Saturday 2 July 2011

Mana boleh seorang hamba marah kepada Tuannya?

menarik ni di sini

“Never ever feel pressured by any situation. Allah is the one who enable events to happen. If we enjoy being with Him. should’t we enjoy his script? It the ablity to understand Him that count” (taken from previous email).

However Pak Din, it is for me, easier said than done. To enjoy this part of His script (in my case) takes a lot of my energy and courage. I’m not sure how long more can I survive and stay afloat. But the survival is not for me, it is for the kids. I think, I do understand Him a little bit. Let me explain in Malay.

Waktu teenagers dulu, ada satu insiden yang menyebabkan saya sangat sedih dengan satu keputusan bapa saya (thinking back now, he made that decision because he is my father, and was trying to protect me). Pada hari tu, berjam – jam saya fikir dan fikir. Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa? Kiranya waktu tu marah dan merajuk habis dengan bapa saya. Kemudian it came to me, kenapa nak marah bapa saya, sedangkan dia hanyalah semata – mata ‘a pawn’ (in a chess game) yang, samada sedar atau tidak, cuma melakukan perintah the Mastermind (Allah taala). Kalau saya marah kepada bapa saya, samalah seperti saya marah kepada Allah. Mana boleh seorang hamba marah kepada Tuannya? Selepas tu, saya susah nak marah kat sesiapa lagi kerana saya sebenarnya bukan berdepan dengan orang itu, tapi dengan Qada dan Qadar Allah.

Is my understanding correct? Is this in line with what you said above? [the third para of your last post]. Am not sure whether this is the right or wrong way of thinking, but it definitely helped me to become more patient and forgiving to others. Including my children’s father.

Alhamdulillah saya di pangkal dunia. Wasalam.

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