's either. To park this alongside your Reventón coupé you'll need a spare 1.1 million Euros (before local taxes), which gets you perhaps the world's most exclusive roadster. That alone is enough to ensure that a few billionaires step up and put down a deposit - all the coupés selling within a few hours of Lamborghini announcing it two years ago in Frankfurt.

Any new technology?

You really won't care about technology when you see it, the Reventón Roadster quite the most eye-catching machine we've ever set eyes on. Power comes from a 670bhp 6.5-litre V12 engine that drives through a four-wheel drive system. All that grip and grunt equate to a 0-62mph time of just 3.4 seconds and a top speed of 205mph. The structure is already so stiff that Lamborghini claims a weight increase of just 25kg over the coupé.

When can I buy one?

Right now, but you'll have to be quick, as even in these tough economic times it's likely wealthy Lamborghini fans will be on the phone to the factory.

children have no concerns about money, productivity, or being cool

“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” - Pablo Picasso

Post written by Leo Babauta.

Sometimes I lounge lazily in bed, in the middle of the day, with a couple of my kids and just abandon my worldly concerns, and just play.

Or I’ll sit and just watch them play, pretending they’re superheros or princesses or playing house or shooting each other with stick guns.

It never fails to leave me with a sense of wonder, of pure joy, of a return to innocence and a simpler time.

As grown ups, we’ve lost this childlike sense of life. And that’s actually a sad thing.

It’s not just about happiness and innocence either — being more childlike also helps us to be more creative, more imaginative, more innovative and open to worlds of possibilities.

Consider: as children, we are naturally imaginative, curious, able to play without a worry in our minds. Some qualities of young children that happen naturally:

they live in the present
they have no concerns about money, productivity, or being cool
there are no limits to their imagination, except what they’ve been exposed to
they play and lose themselves in play
they create with abandon
they are endlessly curious, and ask questions … without end
they love showing off to their parents
We could learn a lot from children. Sure, they have qualities we might not want, but in my eyes, they are already perfect. We don’t need to mold them into people, we need to be more like them.

We lose this childlike nature, the nature we’re born with, because of society — it has certain institutions and systems in place that beat childishness out of us, so we can be more productive citizens and consumers. I think it’s unfortunate.

We shouldn’t abandon all responsibilities, but we can learn a lot from children and be more like them in some ways.

How to be childlike
We must first acknowledge that no change is instantaneous, that any change worth keeping takes time. But you can start today.

Start by deciding to abandon caution and to give this a try. Start by identifying the qualities of children you’d like to emulate: curiosity, play, living in the moment, abandoning worries, imagination, creativity, pure joy.

Observe children. Watch how they play, how they live, how they create, how they ask questions. Sure, sometimes they do dumb things like throw tantrums, but even in that you can see their pure abandonment of everything but what is happening to them right now. Watch and learn.

Play with children. If you have some of your own, great. If not, play with children of friends and family. Lose yourself in the play. Be a dinosaur, or a gorilla, or a villain. Have a joyous time. Make them squeal in delight, and feel free to do the same yourself.

Talk with children. Ask them questions. Answer theirs. Don’t talk down to them with baby talk, but don’t be too grownup either.

Play by yourself. Go outside and run around, jump, slide, kick a ball around, pretend. Forget about who might be watching.

Create like a child. Don’t be constrained with what people expect, what you’re used to. Be wild and have fun. Imagine that things can be different, that there are no limitations, and see what happens. Most of your childlike drawings will be tossed in the trash, but some might be put up on the fridge.

Be curious like a child. Look at things with a child’s eye, and ask questions you’ve never asked before, explore with a beginner’s mind. Don’t be afraid to ask why, and what if, and why not?

Live in the moment. Forget about all you have to do. Forget about what happened yesterday, or that conversation you had. Forget about that meeting that’s coming up, or those deadlines. Just do, and be.

See the world with new eyes. It is a wondrous place, a miracle happening every second, a source of immense fascination that can knock you on your ass if you let it. You are a miracle, and every moment you have is a gift. What will you do with that gift?

And last, if you have children, let them be childlike. Stop trying to make them grow up. Stop trying to shape them, criticize them, make them your own piece of clay, as Marvin Gaye said. Let them be, and enjoy the beautiful way they already are.

“Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.” - Paula Poundstone

consciously and deliberately choose to do work that you are passionate about.

The World Needs You to Do What You Love

Article by Zen Habits contributor Jonathan Mead.

The greatest change happens because of people that are deeply passionate, and have a great love for the work they do.

If you want to make a difference in the world, the single most important thing you can do is consciously and deliberately choose to do work that you are passionate about.

No other choice can have a greater impact on the planet, or your life.

If you’re doing work that’s boring, you probably won’t make much of an impact. You might provide people with some amount of value. Enough to pay your rent, enough to get by. But you won’t be inciting change. And you certainly won’t be inspiring others.

If you’re doing boring work, chances are you do just enough to not get fired.

But if you do work that excites you, keeps you up at night, and fulfills you… you’ll do more. You’ll give yourself to it completely. You’ll put in extra time, more energy, more passion. Because it’s worth it. It’s satisfying.

At the end of the day you’ll think: “My time was well spent today.”

So the real question isn’t whether or not to do boring or passionate work. The question is how to get started.

Five things you can do to move toward getting paid to do what you love:

Find your passion. This is all about your great love, and what makes you come alive. To get started here, ask: “What am I insanely interested in?” “What could I talk about for hours?” and “What would I do for free?”
Find your strengths. What we’re looking for are things you’re naturally good at, and the unique strengths you’ve had since birth. This is about contributing your gifts to the world. To get started, interview your friends, family, or peers and ask them what three things you’re naturally talented at.
Find your value. Finding the intersection between what you’re good at and what people are willing to pay you for is what it all boils down to. If you can’t find a way to get paid to do what you love, the other stuff doesn’t really matter. So it’s worth spending some time figuring this out. To get started, think about the benefits you’ll give others by contributing your value. Think about whether or not there is a desperate pain or a deep passion involved in what you’re offering.
Make the commitment. I think, more than any other reason, people fail to succeed is because they fail to commit. Thinking “I don’t know” or “maybe someday” will not get you to the point of doing what you’re passionate about for a living. It takes an uncompromising commitment to make this change for yourself. Instead of thinking “I don’t know,” think “I’ll figure it out.” Remember, paths are made by walking.
Be willing to let go. As much as you might want to make this change for yourself, it can be hard to let go of the old patterns of thinking and behaving. A lot of us have ideas that “work shouldn’t be fun” or “you should just suck it up.” Breaking down those beliefs can be difficult, but moving toward a new direction is most definitely worth it.
What will you give up? You might not think that you have time to take on a new endeavor, and you’re right. You won’t have time until you make the time. There are a lot of things we place in our schedules that we think we must do. But in reality, our world wouldn’t collapse if we chose something else. Make a list of all the activities and time sinks that you’ll give up in order to make time for your new journey.
Will you say Yes to yourself? You may want to become a writer, dentist, life coach, painter, or public speaker. If you know that this is what you’re meant to do, then give yourself permission to call yourself that… even if you’re not established yet. And even if you don’t make a full time income from it. Own your passion, completely and unreservedly.
While there is more to your journey than just these seven things, this is a huge start. Clarity and commitment are the biggest steps, the rest is easy. One foot in front of the other.

