Wednesday, 6 July 2011

a seeker of knowledge

from this ....


Knowledge is for sharing. Do not keep your knowledge to yourself alone. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person. InsyaAllah. How can I find happiness and peace in life? A pot of gold is said to be at the end of rainbow and so is imaginary happiness and peace in life. All this is by sharing or in concert with like minded people and if they are none find some and convert them into your line and share peace and happiness among them. I am a student of the universe, a seeker of knowledge, a lover of learning.

tp this


Knowledge is for sharing. Do not keep your knowledge to yourself alone. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person. InsyaAllah. How can I find happiness and peace in life? A pot of gold is said to be at the end of rainbow and so is imaginary happiness and peace in life. All this is by sharing or in concert with like minded people and if they are none find some and convert them into your line and share peace and happiness among them. I am a student of the universe, a seeker of knowledge, a lover of learning.


Knowledge is for sharing. Do not keep your knowledge to yourself alone. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person. InsyaAllah. How can I find happiness and peace in life? A pot of gold is said to be at the end of rainbow and so is imaginary happiness and peace in life. All this is by sharing or in concert with like minded people and if they are none find some and convert them into your line and share peace and happiness among them.

to to to

Knowledge is for sharing. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person. InsyaAllah. How can I find happiness and peace in life? All this is by sharing or in concert with like minded people and if they are none find some and convert them into your line and share peace and happiness among them. I am a student of the universe, a seeker of knowledge, a lover of learning.

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