Knowledge is for sharing. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person. InsyaAllah. How can I find happiness and peace in life? All this is by sharing or in concert with like minded people and if they are none find some and convert them into your line and share peace and happiness among them. I am a student of the universe, a seeker of knowledge, a lover of learning.
Sunday, 21 August 2011
repetition, visualization, relaxation and clarity of your goal..
and clarity of your goal..
over,over and over again.
min at 4.01
session 13 rapid technique
10% of your potential
never spend 15% of mental potential..
activate the brain cell...
Rapid Learning technique
super learning.
used only 1%
BRAIN = intelligence
is not IQ but ACTING... develop your intelligence
the same way as muscle is develop.
year and year of develope. IQ is NULLIBLE
While many people have "dreams and aspirations" about how they want their futures to turn out, very few people actually have a plan to get there.
No matter what your dreams and aspirations are, one thing is certain: To achieve them, you must have the right tools to guarantee your success.
After 20 years of research, observation and reading -- I understand what tools it takes to achieve more than the average person.
I took all of my findings and put it into a "success system" that I could share with the world...and Maximum Achievement is the written culmination of my findings.
"wahai hamba-hambaKu yang beriman! Sesungguhnya bumiKu adalah luas (untuk kamu bebas beribadat); oleh itu, (di mana sahaja kamu dapat berbuat demikian) maka hendaklah kamu ikhlaskan ibadat kamu kepadaKu."(29:56)
Ya Allah, Aku mohon kepadaMu agar Kau catatkan siapa pun yang membaca blog ini, menjadi orang-orang yang Engkau angkat kerajaannya. Engkau ampuni seluruh dosa-dosanya. Engkau buka hati yang tertutup. Engkau lembutkan hati yang keras membatu. Engkau cahayai hati yang gelap gelita. Ya Allah jadikan perkongsian ilmu ini membuatkan sisa umur kami penuh berkah. Terpelihara dari fitnah dan musibah. Amin.
Nabi s.a.w menyebut :-
Ertinya : Sesungguhnya Allah, Malaikatnya, penduduk langit dan bumi sehinggakan semut di sarangnya dan ikan di lautan akan pasti mendoakan (kebaikan) buat orang yang mengajar manusia ilmu kebaikan (Agama)" ( Riwayat At-Tirimizi, 5/50 : Tirmizi : Ghorib, Albani : Sohih).
“Ya Allah kurniakan kebaikan yang datang mendadak kepada kedua ibubapa, suami dan anak-anak, keluarga, semua sahabat-sahabat, rakan sekerja, jiran, semua Muslimin dan Muslimat dan bebaskan mereka semua dari bebanan hutang piutang. Amin.
4 Sebab Video Penting untuk Perniagaan KECIL
Sekiranya anda menjalankan perniagaan, dan belum lagi menggunakan video,
saya sarankan anda perlu lakukan. Video adalah trend perniagaan penting
terkini da...
No Handphone Berkualiti
Bismillah. Banyak orang yang menceburi dunia cari duit ini melalui bisnes,
ataupun sebagai agen Takaful / Insurans, Unit Trust, Real Estate Agent, MLM
Bismillah hirRahmanir Rahim Ada yang bertanya saya bagaimana untuk fikir
bila perlu? Bukan senang untuk menahan fikiran. Ya benar sekali. Kita tidak
mampu ...
Lemon Yogurt Cake
It has been a while since I posted a recipe here in this blog thanks to my
laziness! I wanted to post some baked item since it has been a really long
Moving to a new Blog :))
Unfortunately, due to some technical problem with this blog ,this blog will
no longer be available . I have moved to a new blog called
Blog Migration / Perpindahan Blog
PERHATIANUntuk Makluman, blog ini telah berpindah ke layari alamat di atas untuk posting terbaru
dan sebarang update.Terima ...
A little matter of familiarization
Naturally I’m as happy as Larry, but with the on-going International Book
Fair in which my wifey’s heavily involved in, together with the age-old
Ed: 14-year old homeschooler Fara Ling’s speech at a recent public speaking
competition won the audience and panel of judges for her maturity. Here’s
what ...
Holiday Break
We are halfway through break and I am counting down the days. I am finding
it extremely stressful to have everyone home with the rainy weather and
lack of ...
I know, I know...
My posts are getting even fewer and further between [if that is possible]
but life and no home education going on leaves me with little outside of
the mund...
Chemistry Book
We are working towards some IGCSEs. The usual questions about IGCSE centre
around whether they are recognized as equal to GCSEs, or whether they are
Days of Our Lives 2
I have reached my limit in photo storage for this blog, and so I have
created an offshoot of this blog called Days of Our Lives 2. From now on,
all homesch...
To the allotment
we went, H and I (who was off school, sick, but was so enthusiastic about
what we were to do that he wanted to come) and made the first fire of the
year. H...
Home schooling High school
Assalm alykom:
With all my years in homeschooling, I have noticed that most families home
school in the younger grades or at least until 8th grade. I have ...
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