You will get there. No one can stop you if you want it enough.

And remember, the world needs you to do what you love. Nothing else can create more change, or have a greater impact.

Give yourself permission. We need your gifts.

This article was written by Zen Habits contributor, Jonathan Mead of Illuminated Mind. Also see his free ebook The Zero Hour Workweek.

The World Needs You to Do What You Love

the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 may not have existed in 2004.

Making information systems work for you
The Impact of Meetings on Adult Education
Author: Corbin Ball, CMP, CSP
From ' The Meeting Professional ', January 2008

Gone are the days when a college education meant you were set for life—much of what college students learn today at the start of their educations is obsolete by the time they graduate.

Educator Karl Fisch sums up the challenge: “We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented yet, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”

According to former U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley, the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 may not have existed in 2004.

Consequently, continuing education is an increasingly important need for adults. We all are challenged to simply keep up with the constant advance in business practices, and we must be regularly updated in order to stay competitive in our jobs.

This is where events come in. Corporate and association educational sessions and networking are very important methods of adult education—they are major ways to share knowledge and to help us all keep up in our careers.

However, the advances in technology are very much changing the way we receive this education at meetings. Here are some of the ways that this is playing out.

Information is Cheap, the Value is in Wisdom
We are awash in information. It is estimated that a week’s worth of The New York Times contains more information than a person in the 18th century was likely to come across in a lifetime. There are billions of uniquely addressable Web pages indexed on Google. We need help to make sense of it all.

Meetings are a place where we can learn from speakers and, as importantly, from each other as we sort out these challenges. Speakers who are regurgitating data will fade in influence, replaced by those who can sort out the important stuff and deliver it effectively.

Decreasing PowerPoint Tolerance
“Death by PowerPoint” is the joke commonly heard at many meetings. PowerPoint is likely the most misused of any computer software.

However, when used properly, computer visuals can increase retention and assist in learning. The challenge to presenters, and meeting planners working with non-professional speakers, will be to insist on using this technology effectively with increasingly sophisticated audiences. Page after page of text just won’t cut it. Whereas, pictures, simple graphs and key words to emphasize points (when used judiciously) will assist in the learning process.

Talking Heads Stop Making Sense
There are times when a speaker with good delivery skills can capture an audience, keep them on the edge of their seats and succinctly present relevant information in a manner that will have significant impact.

However, attendees with increasingly sophisticated demands for custom learning online will not tolerate speakers who fail to be engaging and are unable to deliver the message effectively.

Audience Participation
One of the best ways of engaging people is through audience participation. The collective wisdom in a room almost always exceeds that of an individual, including a speaker.

Web 2.0 technologies are allowing us to have our voices heard on blogs, online videos, social Web sites, online user ratings of hotels and sellers and more. We increasingly expect to have our voices heard online, and this will carry over to meetings. Audience participation will be increasingly demanded of speakers and meeting planners from savvy attendees who want their say and realize the value of the wisdom of the group.

An example of how this may play out is Web-based audience polling designed for mobile devices provided by VisionTree (www.visiontree.com). In the not-too-distant future, people will be able to vote on issues at a meeting quickly, accurately, anonymously (everyone gets an equal say) and at no cost by simply pulling out their Web-enabled phones.

Remotes Merge with Face Time
Advancing video/webconference technologies and novel new forms of connection, such as Second Life (www.secondlife.com), are enabling people to meet globally with a few mouse-clicks. These technologies will work their ways into face-to-face meetings.

As evidenced in recent U.S. presidential debates where questions were selected from YouTube (www.youtube.com) videos, these simple and reliable new ways of participation will increasingly be used in events. Additionally, advances in high-definition television and telepresence technologies as being developed by Cisco (www.cisco.com/web/solutions/telepresence/fox) and other will improve the videoconference experience at meetings.

Technology-enabled Networking
Much of the learning at meetings occurs in the hallways during coffee breaks, receptions and other non-seminar events. We learn from each other through networking. The challenge is that the principal means of networking (the name badge) has been relatively unchanged in the last 40 years.

Although name badges work, there are many improved means becoming available. Web-based networking tools and proprietary networking tools, such as SpotMe (www.spotme.com) and nTAG (www.ntag.com), are adding much better ways of finding people of like interests at events. On the horizon, mobile phone technologies using rich Web-browsing capabilities such as those found with iPhone and OpenMoko, combined with social networking and geo-positioning tools, will provide enhanced networking functionality in the hands of everyone carrying a mobile phone.

Take the Conference Home with You
As much as we may wish it were otherwise, we can only be in one place at a time—making it very difficult to attend multiple tracks at large conferences. Fortunately, the technology to merge recorded conference audio with speaker slides, video and searchable transcripts of the event has advanced greatly over the past few years. Companies such as Conference Archives (www.conferencearchives.com), Essential Event Technologies (www.essentialet.com), Total Conference Recall (www.tcr-conference.com), Content Management Corp. (www.cmcgc.com), Mira Digital Publishing (www.mirasmart.com) and Altus (www.altuslearning.com) provide rich-media copies of presentations online so interested parties can pick up missed sessions. Attendees can review sessions and those unable to attend can remotely experience and learn from a conference.

Conference recording technologies will extend the life of a meeting and have a significant benefit to adult learning in our fast-changing world.

Meetings in general will remain central in the options for adult education in the industrialized world. Technology will help to make meetings more accessible and help significantly in the learning process for attendees.

CORBIN BALL, CMP, CSP, is a professional speaker and consultant focusing on meetings technology. He can be contacted via www.corbinball.com.

swearing and singing in your head break your fast?

Does swearing and singing in your head break your fast?

And what about if you are thinking bad thoughts about someone or are mean to someone online?

please restraint yourself from doing it in ramadhan.

and hopefully for the rest of life.

that's the idea

from here


you shouldn't do such things, Ramadan isn't just about fasting from food, you also fast from bad words and from anything Haram including music

it is the month of Qur'an where people read quran a lot.

it can break your fasting


Ramadan is not just about fasting. It also includes abstinence from all such "bad" thoughts and actions. One must try to avoid any thing wrong not only during Ramadan but throughout ones life.
4 weeks ago


yes, they all do
please dont curse :)
ramadan kareem! =D

Secret 25: ‘Eid ul-Fitri

Secret 25: ‘Eid ul-Fitri is taken from one of the 25 stories in Sis Zabrina's book: Life is an Open Secret- Ramadan Special. Life is an Open Secret- Ramadan Special carries 25 motivational and inspirational stories specifically tailored for the month of Ramadan when Muslims worldwide are required to observe the act of fasting from dawn until sunset for a period of one month. This special month brings along with it many benefits and blessings that are sometimes forgotten. Thus, the stories in this book serve as a reminder as to what Ramadan is truly about. All stories are written in a simple, chatty, humorous and witty way that promises to touch your heart, tease your mind, soothe your soul and make you reflect along the way.

If you are curious to know what Ramadan is about, this is the book for you.
If you want to know why Ramadan is important, your curiosity stops here.
If you feel you have lost the essence of Ramadan, this book shall remind you.
If you think fasting is only about not eating and drinking, you need to read this book.
If you dream of becoming a better person this Ramadan, flip the pages of this book.
If you wish to improve spiritually this Ramadan, find them all here within the pages.
If you are seeking for the blessings of Ramadan, this book has secrets to share.
If someone you love needs a reminder of Ramadan, send this book to him or her as a gift.

Life is an Open Secret. Always has been. Always will be.

A must-have motivational and inspirational book for you and the ones you love!

Copyright (c) 2009 Sis Zabrina


Therefore, for Friday's Reflection Story this week, I am posting the last story from my latest book: Life is an Open Secret- Ramadan Special for your reading pleasure. Hopefully, inshaAllah, we will all benefit from it.

And as usual, if you want to share this story, please share it in its entirety! :)

Specially from me to you,

Secret Twenty Five - 'Eid ul Fitr

~ A Champion Bull Starts From Birth ~ Luyia Western Kenya Proverb

That day I woke up at my usual hour with a smile. Another day alive, another day living and another day breathing, SubhanAllah and Alhamdulillah, I whispered to myself.
I absolutely love waking up during such wee hour in the morning. Nothing can beat morning time for me.

I remembered how I accidentally irritated a few of my friends by being so chirpy, bubbly and happy so early in the morning!

“Sorry, you guys, I am a morning person, I can't help it!”, I said to them as they groggily and sleepily took their towels making their way to the ladies for their morning bath.

I don't know exactly what it is about mornings that I love so much.

Perhaps it is the silence, the stillness, the calmness, the tranquility and the quietness that totally gives clarity, peace and serenity to my heart, mind and soul, Alhamdulillah.

And I happen to agree with Emme Woodhull-Bäche when she poetically said,

I love the sweet smell of dawn –
our unique daily opportunity to smell time,
to smell opportunity -
each morning being, a new beginning.

Yes, each morning is truly a new beginning, you agree?


As I continued doing what I usually do in the morning, I suddenly heard a melodic voice, saying the beautiful, peaceful and soothing words that acknowledge the Greatness of One God, One Lord, Allah the Al Mighty, subhan Allah.

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
laa ilaaha ill-Allah, Allahu akbar,
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa Lillaahi'l-hamd

(Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, there is no god except Allah, Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great , Allah is Most Great, and all praise be to Allah).

This only denotes one thing- First day of Shawwal is here.

SubhanAllah, subhanAllah, subhanAllah…

Alhamdulillah, Ya Rabbi, for allowing me to taste the blessings of Shawwal again, for the umpteenth time…

Indeed, the sound of Takbir, glorifying our Lord has never failed to bring tears to my eyes, deliver serenity and peace to my heart and put a smile to my face….

I remembered the Words of Allah in His noble Book,

(He wants you to complete the same number (of days) and that must magnify Allah (takbir) for having guided you and so that you may be grateful to Him.) (Al-Baqarah 2:185)

Allahu akbar… Allahu akbar… Allahu akbar….

Ya Allah, indeed I am your grateful servant Ya Rabbi… for all Your countless blessings and guidance to me, my loved ones and all mankind…

Immediately, I started thinking. What should I do now this very first day of `Eid?

I 'scanned' through the invisible checklist in my head:

Bathe – checked
Look my best- checked
Takbir – checked and on-going
Perform `Eid Prayer– preparing

Did I forget anything else?

Oh yes, I remembered one more thing to do- to eat dates before going off to the mosque as how my beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to do,

"Allah's Apostle never proceeded (for the Prayer) on the Day of `Eid al-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates. Anas also narrated: The Prophet used to eat odd number of dates." (Al-Bukhari)

SubhanAllah, amazing, isn't it?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) ate dates before going to the mosque, my friends.

Dates! Not cookies, not cakes and sure not biscuits too!

Immediately, I went to the kitchen, opened up my refrigerator and grabbed hold of those healthy yummy dates.

“Let me see… one, two, three, four and five. That's enough for now. Odd numbers - just like what the Prophet advised,” I whispered to myself, smiling as I know I am following exactly as what he (peace be upon him) used to do 1429 years ago, alhamdulillah…

As I write my last post for this Ramadan Special, I would like to wish all my brothers and sisters the greetings of Taqaballahu minna wa minkum’ [may Allah accept (our deeds) from you and us] as being practiced by the companion of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as below,

Ibn Hajr Al-`Asqalani (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “We have related in “Mahamiliyat” with a chain of narration that is hasan, from Jubayr ibn Nufayr who said: 'When the companions of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) met on the day of `Eid, they would say to each other, 'Taqaballahu minna wa minkum (may Allah accept from you and us ).” (Fath al Bari 2:446)

So, again my dearest friends, 'Taqaballahu minna wa minkum’ [may Allah accept (our deeds) from you and us].

May Allah accept our deeds from you and from us, Ameen…

And as I reflect on the first day of my graduation from my 30-days of Intensive Training Camp, and with the release of my biggest avowed enemy ready to ‘pounce’ on me anytime now, I pray to Allah that my Self-Restraining Training has benefited me and has changed me into the Zabrina 2.0 version I so much want to be.

At the same time, I pray that Allah, my Lord, my Creator the Most Merciful will continue to bless me with strength, willpower and determination befitting of the Graduate of Ramadan Class 1429H, ameen.

And lastly, let us all recite this beautiful words that could only be recited twice a year, as the sign of thankfulness for all the He has give us, Alhamdulillah. And one of them is today…, a beautiful Takbir and Tahmid glorifying our Lord, our Creator, our One and Only God, the Almighty, the Most Great, the Most Magnificent Allah subhanahu wa taala, mashaAllah…

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
laa ilaaha ill-Allah, Allahu akbar,
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa Lillaahi'l-hamd

(Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great,
there is no god except Allah, Allah is Most Great,
Allah is Most Great , Allah is Most Great, and all praise be to Allah).


Copyright (c) 2009 Sis Zabrina

Sis Zabrina also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author and creator of National Bestseller Islamic Motivational Book Life Open Secret book series http://wwww.LifeOpenSecret.com. She maintains an active blog at http://www.WisdomThruWords.blogspot.com. and social networking platform a Web 2.0 at http://www.LifeStoryteller.ning.com

Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2009

Sis Zabrina
Life Storyteller
Author of Life is an Open Secret Islamic Motivational Book Series:
Life is an Open Secret- Think about It
Life is an Open Secret- You, Me and We
Life is an Open Secret- Ramadan Special
Hidup Bukan Rahsia http://www.lifeopensecret.com

-18 Inspirational Stories from Ordinary life experiences-

Now blogging at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com

Terjemahan Al-Quran Juz' Amma Secara Harfiah

i find this entry here and wish to find the book........

another journey or quest to find another book....


Terjemahan Al-Quran Juz' Amma Secara Harfiah

To my fellow muslims/muslimahs in the Nusantara(who read and understand Bahasa Melayu), may I recommend a book(Terjemahan Al-Quran Juz'Amma Secara Harfiah) that guides and teaches on the meaning of every word of Juz' Amma. The author is Ustaz Rusman Adysah and the publisher is Darul Nu'man.It costs RM 10.00(ISBN: 983-046-055-X).

By studying this book,I hope it will improve my khushoo' in my prayers as it will help me to understand what I recite.I also believe that by learning through 'harfiah method'( learning the meaning of every word-verbatim), it will also improve my understanding when I read the Holy Qur'an as certain words and phrases are repeated a few times in different surahs.

another info or comment from here...

I have this wonderful Quran with "terjemahan per-kata" an it really helps with my harfiah. I had it about one year ago and since then, I can easily pick up the root word in Arabic.

I din't attend any harfiah class but I follow Al-Furqan by Ustaz Nasaruddin Hasim on IKIM.FM (91.5FM Lembah Kelang) at 6.30am on every Sat&Sun, repeat is at 8.00pm)

A lot of people say Arabic is the most difficult language but Ustaz Nasaruddin make it so simple & easy to understand by using diagrams (Yes, it's a form of mind mapping!)

I find Arabic the most beautiful language and it is very systematic that makes it easy to follow.

I now know how to categorise each word into isim (name), fe'el (verb) and haraf (prepositon/ sendikata) and then further into gender muzakkar (male) & muannas (female) or whether it's mufrod, musanna or jamak (singular, double or plural) & finally the dhomir (gantinama).

This interactive learning has not made me an arabic expert (just yet) but at least it certainly has helped me to identify the place to waqof (berhenti) when reading Quran and catch it's meaning!


another posting from here

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak segan membuat perumpamaan…….”. ayat 26, surah Al Baqarah.

Sebelum mengakhiri kelas bahasa al Quran Harfiah hari ini, Ust Adam seperti biasa membacakan kembali ayat al Quran yang di pelajari dengan sedikit ulasan dan renungan.

Menyentuh tentang segan ni, tentunya kita sebagai manusia ‘segan’ bertemu dengan Allah. Kenapa? Kerana bila Allah bertanya di yaumul qiamah nanti:

“adakah kamu baca al Quran”

“ adakah kamu faham apa yang kamu baca”

“ adakah kamu amalkan apa yang kamu faham”

Kita tunduk terdiam.

‘Saya tak faham ya Allah apa yg saya baca’

“ Apa yang kamu buat kat dunia selama 63 -75 tahun kamu hidup di dunia? tanya malaikat yang mengoal kita.

Itulah secoret tazkirah Ust Adam bila menyentuh ayat ini.

Persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh Ust Adam, benar-benar membuat aku tersentak.Apatah lagi persoalan terakhir. Apa yang kita buat kat dunia ini selama 63 -70 tahun kita hidup. Kalu tidak faham, kenapa kita tak berusaha untuk belajar bahasa Al Quran.

Mampukah kita menjawab nanti : ya Allah, Aku sibuk…. Aku tiada masa ….aku……. dengan seribu alasan……

Aku sendiri pun sedang berusaha menghadiri kelas pengajian bahasa Al Quran ini seminggu sekali.Dulu 2 tahun yang lepas aku menghadiri kelas bahasa Al Quran ini 2 kali seminggu sebelah malam. Setelah sampai juzuk 7, maka kelas kami diberhentikan kerana ust nak mula kelas baru. Permintaan terlalu tinggi.

Setahun aku dan isteri cuba belajar sendiri dirumah. Tapi kesannya kurang. Akhirnya setelah puas meminta/merayu Ust Adam membenarkan aku mengikuti kelas barunya di Masjid Sultan Yusof. Alhamdulillah sudah 3 bulan aku mengikuti kelas ini.

Kali ini aku mengikuti kelas di sebelah pagi.8.30 pg hingga 10 pg. Kesemua 30 orang pelajar adalah terdiri dari pensioner kecuali aku seorang.Alhamdulillah Allah memberi kelapangan pada ku, kerana aku bekerja sendiri.Bebas menyusun masa.Kelas ni kurang tension sikit, sebab orang2 pension ni rajin menjawab soalan-soalan ust Adam dan jumlah penuntutnya ramai. Dulu hanya 8-10 orang shj dalam kelas.

Bukan mudah untuk menguasai bahasa Al Quran ini, apatah lagi kita hidup dalam suasana bukan berbahasakan Arab.Niat ku jelas: belajar bahasa Arab demi untuk memahami ayat-ayat Allah, bukan untuk berkomunikasi, bukan untuk menulis dalam bahasa Arab. Kalu mampu bonus. The basic intention is to understand al Quran. Alhamdulilah teknik harfiah ini boleh mencapai niat aku ini.Nun di sudut hati ini, jika dimurahkan rezeki satu hari nanti aku masih menyimpan niat untuk menetap 2-5 tahun di Madinah mempelajari bahasa Al Quran ini.Muga-muga niat ini dimakmulkan Illahi – Amin.

Mudah-mudahan Allah memberi kekuatan, kelapangan dan semuga aku terus istiqamah mempelajari ayat-ayat mu ya Allah.


The Quran was meant to be a book of guidance in every aspect of life. The recitation with understanding was recommended primarily to highlight the importance of its message in every day life. Yet very little of the time of the believer is spent in reflecting on its message and using it as a guidance in every aspect of life.

The month of Ramadan gives us a unique opportunity to restore our understanding of the Quran and learn its message. Yet most of the time and in most of the places, the opportunity to further our understanding of the Quran is lost by limiting it to ritual reading.

Modern technology gives us tools to capture the best voice and repeat it at our will. But this is not the only purpose of the revelation. It is meant to be understood, followed and implemented in one's life. As long as this purpose is not served, the Quran will stand betrayed by those who revere it more than anyone else.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

tunang bukan milik kita

tunang bukan milik kita

Ustaz Azhar - Cemburu Pada Tunang

ustaz azhar idrus - bergurau dengan isteri

Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Gaji Isteri

ust azhar idrus: bini bekeng!!

al-Dukhan ayat 1-6

APABILA datang bulan Ramadan pada setiap tahun umat Islam diperingatkan semula tentang satu malam yang begitu besar maknanya iaitu malam al-Qadar. Malam al-Qadar atau dalam bahasa arab disebut lailatul Qadar terdapat beberapa makna.

Lailatul Qadar menurut Ibnu Abbas, Ikrimah dan Sa’id bin Jubair membawa maksud malam keputusan; atau malam penetapan. Manakala tafsir Qurtubi dalam menjelas ayat surah al-Nasr pula menjelaskan bahawa maknanya adalah malam yang sempit.

Dinamakan demikian kerana pada malam itu bumi sesak/sempit dengan para malaikat. Dalam al-Quran disebut oleh Allah SWT bahawa malam tersebut ganjarannya seumpama seribu bulan. Lailatul qadr merupakan malam yang diberkahi. Allah Ta’ala berfirman al-Dukhan ayat 1-6 yang bermaksud

“Haa Miim. Demi Kitab (al-Quran) yang menjelaskan. Sesungguhnya Kami menurunkannya pada suatu malam yang diberkahi dan sesungguhnya Kami lah yang memberi peringatan. Pada malam itu dijelaskan segala urusan yang penuh hikmah. (Iaitu) urusan yang besar dari sisi Kami. Sesungguhnya Kami adalah yang mengutus rasul-rasul sebagai rahmat dari Rabb-mu. Sesungguhnya Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.”

Bagi mereka yang teguh imannya pastinya akan berasa terkejut dengan hadiah Allah SWT yang begitu besar bagi mereka yang benar-benar memperolehi malam tersebut.

Bandingan satu malam yang dinamakan sebagai malam al-qadar dengan seribu bulan sama juga seumpama 83 tahun. Kiraan secara zahir ini menunjukan betapa besar pahala yang Allah swt berikan kepada umatnya bagaimana tempoh 83 tahun tersebut seolah-olah satu umur bagi seorang manusia yang hidup dimuka bumi ini.

83 tahun adalah tempoh agak panjang sebagai manusia, namun satu malam al-qadar itu amat bermakna sekali. Namun dalam huraian hadith begitu banyak penjelasan diberikan tentang tarikh sebenar bilakah malam al-qadar tersebut.

Perdebatan yang dilakukan oleh para ulama dan muhaddithin ini mengundang kita memikirkan kenapakah tiada satu masa yang tunggal bagi kita untuk mendapat ketetapan Allah swt agar kita sedia dan mampu meraih malam al-qadar dengan mudah.

Firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Qadar ayat 1-5 yang bermaksud

“Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan (al-Quran) ini pada Malam Lailatul-Qadar. Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui apa dia kebesaran Malam Lailatul-Qadar itu?

Malam Lailatul-Qadar lebih baik daripada seribu bulan. Pada malam itu, turun malaikat dan Jibril dengan izin Tuhan mereka, kerana membawa segala perkara (yang ditakdirkan berlakunya pada tahun yang berikut). Sejahteralah malam (yang berkat) itu hingga terbit fajar.

Pengurniaan malam al-qadar oleh Allah swt dalam bulan Ramadan dengan segala perselisihan masa yang tepat bilakah ianya berlaku mengundang kita sebagai hambaNya berfikir apakah makna disebalik anugerah ini.

Sebagai pencipta alam ini pastinya Allah menghendaki kita agar sentiasa bersedia tidak kira pada awal masa, pertengahan dan akhir Ramadan agar sentiasa berusaha mencari bilakah malam al-Qadar sebenarnya. Ertinya disini Allah SWT ingin menguji dan menawarkan kita satu pertandingan dikalangan hambaNya siapakah dikalangan mereka yagn benar-benar ikhlas mencari malam al-Qadar.

Wujudnya kesedaran untuk mencari malam al-Qadar ini tidak akan terbit semata-mata untuk berada dalam suasana hening malam dan bangun untuk melihat peristiwa apa yang bakal berlaku semata-mata.

Namun disebalik usaha dan ikhtiar manusia mencari malam al-Qadar ini selain merebut pahala berganda tersebut adalah manifestasi cinta kita kepada Tuhan yang menganugerahkan nikmat dan kasih sayangnya kepada seluruh hambaNya.

Cinta kita kepada Allah yang ikhlas dan kasih sayang yang diterima tanpa berbelah bahagi daripadaNya yang mampu membangkitkan kesedaran iman dan taqwa untuk mencari malam al-Qadar tersebut kerana telah dijanjikan Allah swt bahawa pada malam tersebut diturunkan para malaikat untuk melihat dunia siapakah yang sedang melaksanakan ibadah kepada Tuhannya.

Tanpa rasa cinta dah kasih kepada Tuhan mana mungkin kita bersedia untuk bangun malam, membuka segala kelemahan kepada Nya, memohon keampunan dan mendoakan kesejahteraan hidup didunia & akhirat. Hanya mereka yang teguh iman, tegap taqwanya bersedia menghadapi ujian bangun malam dengan gigih.

Inilah hakikat pencarian malam al-Qadar yagn harus dipelajari. Pencarian ini juga jangan dilihat sebagai satu usaha yang kosong dan dijadikan pesta untuk meraih malam yang penuh barakah ini.

Mulakan diri dengan kesedaran dan tingkatkan rasa iman yang benar–benar semata-mata untuk mencari keredhaan Allah semata-mata. Mari kita sama-sama renung firman Allah dalam surah Saba’ ayat 46 yang bemaksud:

Katakanlah (Wahai Muhammad): “Aku hanyalah mengajar dan menasihati kamu dengan satu perkara sahaja, iaitu: hendaklah kamu bersungguh-sungguh berusaha mencari kebenaran kerana Allah semata-mata, sama ada dengan cara berdua (dengan orang lain), atau seorang diri; kemudian hendaklah kamu berfikir sematang-matangnya (untuk mengetahui salah benarnya ajaranKu.”

Sesungguhnya sebagai Khaliq dan pencipta alam ini, sudah tentulah Allah SWT ingin melihat melalui kekuasaan siapa dikalangan mereka hambaNya yang benar-benar berusaha dalam mencari peluang dan ruang pada malam al-Qadar tersebut.

Malam yang penuh dengan barakah ini dijanjikan Allah dengan pahala yang cukup besar melalui solat-solat sunat, tilawah al-quran dan muhasabah diri agar kita kembali merapatkan jurang yang sudah jauh dengan Allah swt.

Sebagai hambaNya yang beriman sikap mencari keredaan Allah mesti dicipta dalam diri. Marilah kita bina kekuatan mencari malam al-Qadar dengan cinta dan kasih pada Nya.

- Penulis adalah Presiden Kumpulan Pengajian Islam, (MISG) ABIM UK-Eire


Amazing Lailat al Qadr Dua by Sa'ad AL Ghamdi

Amazing Lailat al Qadr Dua by Sa'ad AL Ghamdi

Sesiapa yang menghidupkan Ramadan dengan penuh keimanan dan penuh kesedaran (mengharap ganjaran Allah) nescaya akan diampuni baginya dosa-dosa yang lalu. (riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim]

mazing Lailat al Qadr Dua by Sa'ad AL Ghamdi part 1 of 2

Amazing Lailat al Qadr Dua by Sa'ad AL Ghamdi part 2 of 2

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

ramadhan akan berakhir - sedih

sedih..... moga allah ampun dosa.

Memohon Keampunan Allah

“Berkatalah Aisyah , Wahai Rasulullah, jika aku berkesempatan bertemu Malam Al-Qadar, apakah yang perlu aku katakan (doa) ?
Bersabda Nabi : ” Sebutlah doa ” Ya Allah sesungguhnya dikaulah maha pengampun , dan amat suka memberi ampun, maka berikanlah daku keampunan”
(HR Tirmidzi nombor 3580, Ibnu Majah nombor 3850 dan disahihkan oleh Al Albani Rahimahullah )

Tidak perlu memikirkan bilakah malam Lailatul Qadar yang dijanjikan Allah SWT itu. Yang penting teruskan ibadah yang sebaiknya dengan penuh keikhlasan dan kecintaan kepada Allah SWT setiap siang dan malam dan ditambahkan lagi di malam-malam akhir Ramadhan ini.

Semoga kita mendapat redha dan keampunan Allah SWT.

“Ya Allah, aku memohon kepadaMu ya Allah agar Kau tingkatkanlah kepasrahan dan penyerahan jiwa dan ragaku kepada diriMu ya Allah agar diriku benar-benar bersedia berjumpa denganMu ya Allah. Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku amat takut dengan keadaan di saat-saat akhir hidupku dan aku amat bimbang nafasku yang terakhir ya Allah. Ampuni aku ya Allah, rahmatilah aku ya Allah, cukupkanlah aku ya Allah, angkatlah darjatku ya Allah, tunjuki aku jalan yang lurus ya Allah dan maafkanlah aku ya Allah. Terima kasih Allah, terima kasih.”


Digestive Ice Cheese Cake

Digestive Ice Cheese Cake

Ice Cheese Cake

got this recipe from here and i must try it because my kids love cheesecake...


* 10 Digestive biscuits
* 1/3 liter of fresh cream (fluid)
* 3 dl sukker (I used only 2 as I don’t like too sweet cakes)
* 2tsp vanilla sugar
* 1 pack of Philadephia cheese (naturell)
* 4 egg yolks

1. Whisk fresh cream and sugar until thick (don’t overdo).

2. Add the cream cheese and stir lightly.

3. Add the egg yolks one by one. Stir. Put aside.

4. Crush 8 digestives (I use the sift and a fork as I like it very fine. It looks nicer!) and pour it onto a slightly greased pie dish or cake tin (24”). Ratakan dan JANGAN tekan to make it compact because the end result will be too hard if you do.

5. Carefully pour the cream mixture prepared earlier onto the crushed Digestive base.

6. Crush the remaining 2 Digestive biscuits and sprinkle them on top of the cream mixture.

7. Freeze for 4 hours before serving.

kalau saya diposisi Prof, saya kahwin lagi satu…

i did not why but i like this entry from prof kamil.

it was there over 3 months already but i just read it today.....


Saya bersyukur kerana masih bernafas di ketika ulangtahun perkahwinan saya dan Roza yang ke 20.

Hujung minggu yang baru berlalu, Ajis pemandu saya berkata: “kalau saya diposisi Prof, saya kahwin lagi satu…”.

Entah kenapa, saya agak beremosi. Saya menjawab kenyataan tersebut daripada lubuk hati.

“Ajis, saya dan Roza telah melalui proses kehidupan yang sangat panjang. Kami belajar banyak perkara bersama-sama. Dulu, bila saya tegur yang masakan Roza tidak sedap, beliau mencuka. Kini, beliau boleh gelak-gelak.

Ketika kami belajar di Luar Negara, saya suka berbuka di masjid dan Roza akan berkata, awak tinggalkan isteri dan anak-anak untuk berbuka di masjid. Kini, beliau gembira saya melakukan perkara tersebut.

Kami mengenali Tuhan bersama. Banyak perkara yang tidak pernah kami fahami, menjadi jelas dan nyata. Sesuatu yang kelihatan janggal ketika di peringkat awal perkahwinan, kini menjadi amalan kami. Banyak janji-janji tentang kematian berada di antara kami berdua.

Saya takut dengan “isteri baru”, saya semakin jauh daripada Allah kerana ingin melayani kehendak beliau. Mungkin, saya tidak mempunyai kekuatan tersebut dan tidak mahu mengambil risiko tersebut.

Ajis…. ada banyak perkara yang lebih mustahak daripada berkahwin dua, tiga atau empat”

Biarlah saya ketemu “simata jeli” bersama Roza di Firdaus.


ya Allah saya juga berdoa ampunlah saya dan izinkan dan rahmati untuk masuki FirdausMu
ya Allah.......

Ajis…. ada banyak perkara yang lebih mustahak daripada berkahwin dua, tiga atau empat”

Biarlah saya ketemu “simata jeli” bersama Roza di Firdaus.

comments :

I like this!!! Prof, ramai yang apabila menjangkau umur 40-an dan dilimpahi rezeki kewangan dan berpangkat tinggi, mereka akan cuba melangkah lebih jauh!

Betul Prof, lebih baik kita tumpukan kepada amalan di hari esok..

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The Plastic Coding System

The Plastic Coding System

Pernahkah anda minum dari botol minuman plastik atau makan makanan dari bekas plastik dan terasa seakan-akan plastik pada minuman atau makanan tersebut? Ini bermakna bahan plastik yang terkandung di dalam bekas tersebut telah terhakis dan masuk ke dalam makanan/minuman tersebut. Sekiranya kita lihat pada belakang atau di bawah bekas tersebut, kita akan dapati ada simbol segitiga dengan kod nombor. Jangan salah faham. Kod no. pada simbol ini bukannya menunjukkan lebih besar nombornya, lebih tahan lama bekas tersebut, sebaliknya ia menunjukkan jenis bahan yang diguna (dari unsur Polymer iaitu bi-produk dari bahan Petroleum).

Ketahuilah Fakta2 berikut:

Kajian menunjukkan bahawa kod 1 yang diperbuat dari bahan PTE atau PET(yang selalunya digunakan untuk bekas minuman ringan atau air mineral) selamat digunakan untuk tempoh 1 kali sahaja. Ia tidak sesuai digunakan berkali-kali kerana akan menggalakkan pengumpulan bakteria pada permukaannya. Tetapi jangan biarkan bekas air ini di dalam kereta pada hari panas terik kerana bahan toksinnya akan terhakis dan masuk ke dalam minuman dan ia tidak sesuai lagi untuk diminum dan jika diminum juga boleh menyebabkan kanser terutamanya kanser payudara

Kod 2 jarang digunakan untuk bekas makanan/minuman. Oleh itu tidak perlu risau tentangnya
Kod 4 selalunya digunakan untuk bungkusan makanan yang akan diguna sekali dan dibuang. Ia tidak akan menimbulkan kesan bahaya tetapi jika digunakan untuk mengisi bahan makanan/minuman yang terlalu panas atau terkena minyak masak yang masih panas, bahan plastiknya boleh meluntur dan masuk ke makanan tersebut.
Kod 5 selamat digunakan dan boleh dipanaskan di Oven microwave tetapi untuk jangkamasa 3 bulan sahaja jika diguna setiap hari. Oleh itu anda harus membuangnya dan gantikan dengan yang baru jika sudah terlalu lama menggunakannya.

KOD MERAH yang MESTI DIELAKKAN samasekali ialah yang bertanda 3, 6 & 7. Bahan kod 7 biasanya diperbuat dari Polycarbonat yang bersifat keras dan lutsinar tetapi mengandungi BPA atau Bisphenol-A yang merbahaya kerana ia bersifat karsinogenic dan boleh menyebabkan Kanser terutamanya Kanser Payudara. Kod 3 & 6 mengandungi BPA serta bahan kimia lain yang juga boleh memberi kesan yang sama
Kajian di Amerika Syarikat telah mendapati 95% dari sampel air kencing orang dewasa, ibu mengandung, kanak2 & bayi yang diambil mengandungi bahan BPA ini. Plasenta ibu yang mengandung juga dikesan bahan bahaya tersebut. Bahan Bisphenol-A (BPA) ini boleh merosakkan sistem reproduktif, mengubah kadar pertumbuhan bayi dan merosakkan organ tubuh, meninggikan risiko kanser payudara, kanser testicular, atau prostrate kadar sperma yang rendah, keguguran, kegemukan, diebetis & tekanan darah tinggi. Sayang sekali, bahan ini terdapat di kebanyakan botol2 susu bayi yang ada di pasaran dan pihak berkuasa di Malaysia masih belum membuat apa-apa kenyataan atau tindakan terhadap perkara ini walaupun pihak USRDA yang bereputasi serta menjadi rujukan sedunia telah mengesahkan fakta ini.

So, kita kena bertindak sekarang. Jangan guna plastik kod 1 berulang kali, jangan guna kod 5 dalam tempoh yang terlalu lama. Yang lebih penting, JANGAN GUNA LANGSUNG KOD 3, 6 & 7. Cara yang terbaik ialah dengan menggantikan dengan bekas yang diperbuat dari kaca atau seramik yang lebih selamat.

Monday, 14 September 2009

A Word in Passing – Bint AbdelHamid

A Word in Passing – Bint AbdelHamid

I recall them still. They were moments of excitement and transformation during days of innumerable blessings.

Sixteen, my friend and I, and our phone conversations were altered from what they had been just before the start of the month: short now, and to the point, announcing a lecture on television ("it's on, now, don't miss it!"), sharing a hadith, recommending a good deed waiting to be done.

We were school girls, racing with ourselves and each other, not content to run alone. Instead, we met on the path, poised, ready to exchange pieces of wisdom and inspiration that might propel us forward. We ran, we paused, we passed them on – like batons in a race – and knew, wherever the batons went, whatever people they reached or work they inspired, good deeds would come.

It's the first Ramadan I truly remember. And I insist, despite everything good that I recall from that year, that I remember this Ramadan because it's the first Ramadan I truly began to pray qiyaam.

When I say "pray qiyaam," I'm not talking about taraweeh in the masjid behind an imam as a child, reveling at being out so late at night, or sitting down with glee after the first four rak'ahs, or even standing up the whole time for a deed I knew was rewarding, but didn't entirely understand.

I'm talking about qiyaam at home, after the time of taraweeh, alone before Allah, praying despite exhaustion and school the next day, discovering what is meant by the beauty of seclusion and worship and humility before Allah. It was something I could not possibly get enough of, an experience that put life and death and 'ibaadah into perspective: this is what I was created to do.

Qiyaam, too, was a piece of advice snatched at the end of a telephone conversation, something my friend told me, but almost didn't –

"Ok, I have to go now," I said at the end of a call, in a rush to move on.

"Me too —"

"Alright then —"

"Hey, just don't forget to pray qiyaam. You do pray qiyaam, don't you?"

"Umm… not really…I'm not sure I know how," I replied.

In reality, I was already reading Qur'an at a pace I'd never attempted before, spending ten, twenty minutes before sleep engrossed in du'aa, and putting in an effort to make thikr regularly. I wasn't sure I'd have time for anything extra.

"Please, you have to, it's really easy. It's just two rak'ahs. Two short rak'ahs. In the first one, you recite Surat al-A'laa, in the second, Surat al-Kafiroon. Ok? Did you get that?"

"Yeah… I think so…"

"Are you going to do it?"

"Umm… maybe… I'll try..."

"No, listen. You have to do it tonight, it doesn't even take five minutes, it's two short rak'ahs, that's it. But the reward for it is amazing. You have to, please, please, please."

That night, or the next – I didn't know what I was passing up at the time – with the sound of my friend's pleading voice still encouraging me, I realized I had five minutes to spare. And so I stood up and prayed with the surahs she recommended.

But I realized during the first rak'ah that I hadn't made du'aa yet that night, and why not take advantage of sujood, with my forehead on the ground and my heart closer to Allah than it could ever be in any other position? I made du'aa in that salah again and again, rising from sujood only to come back down to it in eagerness, making du'aa past the point where I could think of anything to ask for, repeating my pleas, searching for anything that could keep me in that position longer. Long and low, I held my body, pleading with my Lord, not wanting to rise from the sajdah.

I found my only-five-minutes-two-short-rak'has-salah extended. I found that I had more than five minutes to spare. And I found that I was not sparing them, but desperately in need of using them in prayer.

And the next night when I came to pray, I recalled the sweetness of sujood, the sweetness of du'aa and literally waking up hours later to find my prayers answered, the sweetness of standing before Allah… and I intended this time for a longer salah.

I decided to extend my rukoo' and the other positions of prayer with the thikr of Allah, concentrating on the words instead of just repeating them, emulating the guidance of the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wassalam in doing this, if only with a portion of the time and sincerity that he spent, salla Allahu alayhi wassalam. I stood up to read the longest surah I knew, a surah memorized for a school contest. On that night, after years of participation in them, I suddenly knew what Qur'an contests and Qur'an memorization were all about – they were about this, reciting by heart in the darkness of the night, competing in terms of prayer and salah, our silah and connection with Allah.

Years have now passed since that Ramadan. Still, I think back to those first few days of qiyaam with longing… except that I know, the way to long is not backwards towards those days, but forwards, downwards to the ground that still extends itself as a place of worship, and upwards towards Allah, the Ever-Living.

So in turn, here they are, my words to you in passing:

Pray qiyaam, it's really easy. It's just two rak'ahs. Two short rak'ahs. You have to do it tonight, it doesn't even take five minutes, it's two short rak'ahs, that's it. But the reward for it is amazing.

Take these words and run with them to the depths of sujood and nearness to Allah. Take these words and pray qiyaam tonight, this night, and every other night of your life. Take them, and don't forget – as a racer towards good in this dunya and the akhira – the baton is now in your hand.

Pass it on.

Sadaqah - Azra Tashfeen

winner 08 contest

Sadaqah - Azra Tashfeen


It was the first night of Ramadan in Columbus, Ohio. I listened with awe as the melodious voice of Sheikh Abdelkarim echoed through the ISNA convention prayer hall. My younger siblings were beside me taking turns to pray, struggling not to fall asleep. When it was over, I felt a sense of accomplishment descending upon me, satisfied that I had just prayed all twenty raka'at. After all, Ramadan was about increasing in one's worship, praying nawafil, reading more Quran, and staying up at night making dhikr, right? Or so I thought.

As we waited for the men in my family to join us, my mom and siblings sat down exhausted and thirsty. Around us, all the restaurants were closed and there were no water fountains in sight. My mom asked me to go search for a drink, anything at all, and said she would wait until I returned. I left upon her request with three little ones tagging along. "Behave!" my mom admonished them.

We walked and walked through the main hall of the convention center, passing by the crowds of people still pouring out of the prayer hall. Nothing. No sign of water, juice, pop, coffee, nothing. Finally, my little brother spotted a vending machine in a corner so I immediately pulled out a five dollar bill and waited for the people in front me to finish. They were a group of brothers, bearded ones, who seemed to be struggling to get their choice of soda. "Is it jammed?" I inquired. Apparently, all the drinks were sold out. Just when my siblings felt relieved to finally be able to quench their thirst, my insides melted in having to explain that the machine was empty. Poor kids.

"So which is the magic button?" One of the brothers asked just as a Nestle's Iced Tea popped out from the machine. It seemed that Iced Tea was the only bottle in stock. When the guys moved away, I quickly helped my little brother straighten the five dollar bill and insert it into the machine. It didn't go. I attempted once more, but still no luck."It's only taking change," one of the brothers turned around to say. When I opened my wallet, however, all I had was a quarter, a penny, and some foreign currency. So for the second time, I looked down at my little siblings and gently explained that I didn't have enough change, thus could not purchase a drink. The two girls clung tightly to my abaya as I tried to sift through my purse, keep my hijab on straight, and re-explain the concept of "SOLD OUT" to my seven year-old brother.

Before I could even zip my purse shut, however, the brothers began pulling out nickels and dimes from their pockets and held it out before me. "No, no! JazakumAllahu kheir, no it's okay!" I persistently refused. But upon looking at the three innocent little faces around me, I slowly extended my hand, cupped, so they can drop the change in it. Those brothers must have thought I was a mother of three kids, desperately seeking to feed her children. Immediately, my siblings rushed to insert the coins in the machine, one nickel at a time, shrieking, "I want to put the big one in!" "That's not fair, he already got a turn!" "Can I keep one?!" The generous men kept producing coins until they were assured the machine read $1.50. I hit the last button on the machine, and at last, out came the much waited for Iced Tea. But by the time I turned around to thank the brothers, they were gone.

I was highly embarrassed. For the first time in my life, I felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of charity. The idea of not being able to afford something had never even occurred to me in the past. Yet, now a matter of a few nickels and dimes made a world of difference. And though I didn't want to take their sadaqah, I felt compelled to accept it because there were six other people depending on me to satisfy their thirst.I went home that night awe-struck. If this was how needy I felt for one moment in time, what then of the thousands, millions of children who will wait for food every sunset of every day this month but won't receive any? What then of the parents whose hearts are crushed because they will return home to their families with nothing to feed them? I will not pretend to understand the suffering they face. But that night, just for one moment, I believe I got a taste of what it might be like to genuinely be in need of something, as simple as a drink of water, as cheap as $1.50.It is likely that I will never find out who those good-hearted brothers were. Yet, the charitable act they showed towards me and my siblings will remain etched in our faith forever. Their kindness illuminated a deeper meaning to Ramadan than prayer and fasting. It is to rekindle that sense of human compassion that is so much a part of our fitrah, that we as Muslims should care for others as we do for our own families. It is that of giving, spending from one's wealth, and doing so without attaching a "You owe me" price tag to it.

Allah SWT says in Surah Insan, "And they [the pious people who will enter Jannah] give food, out of love for Him, to the poor, the orphan, and the captive [saying] "We feed you seeking only the Pleasure of Allah; we neither want from you reward nor thanks." (76:8-9).

Dear brothers and sisters, Ramadan is the month of sharing with others. Give, give, and give more; do not underestimate the potential of even the most trivial quantity, even if it be nickels, dimes, and a couple quarters.For the brothers who moistened the mouths of seven thirsty people, may Allah SWT provide them with an endless supply of drink from the river of Al-Kawthar. Ameen!

comments :

Salaam, that was a great story, i think the best part of it was the fact the sister actually reflected on it and came to a true realization...most ppl would have just went about their day..congrats sister..wsalaam